Boards Reconciliation What if I Can't Contact Her?

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  • #33027
    • Total Posts: 59

    If you want more details on the situation the story is posted here:

    Basically I made all the mistakes right after we broke up, and continued to do so for a couple months until she told me that we shouldn’t continue to talk, through phone or e-mail. I did NC and sent her the letter, but there’s been no response. I also know that she got a new boyfriend only about a month after we broke up. What can I do if she’s ignoring me completely?

    • Total Posts: 944

    I’m really sorry to say but theres nothing you can do right now besides stop trying to contact her and leave her alone to have some time and space. maybe in the future she’ll be more open to talking to you when more time has passed but for right now she doesnt want to and you need to respect that. you sent the letter, you did everything you could.
    now you need to leaf yourself heal. try to contact her again in 3-4 months and see if she’s more responsive the next time but for right now if you continue to contact her before she’s ready to talk i think it will hurt your chances.

    • Total Posts: 59

    Alright, thank you for the advice. I feel that I have already healed; I’ve had plenty of time to since we broke up five months ago. I’m totally willing to wait a few months for her, but it seems like she’ll only forget about me more and more as time passes… but if you think she might be willing to talk later, that gives me hope.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i don’t think you’ve healed enough if you are still trying to contact her with no response and posting on here. it takes time! I’m 5 months out of my break up and although I’ve come to terms with it and began healing, i wouldn’t say I’ve “healed”. it takes time. i don’t think you should wait a few months for her. the best thing you can do is get on with your life. if she comes back to you in the future, it will be your choice. what happens if you wait 6 more months for her and she is still with her new boyfriend? you will have just put your healing on hold even more. don’t wait. go out with friends, go on dates, move on. forget about her for now. you don’t know what the future holds but you can’t count on her coming back.
    as for her forgetting about you more and more as time passes, honestly no one knows. she might really start to miss you down the line or she might realize she’s moved on and is happy without you. we can’t predict it so you can’t worry about it. the bottom line is that she doesnt want to be with you right now. so theres not much you can do besides try to move on.
    im not sure if she will be willing to talk later. i don’t know her so that would be giving false hope for me to say i think she might be. i have no idea. i just know she doesnt want to talk to you right now and thats what matters. i think you can try again in the future in about 3-4 months and she how she responds but i certainly don’t think you should count on that. I’m sorry youre going through this. continue to heal and don’t wait for her.
    im 5 months out of a 7 year relationship and it sucks. for the first 3-4 months i was 100% set on waiting for him to realize he made a mistake. well I’m 5 months out now and he doesnt want to reconcile. he might in the future, but he doesnt right now so me sitting around and waiting does nothing. i need to get on with my life and if he comes back then i will see how i feel.
    you have two choices: 1) sit around and be miserable waiting for something that may never happen or 2) move on and be happy and revisit the relationship if you have the chance in the future. don’t sit around and wait. find things that make you happy! it will get easier with time.

    • Total Posts: 151

    If the other person is not interested or wanted to talk with you,its a good idea to leave them alone and walk gracefully,I did begged,cried,flowers,became a door mat,apologies,presents and what not for 5/7 months and still hope that my ex g/f will come back.But in jan beginning I gave up on everything and gave her space,i would not contact her anymore now.If she is interested she will.
    It happens for 2 reasons :-
    1) She was not satisfy with you when you were in relationship
    2) She was building hatred towards you when you did some actions which she didn’t like.
    3) You didn’t care or took her for granted.
    4) She found more better guy in terms of love and respect and she feels confident about the future.

    If you were seriously in love hold on to your emotions and I know its very tough and see if she comes back but same time live your life and not be a player but a happy person.

    • Total Posts: 59

    atea1234, the reason I feel that I’ve healed is because I’ve become a person I never thought I could be. I was depressed and had no self-esteem, but now neither of those things are true and I’ve done a bunch of other things that I’m impressed by. Additionally, I’ve reached the point where I’m willing to date other girls. However, I want to have a relationship with her and I refuse to give up on what I want (before I never would even have tried). What are your thoughts on this? Have I mostly healed, and if not, what would I be feeling once I have? Thanks for all the advice you’ve given me 🙂

    • Total Posts: 944

    hmm well thats a very difficult question for me to answer. I’m glad youre no longer depressed and your self-esteem is raised and I’m glad youre open to dating other girls.

    im not sure if i can say whether or not you’ve mostly healed! I’m kind of at the same point as you. I’ve been dating someone else casually, am open to meeting other guys, feel confident about myself, and so much happier overall. I’ve made a ton of new friends, have many new interests, etc. overall i would say I’m doing well. i don’t NEED my ex to be happy which is a huge jump from how everything was in the past. the reason i don’t think I’m “healed” is because i still think about my ex pretty much every hour of everyday. I’m able to concentrate on other things now which is an improvement but does still occupy my mind most of the time. i feel the same way you do about not wanting to “give up”, but i no longer want to take action. taking to my ex makes me antsy and nervous and stressed and thats not something i want right now. i don’t really want to “get him back” anymore but i still hope he comes back on his own.

    im not sure what constitutes being completely healed but i don’t think i will be until i can stop comparing other guys to my ex and stop thinking about us reconciling in the back of my mind. I’m all for not giving up on you want but you need to put your own happiness first and let the rest fall into place!

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Tighem, you’re ex is in a rebound relationship! Like me she left you for some other guy within a month! I know its been a while she has been with this new guy but some rebounds are long and others short but in the end its to try and forget about you and it never really works it only helps getting over the break up! Now i suggest you keep on doing what your doing keep on improving become the man you always wanted to be feel good about yourself, i know you will always love her im the same! But i still see other women, go to the gym and keep on advancing towards my career because i wont stop my life for her im living my life feel good about myself and i go to the gym to make her regret dumping me since i know she loved how i was athletic 😉 all im saying is that love never leaves its always there!you got her once you can get her again! I know people here will say move on, shes gone and bullshit like that but dont believe them fight for what and who you love because no one else will do it for you!

    • Total Posts: 59

    Thanks for the encouragement, I think that’s what most of us need on here. I’ve already improved myself past my own satisfaction and am continuing to do so. I know she would totally love the person I’ve become, if she would just get to know me.

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