Boards Reconciliation this one is difficult!

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  • #22959
    • Total Posts: 1218

    My gut is suddenly telling me to start talking to him…and it feels rather and very confident about it, my heart seems to be agreeing. I feel that something good will happen too…I’ve also felt for months that we will get back together…Does this sound crazy?

    • Total Posts: 1012

    @confused girl

    Maybe she does like me still, but maybe its the new bf thats doing this in any case im winning but i think ill have to find a new partner for a little while before coming back to her just so i do get over her

    • Total Posts: 147

    @confused_girl If/when you do talk to or message him again then try to let him give you hints that he is getting a little emotional by saying things like he misses you or other sweet things first.

    If he says something sweet to you then you can start saying sweet things back, but try not to over do it. He will more than likely say those sort of things first and for as long as it takes on and off if he does want to make a real go of getting back together with you.

    Don’t forget that he will be nervous and will probably need space too.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    Idk what exactly to do. I keep hearing NC or talk to him when he snapchats me. Idk why I can’t get that he told me he missed me last month out of my head. Would he still?

    I feel llike doing that too

    • Total Posts: 944

    @confused_girl you need to get it out of your head. All three times I’ve seen my ex since we broke up he told me how much he loved me and missed me and kissed me all three times. It doesn’t change anything except for confusing me more in my attempt to move on. Unless your ex is saying to you: I want to get back together, you can’t keep thinking about it. Of course he will miss you after a break up, it’s natural, especially late at night when he’s lonely. It does not mean at all that he wants to get back together. Don’t obsess or read into it at all. He probably doesn’t even remember saying it.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    I just started thinking about it randomly…all of this is driving me crazy. I just want to get him back, I know I need to NC for awhile. Last night I had a sudden urge that I should talk to him when he tries to. I feel like I’m being a bitch for not replying

    • Total Posts: 1218

    I know somewhere deep down that he still loves me…and I know he still wants me. He’s just confused…and I’m beyond confused

    • Total Posts: 1218

    @atea @sparky @samuel do I even still stand a chance?

    • Total Posts: 944

    We have all told you the same thing. Nobody knows. Most people don’t get their exes back but some do. Depends on the length of your relationship and how strong the bond was and why you broke up. Right now I don’t think you stand a chance because you seem way too desperate. You need to first accept it and make peace with it being over which from your posts you clearly haven’t. I understand how difficult this is. My 7 year relationship ended three months ago and I was a wreck. But you must do no contact to get yourself back and stop obsessing about your ex. No one can tell you whether or not he will come back but even if he does it won’t last if your happiness continues to be his dependent on him. I have accepted my situation and am going nc both to give him time to reflect and get some clarity and for myself to move on because even though I hope he comes back, I know I am going to be fine either way and can’t obsess over this. It will be his choice to come back if he does and I will evaluate how I’m feeling at that point in time if it happens. I believe your ex will never come back if you remain so desperate or dependent on him. Set goals for yourself and distract yourself and get a journal. Don’t scheme or ask anyone whether or not he will come back. Let things just work out as they are supposed to and relax. You’re over analyzing and obsessing and it does nothing to get yourself back or him back. You should delete him off snap chat and try meditating to calm your nerves. You need to start being more rational over all of this or there will never be a successful reconciliation. Accept things as they are for now because you may never get back together. Even if you do it will be a long road so you need to accept it for the time being. Getting back together now would be silly because you are nowhere near ready. It wouldn’t last. Even if you do I’m the future you really need to accept it and attempt to move on. It is the best advice you can get.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    I’m just overthinking it all too much. I had him off my mind for awhile and then he decided to talk to me

    I posted a rant, I needed to rant a bit. It made me a little better

    • Total Posts: 944

    2 months is not a long time to be broken up. Most successful reconciliations happen between 6 months and a year. You keep saying you want to get yourself back together for real but then you post asking everyone if you have a chance or asking about his snap stories or what it means that he said he missed you. You really won’t ever get yourself back if you continue these thoughts. If you don’t feel ready to go nc then don’t yet but if that’s what your choosing to do it will be pointless if you aren’t using it to work on yourself and get over him.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    We had a great, close bond, the closest we’ve been to anyone. I know 5 months wasn’t extremely long, but it felt long to us. The reason we broke up us because I wasn’t the girl he loved so much, I was depressed still from my grandpa passing away. I realize now, that it was for the best to be broken up for a while. I couldn’t have handled anything else. I feel like it all could be fixed. My overthinking gets in the way

    • Total Posts: 397


    Everything atea1234 is right. You need to let your ex go totally 100%, you need to move on with life 100%. You need to wake up in the morning and go to sleep not thinking of him. Only then when your at that stage then you can really think if you want him back for all the right reason. NOT because you need him to function day to day as you are now.
    We all sympathise with you how you feel, we know how rubbish it all is. But we are all in the same situation.
    You either carry on as you are, or you move forward.
    You have to move forward to get him back. Move forward till you don’t think of him all the time.
    It’s only you who going to stay in the past, move forward and be happy and then get your ex back.

    Everybody will say the same and nobody can say with you two will get back together.
    Nobody can tell me if I will get back with my ex. I was with him 8 years, it’s life my arm has been amputated but what do I do? He may never come back, the. What? Life goes on. I love him so much but no matter how much I love him he still may not come back.
    If I live my life, become me again, then I have a chance. I’m NC for 90 days. I’m being realistic because I’m serious I want him back. I will give 100% to get him back. I don’t want a quick fix, I want him back for good.

    Come on, turn it around and get serious about this.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    After that rant I posted I feel better. But I’m going to take a long hit shower to really clear my mind the rest of the way. It works for me. I’m trying to give a 100% my overthinking gets in the way. I know i sound schizophrenic (I’m not, I just have a learning disorder lol) my mind is clearer than it was, I know what I want, I just have to get my ass into gear and do it. I want him back, I plan on getting him back. And I’m going to put a lot of effort into it

    My heart is telling me that we will get back together. And my gut is saying it also and that something good will happen.

    • Total Posts: 397

    We are all here for the same reason all in the same position. We all miss our ex’s terribly 🙁
    Only one way on getting them back.
    In the mean time we can come on here and rant away! 🙂

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