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  • Casio3
    • Total Posts: 1

    I suppose officially this is day 9. I am hoping that by expressing myself here will get me some good feedback and stop my insanity im feeling. We had a 6 month relationship where we lived 45 min apart from each other. she was laid off from her job but living with a severance package which made things like a long vacation. We did so much together. parks, lakes, festivals, hotel weekends and the like. She even overlooked the fact that i had a restricted license and did the lions share of the traveling and driving. she did so much for me it was unlike any other relationship I have ever had before. just before christmas last year I got my license back and bought a new vehicle. within 3 weeks she finally found a new job, and then she just told me she had moved on. she flat out denied that it was because of her new job, it was more from the fact that I wasnt there for her when she needed me. again, I see there were times i should of done more, but trying to play catch up has made things worse. I accepted things gracefully at 1st, then around the 1st of the year I made an ass out of myself and got way over emotional, then spent the next 6 weeks trying to stuff the genie back into the bottle, so to speak. I found this website and got some great info which i am thankful for. So now im going thru NC, and its true, its like breaking an addiction. I did the FB looking for a bit, as well as noticing her back on the dating website we originally met on. I wish i would of just let the dust settle and shut up. I would be in a much better place right now. If anything more, thanks for listening. the 5 min this took to write was like a 1 mile jog, and it felt good…

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