Boards Reconciliation What is going on now?

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  • #37398
    • Total Posts: 268

    Sorry. But i meant I have tried all kinds of dates. That that only involved sex, dates without sex, dates without as much as a kiss, and dates that lasted more than just one date. Hope that explaiend better 🙂

    So last time I updated I told you how I reacted to one of her likes and went and liked one of her posts back. She has been making several posts on Instagram since then. And she basicly mentions him each and every time, but never mentions his name.

    Friday she posted about her plans for the weekend. And she wrote “…and tonight a sweet guys is coming over to cuddle, and tomorrow I get to spend the entire day with him”. So I assume he spend the night.
    Later friday evening she posted pictures of some food stuff she made ready for next days brunch and she hoped “the sweet guy liked it”…
    And today is Saturday and she posted pictures of her brunch with her sweet guy.

    So like I said: she litteraly tries everything she can to mention him in every posts possible. She has only know him for like 12-14 days. This seems very wierd. She never even did that with me, when we started dating.

    My thoughts
    After all I have read, and all I know about the different stages of a break up and G.I.G.S, this is very normal. That is also why I am more calm now then I would have been 4 months ago. This is surpose to happend. She needs to go out and experience different rebounds, and see the grass is not green on the other side. I will keep focus on becomeing a more awesome person, and keep my Instagram updated with the progress so I stay on her mind.
    This rebound guy is not to be affraid of. She just started missing some of the things I offered.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Oh, just one thing I noticed today:
    Cuddle could mean both sleeping over and not sleeping over.
    Today when she posted about her brunch I noticed she wrote: ….today I had promissed my sweet man to stand ready with brunch for him
    Sounds to me like he didnt sleep over.

    I dont necessarily think the thing she misses from ne is sex. To be honest it could just be someone to cuddle with and giver hermattention those lonely evenings at home.

    • Total Posts: 44

    not to be too blunt. She’s dating someone else. End of story. If she’s dating someone else, she’s probably sleeping with them. Just a fact of life. Answer this to yourself, how long were you dating before you started having sex? was there a lot of cuddling involved? etc. etc. Your mind is a horrible beast at some things, and this is one of them…in your mind, she’s still faithful and missing you, etc, etc. In her mind, she’s moved on and her attention is solely on someone else. Go back to relationship rewind. FORGET the grass is greener, NONE of it helps you create a plan of action. (GIGS only gives you advice, but it doesn’t help you move forward with YOUR life or move forward by recreating attraction and chemistry. She’s beyond drift and getting indifferent…which can be worse than death’s door. Just because she’s liking stuff, and paying attention DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING, and it doesn’t mean she’s missing you or interested, it’s completely irrelevant. If she was interested, or thought there was a chance with you, she’d have acted on it.

    ANYTHING else here is up to you. You’re the alpha, you’re the male, now take what’s yours, or let another man have it. I don’t mean tell her all your feelings, etc etc… or “chase” her. I mean go set some things in motion. Use instagram and Facebook to YOUR advantage and show her what’s she’s missing out on….and who knows, you might find someone else yourself.

    • Total Posts: 268

    I have no problem with it, because this was what I expected. She is dating him, with all that involves. He is giving her some of the things she needs (attention, closeness ect) and yes she does like it, and yes she most likely likes him to because of it. But since they are in the honeymoon stage right now I cannot compete with him. I will keep working on myself and improve.
    And be ready when her rebound crashes.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Time for an update
    Remeber how I said she was going to spend her Saturday with this “sweet guy”? They were going to the gym. Well… My colleague (we are close friends) was at her city. And at the gym…. And she meet my ex and her guy.

    She has seriously downgraded! According to my female friends I am an 8. And they always say I am the kind of guy that is the perfect boyfriend. The kind of guy the all want to meet.
    Well… This guy was barely a 4. He had an horrible attitude and sort of looks like a criminal. And they have nothing in common.
    I checked him out on Facebook. He is the kind of guy that likes to party hard ect. My ex hates that and is a very serious athlete, like me.

    To be honest this is very much a relief for me. In fact I haven’t even checked her social profiles this entire week. Because… Well, I found out what I was looking for. I finally know who he is now.
    This is so clearly a rebound.

    He is filling a need for her right now, and it will die as soon as she has gotten her “fix”.

    You know when you get hungry enough, you can eat almost anything? No matter how it looks or tastes, you just need some food.
    Well. My ex is hungry right now 🙂

    • Total Posts: 11

    it’s been two weeks of NC…
    she contacted me at 1st
    week now she doesn’t…. but
    she unblocked me on all the
    social medias she had
    blocked me on …and
    showing things i don’t like
    …I don’t know is she
    missing me or showing me
    that she’s so happy without
    me and not under my
    authority anymore or
    anything else …..<this is so
    confusing and getting more
    confusing day by day> …
    and I miss her a lot …. what
    should I do ?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Think you got the wrong topic

    • Total Posts: 11

    i just found u as a reliable person for good suggestions …i don’t always use this site so i don’t how if there’s a mechanism to just text you and ask for suggestions …so finding no way i posted on your post as a reply …it’s just cause i want a suggestion from u.. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268

    No there isnt. This board really needs a PM feature.
    Post a link to your topic, and I will take a look when I have time, ok?

    • Total Posts: 73

    Hey Creed, i have read almost of all ur posts that u have created.
    First of all, i want to say U seem like a very energetic, positive and fun person…
    About ur situation, i think ur ex still has feelings for u but she wants to try out different things in life … But this can be very dangerous as well because in her mind she thinks u will always love her… What she doesnt realise this can change by time…i have a feeling that by the time she realizes what she lost, u will move on…
    Its so stupid but people dont appreciate what they have when they have it…
    I hope i am wrong and she realizes what a great person u are before its too late…
    Please keep us updated 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks man. I really needed that

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