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  • in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33377
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    That’s a mean thing for her to say… that’s y u need space from her toxic hateful messages. Since ya share a child together she needs to reach u for things she will be forced to come see you if u change your number…lol. then play it cool as if you have a new chick yourself… act like your busy and she’s holding u up from something listen to her and then be like ok I gotta go. Smell killer good too.. all the time.. you’ll never know when she’s gonna pop up.Tell her your phones broke. Lol maybe so changing your number would help u stop the impulse to contact her. but maybe u could get a free phone give her that number when u tell her you’re getting a new phone. after NC if she improves her behavior give her your new number main number. If u meet someone new give them your main numbe Then u can check that special phone from your ex as needed.

    in reply to: I broke NC again #33376
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    This is my 1st day of NC and yeah it is sooooo hard not to contact who I thought was the man of my dreams. I never thought he would refuse to call me after a misunderstanding so we could talk it out..that’s a childish way to fix a problem .Its rotten of him to treat me this way… and what sucks the most is that I still have the nerve to miss him. I wonder if he texted me today. Lucky me I confined him to a phone I barely use and I’m going to leave it at my moms house until I am happy then I will check the messages. Maybe u should change your number because its agonizing. For someone to not call u and u know they have your number or find a free blocking app

    in reply to: When she says she needs "SPACE" #33166
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I don’t think u should wait that long man maybe wait a month for her to respond to u and then move on… u have a life too. But its your choice how u spend it.

    in reply to: When she says she needs "SPACE" #33165
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Maybe she knows about the no contact rule too. I think the sequence of things means her own process of deciding to get back with you.. it sounds like u have a chance… she didn’t say no to you.. she just needs time. Wear killer colonge the next time ya meet… us ladies can’t resist a killer scent.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33164
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    You be strong Mr Cat from one cat to another… u r not alone. We going thru it too… I began going to church and stepping up my workouts.. u may find after its over u may amaze yourself and won’t want her anyway…That’s what I hope happens to me… I won’t be Needy after him so he cant walk on me. I’m taking my power back and SO YOU TAKE YOUR POWER BACK. LET’S NOT CAVE IN AGAIN.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33163
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I’m going to start fresh 2mmorow. I felt a break up was about to happen weeks ago so I had already erased all pics in my phone and confined him to a free emergency goverment phone that I rarely use ANYWAY… so I can just throw it in a drawer and do my 30 dayz…yeah Love hurts.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33159
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    He never said we were thru but he did ignore my requests to call ever since last Fri… I think its childish for us not to talk this out.. But that’s him. He’s inconsiderate to me by not talking to me over the phone. But I was concerned about his feelings that I told him I need space. Which I shouldn’t have..Because that was the moment he texted me when I went missing for 2days. and then I made contact on day 3 retracted via text and said idk.. do you think you need space. Then I went sappy I told him I missed his voice. He still wanted to text stubborn messages instead of working things out. So I’m done being confined to texting it out rather than talking it out like adults r suppose to

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33156
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Don’t feel sooo bad. I did the same thing and I realized it was a mistake as soon as I hit the send button. I did it because well I was on day 3. And on day 3 he texted me. I got sooo excited and I was like yes this it working. I am a considerate person and I wanted to let him know I was needing space but the instructions even tho I read them a thousand times they say only tell them you need space if they are CALLING YOU OR TEXTING YOU LIKE EVERYDAY. He only texted once and like an idiot I was like I need spaace for a while…. but when I think about it he never said we were thru he just confined me to text him about our issues and he wouldn’t pick up the phone.

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