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  • in reply to: My boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up. #15289
    • Total Posts: 65

    Continue with your NC and stick to de-friending him. If you flip flop, it will be more annoying (from his perspective). You stood your ground and made sure you are interested in whatever he’s having. He will more than likely check you out to see what you’re doing but he can’t be sure if you will reciprocate. That will be on his mind.

    in reply to: Contacted Exgf #15276
    • Total Posts: 65


    Congratz man! You dominated the post-relationship power struggle!

    Now, you need to have a little bit of poker face. Don’t show your hand. Let her chase you. Well, she has to after all the shit she put you through. But anyway. You already know what to do. Be compassionate towards her. Say you’re sorry to hear that etc. But don’t fall into any of her traps. She will often ask you if there is any girl, if you love her etc. Say that past relationship is over and you guys are in a new place now. Just hangout, make conversation. She will eventually open up the idea of getting back together or let her actions speak for herself. RR says for the guy, sex should be the ultimate goal after a couple of dates to put the relationship back in Bliss stage so take care of that. Haha.

    • Total Posts: 65

    If that is what you feel, don’t fight it. Embrace it.

    Just continue with your life doing ordinary things. It’s perfectly ok. Don’t push yourself. It is a fact even our daily habits are affected by our ex’s but it’s unhealty to ignore those things. It will just pile up, and result in emotional breakdown. Maybe you are unaware of it now, but I’m pretty sure you’ve grown as a person. You are definitely stronger. The feeling of hopelessness will be replaced by new experiences when the time comes.

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