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  • in reply to: 10 year relationship ended. I am devastated :,( #53241
    • Total Posts: 10

    Hey, @aken

    First of all, I am extremely sorry for your situation – 10 years!! It’s a bless and a sin: you have better chances of getting him back, but your pain must be practically unbearable! :/

    Since you are the woman and he is a guy and you said that he never knew what HE wanted in life but YOU were always attempting to figure it out, I started picturing him as kind of a immature guy, while you, as ‘his mom’. Please, correct me if I’m wrong at this point.

    This whole thing of ‘I wanna travel, see the world…’ sounds very very vague, like someone who has no clue of future, ambitious, goals; someone who is almost bored. Trying new things maybe give him a reason to live, make his heart beats fast. Or maybe he’ll realise that he had all (nice and longing relationship) and that the world ‘outside’ is too scary.

    In both situations, I really think you should give him space, choice. Just leave him. Pushing/guiding him is only gonna make him go further from you.

    In the meanwhile, try to rebuild yourself (again: it must be really tough for you! 10 f**** years! :/): go see your friends, reconnect with family, hobbies, gym, etc.

    I think he might contact you. Even if he doesn’t, reach him after the period of him experimenting the world without you. Cause remember: he will go through the same as you (after 10 years seeing someone, being alone).

    Anyway! Hope I could help a bit πŸ™‚
    Good luck

    in reply to: 30 days of NC completed. Advice would be appreciated #52866
    • Total Posts: 10

    Hey, @Platinum!

    well… according to the plan, the next step is reaching him with the letter, I believe.
    However, you gotta assess your own feelings beforehand to be 100% if you want him back cause, as you said, you are no longer sure about it, even though you still love him.

    The fact that you hate him just reinforces your feelings for him, but it doesnt mean that you want him back. So, before making any move, be sure you want him back. And Id definitely go with the letter (I actually did it a few days ago).

    Good luck πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 10

    Hey, all one.

    to be honest, I didnt read your story your again, so I dont remember how long ago you’ve been apart from each other, why, how, etc etc.

    However, Kevin says in “Sneaky Signs Your Ex Still Loves You (Even If They Say They Don’t)” that liking you and then unfriending on FB is a good sign regardless any background – isnt it?

    Breaking up is draining, trying to get back is even worse. But you decided to give it a shot, dont give up now that you are kinda far. I know it’s hard to keep being positive with so many confused signs (my ex checked my profile on an app around 5-6 times in 2 weeks and then unfollowed me…). If you are blue, cry, call a friend, go to the gym. That’s how I’ve been coping with the ‘bad days’ (some days I am awesome; some others, I feel like crying at the first moment I open my eyes).

    Hope I could give you a bit of help!
    Good luck πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 10

    Hi, @nesq!

    For me, it sounds he is just opening friendly communication with you, which is really good.
    He says he wants to be friends with you only and that’s the way you should see him, BUT he says he thinks about you and blabla, so it is dubious for me.

    I think you should just go with flow and be cool πŸ™‚ play his game. Be a friend, but flirt. If he flirts back, so dive even deeper lol

    I think it’s a very good sign and I’m excited for you! Hehe please updates us

    Good luck!!

    in reply to: Is this a good sign from my ex gf ?? #52392
    • Total Posts: 10

    That’s awesome πŸ™‚
    Anyway, you guys are basically getting together yes. Congrats.

    Would you mind give me an insight in my topic pls?

    in reply to: Is this a good sign from my ex gf ?? #52388
    • Total Posts: 10

    I think it is a very good sign πŸ™‚
    better it took you half a hour to call her! That is so nice, man! Congrats

    quick question: how long have you guys been apart? How long was your NC period? Did you send something after that?

    in reply to: He called after 50 days of NC #52201
    • Total Posts: 10

    Sorry, all one, but for me it sounds like he sees you as a weak and needy person still.

    Independent of trying to move on or get him back, you gotta change it. Act like you don’t care and like you are healed, specially because it’s been 50 days, so he is assuming you are still hurt and you can show him you are doing good.

    Idk, maybe a msg? Something that says ‘oh, ok. That’s alright :)’ idk. But I feel you need to change the way he sees you.
    Btw, it sounded a bit rude for me. Or maybe he was like ‘testing’ you. Anyway, show you are fine πŸ™‚

    in reply to: He called after 50 days of NC #52188
    • Total Posts: 10

    Hey, all one

    Idk, even if it’s just to return stuff, calling is a bit more ‘caring’ than a text or email. I think it’s a good sign yes (even though you definitely should modulate your expectations!)

    And yeah, it sounds like, even after 50 days, he still produce very intense reactions on you, which can be harmful in terms of showing who you are and how hard you worked out to improve yourself.

    So, try to take a deep breath or count till 10, etc, every time you think about him. I know it’s silly, but you gotta tell somehow your own body that you don’t wanna overreactions. Be calm πŸ™‚

    Anyway, the message is a really good idea. Good luck!

    • Total Posts: 10

    18 days of NC.
    I don’t panick and I am pretty sure I won’t talk to him for at least 30-40 days (I am proud and stubborn enough to not let me do it).

    However, I am struggling a lot with memories. Everytime I put my head in the pillow, I immediately start thinking about us being together, the good times etc and it hurts really bad. At first, I was missing him as a personality, his voice, his presence. Now I’m also craving his kiss, his touch and sex. I don’t cry anymore (not everyday), but it seems like the pain isn’t relieving.

    Thank you guys!

    in reply to: Good News for those in doubt. NC worked #50773
    • Total Posts: 10

    Thanks for sharing! It’s always good to know the final result (specially when it in fact worked!).

    Good luck with your relationship πŸ™‚

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