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  • in reply to: Got my ex back :) Keep hope everyone! #16769
    • Total Posts: 8

    This is great to hear. Hope more people can share their success stories πŸ™‚

    in reply to: She said I was too controlling #16126
    • Total Posts: 8

    Hi friends,
    Today is the day of her big event. I’m still wondering if I should wish her good luck even if I’m not going to it.
    Is this a good idea? HELP! πŸ™

    in reply to: She said I was too controlling #16010
    • Total Posts: 8

    So tomorrow she’s going to have this event that she’s been hard at work for months. It’s a movie premier and they have to sell as many tickets as they can. Their pre-sales havent been good so far so I bought two tickets in support. Both from me. I told her that “a friend” and I each bought a ticket.
    Anyway, when confirming the purchase I told her that I couldnt go and that I only bought the ticket for support.
    The event is tomorrow and I was thinking if I should wish her luck on the event, even if she hasnt replied to my previous message on Facebook?

    Or should I just wait until my friend’s birthday party before I start doing any contacting?

    in reply to: She said I was too controlling #15918
    • Total Posts: 8

    Also, if she doesnt respond to my IM until the party, should I just not contact her until then?

    in reply to: She said I was too controlling #15917
    • Total Posts: 8

    Hey Anna,
    Thanks for the support! I just wanted to follow-up what you mean by how the situation is good despite that she isnt replying to me on Facebook, even if she is liking all of my photos….

    Hi Josemasa,
    Okay. Will keep that in mind! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: She said I was too controlling #15893
    • Total Posts: 8

    So this is what has happened so far and I hope you supportive people can help and guide me through this.
    1) I already ended NC after a little over a month because a friend of ours was going to have her birthday party and I told her it would be nice if we didnt have to totally avoid each other. I did this over IM. She replied and we’re now technically talking
    2) My next message had something to do with one of her GSIs. She’s a media student and I told her about this film grant that she can apply to when she starts making her film thesis. After a couple of days she had started to reply to me and we had this one night where the conversation was going great! I was able to give her Bliss reminders of when we were in our college organization, those were the first years of us dating
    3) Now, I’m messaging her about coordinating for another friend’s birthday party, which is something that we did when we were still a couple. I’m only doing this over IM for now because she seems to be less responsive over text. But I see on Facebook that she’s “seen” my message but hasnt replied in two days. I even see her online but I wont engage until she messages me back.
    4) I have also been working on myself. In the last few months I’ve lost 20 pounds and have gone one dress size smaller. I’ve been jogging for more than a month now and I always make sure that I have plans with other people over the weekends. I even plan to dye my hair in the next week because we’ll be seeing each other in that other friend’s birthday party that I mentioned, which will be the FIRST time I see her in almost three months.

    My goal is to get back together with her before the year ends because that’s when she and I will mostly be free. I really hope this works.

    My questions are:
    1) what do you think about my situation so far?
    2) even if she’s liking my photos of facebook but not replying to my IMs, what does that mean?
    3) what should i do while waiting for that part which will be our first encounter? I’m afraid if i dont keep this momentum, I will have to start with NC again πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 8

    I’m so glad that I stumbled upon your thread. I just wanted to message that your story is giving me hope to my own situation, and i hope all goes well for you and your plans.

    It looks like things are doing great and hope you will keep updating us! I’m excited for you!

    And AZ, hope you could give more examples of scarcity because honestly I feel like that’s one of the hardest parts of this whole “get your ex back plan”.

    Anyway. More poer to you Giulia! I’m looking forward to your update!

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