Boards No Contact Rule Will I get him back?

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  • #68583
    • Total Posts: 6

    So my relationship was short lived-3 months. I started grad school the third month in and I was having difficulties adjusting. I kinda took out my frustrations on him through text and asked for a couple days break and ended up texting him sorry after. He doesn’t like long distance relationships or calling. I moved to the city but told him I’d go back weekends.

    Since the whole month I was frustrated he told me after the break we had been very rocky and it would be best to end it. At first I said I would respect it although I didn’t agree. Then two days later I tried my best to fix it and telling him I just needed to try to fix it. He still said he just didn’t see it working out. So I stopped texting. It was his bday weekend that weekend so I said happy birthday and he said thanks that it meant a lot and I have not contacted him since.

    I feel like I don’t have a chance anymore which isn’t the end of the world but I really cared for him and he opened up his world (introducing me to family and friends) and I’ve just never done that with anyone and maybe I’m thinking it was because I never did that with my family. I miss him and his friends. I tried to fix it but I won’t be texting him back even after the 30 days just cause I do want to respect what he said. We left in good terms and I feel like maybe that’s worse than in bad terms because at least then there’s hate or some kind of emotion involved. Does anyone think I have hope here??

    • Total Posts: 13

    If the three months were enaugh for him to get emotionally attached to you, and from what you are saying, he was, you still have a chance.
    I think he is missing you, keep on with the NC . Even if it seems so, the better terms means a shorter period of NC.Remember what kevin stated in Nc section.
    If the break up wasp particulary bad, the NC period could co up to 90 days. So if he doesn’t have negative feelings towards you, that s a sign you will be missed.
    Don’t f**k up Nc, i did and i m in a worse situation, 6 months later…
    I know it is incredible hard but you should keep it on.
    After that a nice letter of apollogy might do the trick.

    • Total Posts: 6

    He just gave up so easy though. If you really care for someone don’t you want to try? And I already said I was sorry and I wanted to try, so do you think I should still apologize again? Wouldn’t that make me look low? I just don’t want to end up looking pathetic.

    • Total Posts: 1

    I think the guys get scared when the girls are too much emotional , especially at the beginning. If you give him some time and come up with something very casual and cool to text that would work out. I think Acting more like friends and the texts not be about the relationship like Kevin was saying in 5 steps, should work in your situation. He seems interested, but not able to handle drama & stress. I would not apologize again. You have not done anything to apologize for.

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