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  • in reply to: The ex says ‘it’s too late’ #23249
    • Total Posts: 7

    Thanks guys for the replies, I really appreciate them. God Bless!

    LAbound, I guess I didn’t commit fully to her because of past hurt that I experienced in my previous relationship for 5 years… I know this is not an excuse anymore therefore I WILL GET HER BACK!

    in reply to: The ex says ‘it’s too late’ #23121
    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi Maria

    The 30 day NC period is almost at hand so how do I break NC?

    in reply to: The ex says ‘it’s too late’ #19107
    • Total Posts: 7

    Thank you Maria, I promise to keep to the NC rule this time

    in reply to: The ex says ‘it’s too late’ #18952
    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi guys, yesterday she seemed desperate to talk so offered to speak to her, I broke the NC Rule, she said how much she missed me and she wants me back but then today she said she’s scared and can’t do this, please advice what I should do as I already broke NC so I’m really confused now as to why she’d change her mind within a day

    in reply to: The ex says ‘it’s too late’ #18521
    • Total Posts: 7

    Thanks guys for the response, because I wasn’t talking to her and she can see I am she says ‘Hello, u seem to ignore me on everythg but I just dont understand why. I wantd us to end thgs but I nvr wantd u to stop tawking to me. Everythg I said and did was for u to let me go but it didn’t mean I dont care. You had my heart for 3 years. I’ve becum hard yes but not talking to me, please tell me why???’ … So I guess NC is starting work

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #18184
    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi, I’m currently on day 5 with NC and my ex contacted me but I didn’t reply, she saw I read the message then said ‘I was told not to talk to you and now u ignore me’ and then asked if I’m gonna completely ignore her, what should I do? Continue ignoring her until she don’t talk to me again which I don’t want to happen or do I talk to her but be cold in order for her not to walk away completely?

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