Boards Reconciliation To Facebook or not to Facebook?? Help please

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  • #34537
    • Total Posts: 94

    So about 2-3 weeks ago I was feeling extremely bad about being on Facebook and deactivated it. I was frustrated with seeing my ex write on our friends walls, and the temptation to look at his page was really strong. Anyway now in thinking this was a bad idea since I want him back.

    Maybe he thinks I blocked him? Maybe he is less willing to reach out?

    So my question is- is it better to leave it deactivated to create more mystery with what I’m doing? Or to activate it and put up really positive / happy pictures?

    Advice is really needed please!! I’m thinking of reaching out to my ex soon and I don’t know if this matters

    • Total Posts: 24

    I thought about and actually deleted my facebook today. I think it will create Some mystery and If hè is curious about YOU hè might reach out.
    But most important it was to help me stop looking at her page zo i can improve myself easier

    • Total Posts: 944

    in all honesty, i don’t think it matters. if its helpful for YOUR healing, then keep it deactivated. i removed my ex as a Facebook friend on the night we broke up because it was just too painful. we have like hundreds of mutual friends so i see that he still writes/comments on my friends walls, pictures, etc. and it honestly stings even seeing just those harmless things but i don’t stalk him at all. i don’t think it will necessary create more mystery with what youre doing not having a Facebook. my girlfriends and i go out almost every weekend and there are always new pics but my ex can’t see them because we aren’t friends. on the plus side, i doubt him seeing you in happy/positive pictures would make him want to reach out either. i don’t think it will make a difference overall.

    just make sure before you reach out to your ex that you feel you are in a happy and healthy place. you don’t want to be completely deflated if the conversation doesnt go as you want it to. but whether or not you have a Facebook will have no impact overall on whether or not he wants to talk to you.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    If you want to be on Facebook then be on it. Never mind what he is doing.

    You’re not ready to reach out if these things are worrying you to be honest.

    I wouldn’t put photos up just to make sure he sees them. Put them up because you want to put them up.

    This seems to be a constant theme on this site. People have to learn to live for themselves and not for someone else.

    • Total Posts: 94

    I guess I just don’t want him to think I’m hostile towards him because of this. He probably thinks I either blocked or deleted him and his sister. Thats my only concern

    • Total Posts: 944

    i really agree with patrick. i don’t think theres really any way to get an ex back, but your best chance is to live life for YOU be, be happy, and when youre feeling confident and strong and like you don’t NEED your ex to be happy, you can reach out to see how he is.

    i don’t think youre ready yet if youre still asking questions about your chances and how to increase them. i think you need to let go and live life. hold onto hope and love for him, but until youre happy on you own, i don’t think a reconciliation can happen. worry about you and what you can do to make yourself feel better. if deactivating your Facebook, is helping your healing then great! if youre bored without it, get it back. you wont be able to let go until you start putting yourself before your ex.

    • Total Posts: 94

    I also don’t know if not having a facebook makes me look weak/ immature….

    • Total Posts: 94

    I don’t work like this. I can’t just say oh yeah I’m going to live my life and be passive about things happening. I have to try to do what I’m going to do. I have to try to talk to him. Hes a wimp and is probably scared to reach out because he thinks I hate him…which I don’t.

    • Total Posts: 94

    I don’t think I’ll ever not need him. We had a connection that cant be recreated with anyone and nor do I want to. I think its a matter of me being about to not break down in front of him or to him.. but I can in private. If I were to say that not being with him doesnt bother me it could take years. and I really dont have that kind of time

    • Total Posts: 944

    im all for reaching out and giving it your all – i just don’t think its productive until you are emotionally more removed from the situation. i definitely think once enough time has passed its perfectly ok to make contact. but i think the contact has been made only after you’ve at least found happiness on your own. if you haven’t and your ex rejects you again, you will have to start the grieving process all over again.

    • Total Posts: 94

    well isnt the point of breaking contact to become friendly with one another again? Like my first conversation isnt going to be about wanting him back.. in fact I dont really know how long I should talk to him before that comes up…

    • Total Posts: 944

    i think you saying “i don’t think ill ever not need him”, is a huge red flag at this point in time. in any relationship, we need to recognize that we don’t NEED the other person. its not healthy to rely on someone else for your own happiness. i really feel for you because I’m also in a place where i don’t want to date anyone else, where i don’t think anyone will replicate the connection my ex and i had, but at a certain point we can only do what we can do. i know you probably wont take my advice, but it is extremely difficult to “fake” being friends with someone who you are in love with. he will see right through it. of course you wont blurt it out of the blue that youre in love with him still and you’ll have some casual conversations to gauge the conversation, but i really think you should wait until youre feeling happier. i have been where you are. i was severely depressed, has obsessive thoughts and i couldn’t even fake a smile.

    I think you really need to try to put yourself before him right now and your own health. LAbound’s story is a perfect example. his ex only came back once he started to love and take care of himself. I’m not saying you should never try again – i think you absolutely should. when you love someone this much you should always do all you can. but don’t worry about how much time has passed or if he’ll forget you. you need to make sure you are ok and you are happy and healthy regardless of what happens. he will know if youre really confident of if youre faking it.

    • Total Posts: 94

    I know I shouldnt say I need him..but really I forced myself to go on some dates with other guys during this time… and holy crap. they were all so bad!! like what the heck? And I felt like I was being judged because Im not the typical girl. My ex accepted me for everything that I was. I have a crazy job history and when I tell people they dont believe me. I’m obsessed with batman lol and just weird in other ways. but he always got me and I got him too. I hope he realizes that its hard to find someone who will accept you with all of your flaws and quirkyness. So safe to say although I wasnt interested in dating anyone else I tried it to see what would happen and maybe get some more self confidence and it was a mistake.

    I feel in my heart that my ex and I are soulmates. like I knew him better than he did. The main reason for the break up was this stupid job that he took abroad. otherwise we would be together

    • Total Posts: 944

    just be patient. its only been a couple months since you’ve been out of a 5 year relationship. its normal to not have enjoyed dating yet – its still very early! just because you didnt meet anyone right now doesnt mean you are doomed forever. it was probably too soon for you.

    if you and your ex are truly soul mates then it will work itself out. i felt like my ex and i knew each other inside and out and he knew me better than anyone in the world. them leaving or coming back is out of our control. all you can do is control your own life and actions. try to focus on the positives you still have and not what you don’t have. if its meant to be it will work out in the end.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Ly I can really relate to you when you say you can’t just be passive and all that. I am like that too. Some people tell me if it’s meant to happen it will. I don’t believe that. That would implicate that there is destiny and that everyone has their own destiny and life layed down for them, so everyone would find happiness in life. And that isn’t the case at all. Half of the world, at least, will have a bad life, an awful marriage, die alone, not live past young age… So no, I don’t think that it will happen if it has too or whatever. I think of every step. And still I make lots of mistakes even after the break up. Today I am actually feeling good (I just decided I was gonna smile and enjoy the day) so it’s harder to explain to you how much I relate to you cause today I actually feel like I can live without him. But in the last two months, that happened twice or three times at most.

    Here is my post

    I was thinking of us creating an FB group or something so that we would have quicker and more consistent support if you think it’s a good idea, discuss 🙂

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