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  • in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33864
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    You’re awesome and Nobody should call u a piece of anything in a negetive way. We all r responsible for our behaviors but people can trigger things to bring out your worst side.. she should be bringing out the best in u. Most of the time.. did she?

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33862
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Mr Cat22. I read about her name calling u on twitter.. Sigh.. I know she is the one u adore but must she talk that way! She seems really mean and a real hot head. I don’t like her too much… just make sure that u really want to be with her.. it sounds like u could get with someone nicer… u have to think about your future.. Like if she is marriage material… u don’t wanna fight like that if ya had kids. Nobody needs to talk 2 u like that… U need to tell her if u make changes she needs to make some too and stop cursing at u when she’s mad.. or that she should make an effort. She’s not perfect either and she needs to change too

    in reply to: When ex start missing you #33751
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I see what they r saying but Rember Mr cat22 this is WHAT SHE ASKED FOR SHE SAID SHE WANTED SPACE. And you are simply giving it too her. She let a good man go. Its her loss if you move on. But you r not being childish or abusive… gotta get ready for church now ttyl.. and it was also childish for my ex not to talk it out and wanted to text it out and that’s why I’m doing this and I’m going to be less clingy and work on me.

    in reply to: feeling hopeless and confused #33750
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    DIVjun you’re. Awesome to do this as long as you have and didn’t break NC when someome suggested you to. So what if he called at 3 in the morning.. its great to let them worry about you… you also give me strength to know what to do when their texts begin to get emotional. When he said I’m scared!!! Yeah I bet he is scared to lose you:-)

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33747
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    The sex they had must have been pretty lousy if she still wants to talk to Ryan. It could have been rebound sex..Nothing more. I’ve done that before and it meant nothing… but one time it did help me get over a jerk because the rebound was much better!!! I realized I could do much better.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33745
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Mr Cat22 you said the magic word… you think she’s still pissed off at you… which means its a STRONG CHANCE she IS thinking about you. Everyday u wait is another day we get THE UPPER HAND! When she stops acting pissed and ya not together that’s when u need to worry. Because when you are over someone you don’t get mad at them anymore… yeah I bet she’s still in the pissed phase but that’s good because her missing the hell out of you phase is just around the corner lol!!!!! happy clean 1st month start everyone! This1st week is going to be sooo cool yeah. he will notice I’m not doing anything to win him over. I don’t have to jump when he says jump. If he wanted to work this out he should have picked up when I called him a thousand times

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33744
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    RYAN dooooo not tell her about the Make out that is nothing compared to what she did. She said she didn’t care to know Because she did more break up damage than u did. Ya were broke up and stupid stuff happens during that period. That wasn’t cheating because ya were broke up so that don’t count Baby!!!!! That don’t count.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33712
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I think you’re awesome…but I said that before.:-) you seem like a cool dude to me. You’re ex needs to wash her mouth out… I also think I would have anger issues to with her if she talked like that to me on a regular basis…lol:-) I would want to leave her alone.. But my guy did jerky things to me too…and we still seem to love them thru their mistakes and they can’t thru ours… Uggggh! But if they need space give it to them.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33710
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    MR Cat22 you didn’t ask a question… but I read that u looked at her page.. I don’t think that’s 2 bad.. at least u already went Thru 2 weeks of NC… but in your case after 2 weeks she still is being stubborn so I guess the answer u r saying to me is to still stay in no Contact. Hmmm that’s a tough pill to swallow:-\

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33706
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Today has been a great day people literally couldn’t keep there hands off me lol.. the man at work initiated a side hug so I did lol and an older man brushed my cheek on my face as you would do a kid and said I had great skin.. lo. Yeah its been a good day. I was trying to say that I sure as hell am going 2 weeks in NC. I want him to worry.. were in a long distance relationship and he was suppose to visit here cause he’s got kids here and I’m here.. we don’t have kids together… but he would never say when he was coming which bothered me b4 the split. I will check the texts after 2 weeks.but I don’t plan to call.. I will ask for advice if he’s giving a date of his arrival… maybe I could tell him I don’t want to talk until he gets here? Anybody do u think that’s wise? Mr Cat22?

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33700
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    MR Cat22 Sigh thanks for the compliment.. and Its not a relapse if you didn’t contact her.. YOu were STRONG NOT TO MAKE THE CALL NOT TO TEXT HER.. THAT’S AWESOME… YOU’RE AWESOME. yeah I don’t want to date anyone either.. but oh well. Were getting stronger everyday… I. Think you still have a good chance with her… she can say she won’t miss you all she wants but life happens and I think she will notice after 2 weeks you’re not kissing her A.. and I think she needs to know you’re not a door mat in this relationship. So what if you had some insecure issue and anger issues. Work on them.. Never hit a woman.. choose to walk away when things get heated or whatever they say in your therapy class. But the begging like I did… it makes us look weak.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33656
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Mr Cat I don’t know anything about twitter.. but if u look at her page does that mean she can tell who visits her page? I admit I called my other phone to see if I had any messages today from him.. he never leaves messages even when we were on good terms…I can check that anywhere but I can’t check the texts… but I guess I did a form of relapsing too… Someday we will be able to get mad at them soo much about their stupid behavior that we can focus on someone new… I’ve had a man at work notice me.. he’s never noticed me b4. But I have been losing weight.. I’m not intrested in him at all but it sure is a boost to my day anyway.. and I did dress up to show off my changing figure..

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33625
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I know I said I wasn’t going to come here but oh well its not such a bad thing to come here.. this is a support system… Ed I know this is one of the most hardest things u. R doing in your life…. BUT.. u gotta give yourself time to feel better and time for her to miss u. I’m on day 3 and I know it hurts. I said I wasn’t going to cry about it but I did briefly yesterday.. I’m soo glad he doesn’t have my main number.That would be torture. I’m focused on losing weight and school work too.I feel better today tho. SO Edward I would do what the author tells us to do…Right now do I feel I could do 30 days….idk but that’s just how I feel right now but I sure as hell am going him to miss me. I want him to miss me and maybe worry about me.. I want him to imagine all kinds of senarios about me and time creates a lot of thinking.

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33382
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I’m going to try not to visit her since this is giving this dork more time for me to think bout him… I will come here on days I may cave in and I hope somebody here supports me… I wish u all the best Mr cat22.. I’m going to focus on recreating a normal day of doing things to make me happy and being my own dj in my car and only listen to upbeat music…

    in reply to: I think I made a mistake #33380
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Always wear killer colonge. That’s what grabs any womans attention.. trust me and look your best like a celebrity.. I am killing my workouts. He’s going to eat his heart out if he sees me again.

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