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  • in reply to: He needs my help but wants space #62799
    • Total Posts: 129

    That’s pretty tough. Perhaps you could go with him the first one or two times and so he feels more comfortable going. I guess you would know him better than me but if he really needs help and if you know he absolutely wouldn’t go without you, I think the right thing to do would be to go. But communication is key, make sure he knows you will only be going until he is comfortable then you nee a NC period to work on yourself. Tell him NC will also give him time to work on him an it will be good for both of you.

    in reply to: NC questions/advice/support #62792
    • Total Posts: 129

    That’s good advice Phil. I’m just worried that if I let her keep me in the friend zone, I will stay there forever. I guess I’m not sure how to get out of it haha

    in reply to: NC questions/advice/support #62758
    • Total Posts: 129

    Thanks for the input Phil! I guess I should clarify most of the stud we talk about are outside of the two of us. For example, my sister is suffering from depression and I get her advice on that. I have been working on my issues privately and have resolved some. So if you mean we should talk more casual, what’s the point? I was thinking if I started NC for another short period, maybe 2 or 3 weeks, it would make her realize how much she misses me. I know she still cares about me. But I don’t know, maybe that’s a bad idea

    in reply to: Riddle me this! Confusing ex #62745
    • Total Posts: 129

    Hey, if either of you two could give me advice on my situation, I’d really appreciate it.

    Here’s the thread:

    in reply to: Riddle me this! Confusing ex #62702
    • Total Posts: 129

    I don’t want to get your hopes up, but it does sound like she still has feelings for you. I would stick hard to NC, you’ve been doing well. Keep it up!

    People tend to act strange after a breakup, so I wouldn’t read into to much of what she does/says. If you are truly moving on (and it sounds like you are) and she’s having trouble moving on (which it sounds like), that’s her problem. She needs to find a way to work those out herself instead of just guilt tripping you

    in reply to: Did I ruin my chances? #61937
    • Total Posts: 129

    I don’t think you ruined your chance (but don’t get your hopes up too much after any breakup.) I would be strict NC for awhile though. It seems he’s made it pretty clear he wants his space right now and time away would do you well right now too. If he really is breaking up with you ‘out of the blue’ then ask yourself if that is someone you truly want to be with.

    in reply to: I feel like I’m dying #61828
    • Total Posts: 129

    Since it sounds like he was very vague in the breakup and not really wanting to talk, it seems as if he is hiding something. I would not push him to tell you, however, as it may actually want him to tell you less.

    I would stick to the NC for a while. When you contact him if he wants to open up about the breakup be fully supportive and don’t get angry if/when he tells you the reason he broke up with you.

    After that conversation you should probably have another NC period so you both can get your thoughts together. Then you will have a better idea on how to attack the issue.

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