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  • in reply to: Why is he doing this? #33693
    • Total Posts: 657

    I’m sticking to the NC 100%. No doubt. As of right now, I have nothing to say to him. He just crossed the line this time. Like I haven’t really cried over it and I think its because I am so numb from the verbal abuse that I just don’t care right now.

    We definitely have to stick with this one together. I need support and I’m sure you do too! You can definitely talk to me if you want!

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Why is he doing this? #33651
    • Total Posts: 657

    He has called me 3 mores times today. His last call he left a message saying “Please call me back”. I never ever expected him to act like this. I figured after that night he would have never tried to contact me again.

    I’m doing this for me. However, it is going to help him by creating this emotional negative sting that he won’t be able to get out of because he is so used to me answering and taking care of him. I’m his comfort zone.

    Do you think he will realize everything has done and what he lost?

    in reply to: Why is he doing this? #33563
    • Total Posts: 657

    Even though nothing will make me give in not unless its an emergency, should I feel bad for ignoring him? I always feel bad if I don’t talk to someone. Also, if I shouldn’t feel bad for ignoring him, how can I make myself not feel as guilty?

    in reply to: Why is he doing this? #33479
    • Total Posts: 657

    Normally I give in and am really sweet to him but he screwed up so bad that I can’t even say “I love him”. That’s how bad it is.

    in reply to: Why is he doing this? #33477
    • Total Posts: 657

    He literally just called me again.

    It is just so wrong. This whole situation is so unfair and wrong. I’m doing NC for my own health and sanity. Haha!

    It just confuses me why he is so desperate to talk to me now? Its ridiculous!

    in reply to: Neutral Response after No Contact #32367
    • Total Posts: 657

    No, this is definitely a big deal and I am soooo happy for you 🙂 now it is just time to be yourself! Don’t talk about the relationship and the depression like I told you not to. If he brings up the relationship just say “I just want to start fresh. Remember the good, and erase the bad.” If he brings up his depression, don’t give him advice and don’t crowd him with questions why. Just let him know you’re here and that if he ever needs to vent, you’re definitely there. Other than that, be a friend. Be the girl he fell in love with. No negativity. You have to let me know how it goes 🙂

    in reply to: Dreamy guy turned cold and harsh – I am devastated #32294
    • Total Posts: 657

    I think it is time to work on yourself. Stop concentrating on him. As hard as it sounds, it does get easier. I was with my boyfriend for 3 years. We still love each other, we still want each other in our lives, but we also want to figure our lives out. It drove him crazy when I did NC with him just this week. Now he is being kind of stubborn, but I’m not giving into it. Now is my time. Now is your time. Concentrate on your career and this guy friend of yours. Concentrate on getting yourself better and making yourself happy. You need to do that before having a relationship. He will reach out sooner or later. There is going to be a point when you just don’t care anymore. I’m going through that right now and it makes things easier. It just isn’t worth it. Once he realizes you don’t care, then he will fight for you back. Promise.

    in reply to: Neutral Response after No Contact #31886
    • Total Posts: 657

    Maybe it would be a good idea to ask him to lunch or for coffee! I understand what it feels like to have depression because I have it as well. If he has the chemical imbalance (like me) he needs therapy and will have the be medicated for the rest of his life. So it will make him feel good to know someone cares. Don’t be too overbearing. Don’t talk to him about his depression or the relationship unless he brings it up. Even then, do not give advice. As much as you want to, giving advice to a depressed person actually pushes them further away. Research depression and learn to understand it. Just take things slow, but it would mean something to him if you reached out.

    in reply to: When should I tell her I agree with the breakup? #31545
    • Total Posts: 657

    Stick through no contact for another 2 weeks. Then, when you are ready to talk to her, contact her about maybe a song or a place that took you guys back to a certain memory you two shared. When she responds, be friendly for a while. One of you will have to break the ice first about meeting up. Then, when you do, that is when you tell her about how you agree with the break up and understand everything and that you hope you guys can start fresh!

    in reply to: Neutral Response after No Contact #31048
    • Total Posts: 657

    Hi!! So, I think that the fact that he texted you back is a good sign. If he is a stubborn person, you will get those kind of responses.

    However, I think you should wait for him to contact you as of right now. I’d say after a week or so, then you can contact him and see if maybe he wants to meet up!

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