Boards Reconciliation Why do I still think about my ex?

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  • #73455
    • Total Posts: 75

    My Ex and I broke up about 2 years ago and we’ve both moved on/had no contact since. We had kind of an ugly break up since she broke up with me and started dating someone else (who she knew I did not like) shortly after. I was doing well for a while actually and then I started thinking about her from time to time. I pushed it aside for another while and then I started thinking about her again.

    I just can’t quite understand why I still think about her from time to time. It’s like I’m hung up on her and can’t move on even though that I feel like I have. Any suggestions or thoughts to help?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @urbanoasis – It’s normal to think of ex’s. As time goes by, it usually becomes less frequent, but you will always remember. The longer you were together, the longer it takes for frequent thoughts to fade. Usually people think of an ex when they are not in a new and happy relationship with someone else. The main thing is not to dwell on her and the past. When you start doing that, distract yourself any way you can so it does not become a habit of obsessing.

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