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  • in reply to: Please help me guys. #34534
    • Total Posts: 300

    Stopped the counselling today.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34533
    • Total Posts: 300

    14th will be two months apart though.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34532
    • Total Posts: 300

    I’m not anxious now at least.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34531
    • Total Posts: 300

    I don’t know. No and yes I guess. There’s two paths in my life right now. The one I enjoy, and the one that is shit. I love the woman.

    Life is fine I suppose.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34524
    • Total Posts: 300

    You remember right indeed. I just said no worries, thanks for letting me know. Thanks for the advice.

    Weekends are the only time we have to meet unfortunately!

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34520
    • Total Posts: 300

    She hasn’t before really. I cancelled on one of our meets, shouldn’t have but what can you do.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34511
    • Total Posts: 300

    I don’t even know if she is taking me for a fool you know. I think she is just refusing to involve herself emotionally. Makes sense. Over.

    She just can’t do this weekend.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34509
    • Total Posts: 300

    I probably just won’t even text back. Something equally muted if I do. No point.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34497
    • Total Posts: 300

    So she bailed.

    “Hello, I’m really sorry I can’t do this weekend. Will you cuddle them both for me please. Xxx” (the cats)

    What the hell does that even mean? This is fucking stupid now.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34469
    • Total Posts: 300

    Thanks for the comment Patrick, that really helps me. She seemed to have a negative view of our relationship still when we met, apologised for an argument we had years ago that I can’t even remember.

    I went through our texts for the last few months before the end, found there were a few fights inbetween all the nice moments. Things I shouldn’t have said, a side to me that isn’t there any more.

    She already knows about the letting me go thing though. She said that when we met. Said that it’s so hard to see me living my life and knowing that I’ll be moving on, but she must let me go. I got to tell her those things when we met, and I really am doing them for me. I’ll just continue, whatever comes next will come I suppose.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34437
    • Total Posts: 300

    Well, I think that’s a good mindset. I would appreciate your thoughts on where I’m at. To be honest I’m settling that there isn’t much I can do about it all. She knows how I feel about her, what else can I do. She’ll probably bail on me. I get nervous when I talk to her even by text, and she said she was really nervous before she came down last time, so I imagine she’ll bail.

    Wish I’d been stronger the last time she saw me, just so we didn’t have to face all those emotions. I don’t much like it, and it doesn’t give us too much to look forward to. The nice moments were really, really nice though. If she will just put her guard down, even for a day.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34421
    • Total Posts: 300

    Holy hell Patrick. That’s a turn of events. I won’t even pass comment if you don’t desire. But that’s certainly a turn around. Or something new at least.

    What do you think I should do in my situation?

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34417
    • Total Posts: 300

    Eurgh. No response to my text. Not that I was expecting one. All this no contact business is really messing with my head. Makes me think her I don’t know was just somehow to try and not hurt my feelings.

    I’ve been thinking about just texting to say I’ll be at hers at so and so time on Saturday. See you then.

    I just don’t really know what to do.

    in reply to: Please help me guys. #34328
    • Total Posts: 300

    How’re things with you by the way?

    in reply to: Help Please #34327
    • Total Posts: 300

    Good man.

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