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  • in reply to: Mixed feelings on boys logic? #70249
    • Total Posts: 35

    Well I’ll tell you some things that might help figure him out. I was his first and only. This girl is now the second girl he’s been with. He’s always always hated girls that’s been with a lot of people and whenever they’ve asked to hook up (even when they were really attractive I think) he would still turn them down. It’s so crazy that he did this since it’s completely not like him. Like I’ve said we broke up now three times because of me. Part of me feels like he did this because I’ve done it. Last time we broke up I thought we would never get back together so I had two rebound relationships, when we got back together it tore him apart since he didn’t do anything and I was still his only. This time we broke up (it’s been a month now) he’s been with that girl while I know for a fact I’m not trying to get into any rebounds since it was such a mistake last time. Is it possible this could be a rebound? And he feels less guilt about doing it since I’ve done it? I know he was extremely insecure that I had a rebound last time and would constantly bring up how I have “experience” while he has none. Thank you for the response btw πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Mixed feelings on boys logic? #70248
    • Total Posts: 35

    Will do :). And I’m not going to but gosh I have so much hatred built up for her when I shouldn’t. Thank you so much for that, I’ve tried hard before to change myself and though it lasted for about 4 months, I did go back to my old ways and forget about the steps I took to be a healthy person :(. I’m going to schedule an appointment soon, so a permantely healthy life can be lived πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Mixed feelings on boys logic? #70178
    • Total Posts: 35

    Thank you so much, you’ve been so kind to me I appreciate it. I had a really rough childhood so I am going back to seeing my psychiatrist, hopefully she can help me change my toxic ways. He’s never been the type of guy that would sleep around though so I was shocked, when thanksgiving comes around what do I say? Just happy thanksgiving or try to create a convo?!

    in reply to: Confused and scared… #70131
    • Total Posts: 35

    Any update on the situation? I’m almost 18 and my ex and I were on and off for over three years so I understand how you feel about having a long term relationship when you’re young lol!

    in reply to: 2nd breakup – tips for getting over an ex? #69828
    • Total Posts: 35

    I am so sorry, I do understand what you’re saying though and do agree. You deserve better, maybe one day your paths will meet again? And hopefully it’ll be a better path πŸ™‚

    in reply to: 2nd breakup – tips for getting over an ex? #69475
    • Total Posts: 35

    This is my third break up with my ex, but we are also in high school and have gone through a LOT. Are you sure you don’t want to be with your ex again? Have you asked him if anything specific happened for him to end it… that sounds so strange for him to go from planning a future with you to just ending it.

    in reply to: How long should NC last for me? #69321
    • Total Posts: 35

    Yeah sadly… But honestly thank you SO much Patricia, you truly helped me with a lot. I appreciate every bit of advice you have given me πŸ™‚ I hope everything works out for you as well

    in reply to: How long should NC last for me? #69271
    • Total Posts: 35

    He’s not in a relationship. It’s harder when you’re in high school and grew up with each other. I mean we’re young, I’m not too hard on myself with the mistakes I made. This was both of our first and only real serious relationship, it would be different if I was in my 40’s and making these mistakes I personally believe. I’m learning but eventually I will get to be where I need to be πŸ™‚ thank you for the advice Patricia. Hope you have a good one πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Am I doing the right thing? #69172
    • Total Posts: 35

    You’re right. I just don’t understand all of this. I’ve never not wanted to
    talk to
    him so it literally doesn’t make sense for me. I was just asking in the way what the reasoning is considering
    he’s talking to a girl that he talked badly about? But I
    should just accept that he doesn’t want to talk for now. It just sucks it’s our senior year and were not together since we were since 8th grade. But I can do
    this. Thank you so so much for replying and the advice! I will for sure apply them to myself.

    in reply to: Am I doing the right thing? #69170
    • Total Posts: 35

    I wished I could send you screenshots but I’ll type it.

    I asked him “Are you and (the girl) together now?”
    He said : I did care. But we aren’t good and aren’t going to be I realized that things just changed for me. I’m not with (the girl) idk who told you that and I really don’t care who did either. Aren’t you happier without me?”
    I said : “Are you?”
    He said: “Yes”
    I said: “Do you mean that”
    he said: “Yes I am happier not in that relationship anymore”
    I said: “No I’m not happier without you. I realized my faults and have been improving on myself for the past couple of weeks. We could be good together after permanent changes are applied, a lot of my actions were slowly becoming toxic and if removed we would have been happy for all these years and years on. I think we were extremely good together. Yes we had problems but nothing that couldn’t be fixed.. I’m not asking to get back together, I’m asking for us to be friends. You were honestly my best friend, it’s hard to talk to somebody everyday for soooo long to nothing. You meant a lot to me and there’s a reason why you were in it for all those years. It doesn’t have to be anything personal, just friendly.”
    he said: “Not now. Maybe we can be friends later but not now and I’m not telling you this to get your hopes up because I don’t know if we will. I’ll be friendly but I still don’t want to talk”
    I said: “Why do you say not now?”

    I did decide I will definitely give him his space, I’m just confused a bit on all of this. I know I messed up in the relationship but I also did have my good moments too. I wasn’t always negative. I showed a lot of love and was true to him always. But thank you for replying, I appreciate all the advice I can get truly. He’s an amazing guy… It wasn’t a rumor I heard! He’s having sex with the girl so I was just asking if they’re together now..

    in reply to: Am I doing the right thing? #69167
    • Total Posts: 35

    I asked him “are you” and he said yes. my heart honestly hurts a lot right now.

    in reply to: Am I doing the right thing? #69166
    • Total Posts: 35

    I appreciate every single word you said as it was extremely helpful. Thank you for it and I will definitely follow through with what you said. He texted me now and said “I do care. But we aren’t good and aren’t going to be I realized that things just changed for me. I’m not with (her name) idk who told you that and I really don’t care who did either. Aren’t you happier without me?” What do I say to that..?

    in reply to: Am I doing the right thing? #69161
    • Total Posts: 35

    Oh and last time we broke up he blocked me on everything but we were in the same after school program so eventually we became friends and then back together. This time, he didn’t block me on anything, we still have each other’s location (an app you can do on iPhones) So I’m not sure what to do…

    in reply to: Will NC even work for my situation? #69145
    • Total Posts: 35

    That is true, he asked today why I want to talk to him and I said “I missed my best friend, why don’t you want to talk?” and all he said was “Because”. It’s hard for me to not want to talk to him. Is NC working for you or so do you think it will?!

    in reply to: New Girl. #69122
    • Total Posts: 35

    I think trying things out with her isn’t a bad idea, she could be better than your ex even? You said your ex is in a rebound relationship so it wouldn’t hurt to have some experimenting.

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