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  • in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46121
    • Total Posts: 657

    He would even brag to his brothers about how they need to find someone like me! It’s hard to understand why my best friend would do this.. you know?

    • Total Posts: 657

    I wouldn’t reach out until the next time she contacts you. You’ve already done your part!

    • Total Posts: 657

    Let her reach out to you. That definitely doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to get back together. She wouldn’t reach out, respond, hug you, want to be friends, etc if she didn’t have some form of attachment for you still there. I’m telling you that she is definitely confused and that you should just lay low for right now!

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46112
    • Total Posts: 657

    So you think I’m good to go? :/ it sucka because we were together for so long and we were really attached. I’m just like “what happened?” I’ve said this before, but literally everyone says I’m the best thing that has ever happened to him and that I’m the best he is ever going to get. I truly believe that as well. I hope all the good memories with me will return to his mind at some point. I was always there, beyond loyal, did anything and everything for him, was a huge supporter, etc and I hope he realizes how much I really did care..

    • Total Posts: 657

    All I can say is she has her guards up. She’s probably confused because at the time she thought breaking up was right but now she has feelings again. So she is going to act that way. Give her the best coffee date ever! Without acting like a boyfriend but act like a caring guy! You’re definitely going to need this time while she goes on vacation. Believe it or not she will be thinking of you while she’s there! I almost guarantee it!!

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46105
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    I felt like that “really?” was because he was irritated with me. πŸ™ but I guess he wouldn’t be irritated if he didn’t care?

    Do you guys think that for this week his reaction is going to be “She will come around”?

    Thank you so much for commenting! I need a lot of support!

    I’m just afraid that all of his distractions will make him forget about me πŸ™ like his friends, whatever girls he can get, buying things, etc.. I know we were sooooo close (its unreal) and that we dated for 3 years and had the best connection ever, but what if that isn’t enough? I hope he misses me because I know I will miss him..

    Thank you guys!

    So, my friend was on facetime with her boyfriend while I was driving and was like “(name) called me and said he got pulled over on his bike and got it towed” (her boyfriend doesn’t know what we are so he doesn’t know that I’m not talking to him lol) That scares me and upsets me because I am always there for him and I feel awful for not being there now.. But I can’t be there.. I’m not going to contact him, but I just wanted to vent about that! but it is funny that my ex contacted him because they used to be friends but after the break up her boyfriend hasn’t really been in contact with him and my ex mentioned something to me about it the last day we saw each other. I texted me ex the day that I sent him that message and told him her boyfriend wants to get together.
    Also a thought that came to my head was, he must be okay and not care since he is acting fine. Am I overthinking and being ridiculous?

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46086
    • Total Posts: 657

    His last message to me when he went those 5 messages was “really?” because I never responded. I’m scared he is going be like like, I’m done and I don’t care about her and blahblahBlah. Which may be his first reaction but I hope after a while he will realize and miss me..

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46082
    • Total Posts: 657

    I’m never that his last text me was “really?” So then he is done and he won’t care πŸ™

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46075
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    I just hope it makes a difference and brings him to reality… πŸ™

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46064
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    I’m so blessed to have you guys!! I talked to me therapist today and this is the way I look at things. I will explain to you the first 2 ways I looked at things, and then I’ll explain to you the way I’m looking at it now. Could you guys correct me if I’m wrong about the third one?

    1) If I Sent The Message:
    I would do it because honestly, yes I am done. It would be closure for me but at the same time I would hope at some point it would have an impact on him because I have never said it before. I felt that it could be best just for me. Because I’m someone who likes to say what I need to say.

    2) I Will Just Go Into Straight Indefinite NC:
    I would do this because it may just be easier for me to do it that way. I wouldn’t have to have the fear of him attacking me or laughing at me. But at the same time I don’t want him to think that I’m playing games and that I will come back.

    3) The Way I Am Beginning To View Things:
    When I texted him Thursday night saying “Lol I knew it. Thanks a lot (name)…” and he texted me 5 times and called me 2, I feel like that could have been my “I’m done” message. Because I didn’t go into detail, it is a complete mystery to him, and now he’s left hanging. So therefore if that is my “I’m done” message and then I go straight into NC, at first he will expect “oh she will text me in a week and everything will go back to normal”, but then when I don’t text him, it will shock the shit out of him and really make him think. Do you agree?

    My therapist said that either way I decide to go it will have an impact on him later down the road because he was with me for over 3 years and he loved/still loves me, plus I was his first love and I ended things for good so it takes away his power. She said that he hasn’t gone through the grief cycle yet because I was always still there and he had that connection. Whereas I’ve gone through it forever because I only had a little connection. She said it is up to me to decide what way would be best for ME. So that’s why I thought of the third way? So I can just leave things as is and I can move on in the hopes that something will work out in the long run. Hopefully it will help his confusion!

    in reply to: MET THE EX #46009
    • Total Posts: 657

    Can you give me a reason why he wouldn’t be concerned about you at all? Like what makes you think that? :/

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46008
    • Total Posts: 657

    I just need to know if that is the best thing and the right thing to do..

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46007
    • Total Posts: 657

    I’m sorry guys :/ I was a cry baby last night and tonight I’m so irritated. I’ve been sick and not sleeping so I’ve just been rough :/. I’m not trying to be mean to you guys and you have no clue how much I appreciate your time!

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46006
    • Total Posts: 657

    @dragongirl My friend isn’t trying to help me get him back. She is telling me that I need to take care of myself and stop letting him control me. I guess I didn’t make it that clear, I’m sorry :/ She doesnt care how I do it, as long as I do it. She loves him and us together, but she is 100% right. He has had control over my life forever now..

    But I do swear to you that I express no emotion. I flat out tell him this is why I’m done and I deserve better.

    We were so close for that long. He’s had all my mushy gushy letters. He has never heard me say I’m done Though. I guess that’s how I wanted to get my power and shot him I’m done.

    but you really think NC after our conversation last night is going to work out?

    in reply to: Should I just go back to contact or what? #46000
    • Total Posts: 657

    It doesn’t matter… it would feel so much better just dropping it all. But I felt so guilty for doing that the past 2 times. Not so much the first time, but last week definitely. I know there are games being played but I know he doesn’t plan on letting me go. I know for a fact that he loves me and wants me in his future. He is just a selfish person. Like I said previously, he has mentioned to me before about how hard he is “trying”. He really thinks he’s trying.

    I do care if he thinks that way because then that makes him want to give up. That makes him think less of me. Just like it did for me. I would never do what he’s done to me to anyone. I hate games and it makes me feel so bad.

    But if I scared him last night by saying “Lol I knew It. Thanks a lot (name)..” and he texted me 5 times and called me, do you think my message could have been the “I’m done” message for him? And my silence now will make a difference?

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