Boards Reconciliation What if he never wants me back?

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  • #26469
    • Total Posts: 242

    Is there a chance out there that this can be fixable?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Should I just stay put and hope that he will contact me in the nearest month? It’s just so frustrating not knowing where he is and what he is doing and who he’s with. Feels like I am loosing my mind sometimes…

    • Total Posts: 242

    Every night I get this hopeless feeling that there is no hope for us and that I won’t get him back. And I keep picturing him with another girl or this girl he has slept with once. That at the same time as I am sitting at home, he’s with someone else. It’s so devastating to think about. This panicking feeling is so bad at night. I just have these fears. I just want him back, I can’t stand the idea of him being with someone else already. I miss him so badly. Is this irrational feelings?

    • Total Posts: 242

    It is so hard.

    • Total Posts: 242

    Will he ever want to be friends On Facebook again? I don’t understand he’s deal with deleting me there. I haven’t done anything wrong.

    • Total Posts: 242

    OKAY! Latest update!

    I was out driving this evening, very late. And when I was almost home I got a text from my ex saying: One of the front lights on your car is out.

    So I texted him back: Did I meet you on the road somewhere?

    Him: Wasen´t that you on (the name of the road) about 15 minutes ago?

    Me: Yes that would be me, was on my way home, was home maybe ten minutes ago.

    Him: Okay, yeah I was coming the other way on my way home. Good to hear. So do you have time off from your daughter on a tuesday.

    He was very curious about where I had been and what I was up to. We sent some texts back and forth, and we was flirting a bit. He told me he had been watching football with some buddies that live not that far from me. I had been at a friends house having a girls night. He was very curious that I had made some new friends and who that was. I kept my texts simple and polite, making him “work” for my replies if you guys get what I´m saying. There was a polite smiley text from both to end the conversations as it was late. I said texted back to a text he wrote me which wasn´t much to answer and I just sent him a simple smiley. And I got one back from him. Since then I haven´t heard anything since.

    Is this a sign too you think? That he is texting me out of the blue to start a conversation? I don´t know what to put into this? Advice anyone?

    • Total Posts: 242
    • Total Posts: 242

    Anyone have any thoughts on the last incidents?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Anyone? Need some advice. Is he flirting with me or is he just checking?

    • Total Posts: 242

    So sorry for all the multiple post, I despretly needs some advice on the latest incidents. Anyone have any thoughts?

    • Total Posts: 242

    Will I ever get him back?

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