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  • #4247
    • Total Posts: 25


    I feel your pain. it is very common. As everyone is telling you here, your best move is stay cool and treat her like anyone else if you are together. The hardest part is not thinking about her, I KNOW, but the better you can keep her out of your head, the better off you will be. Especially if you see her.

    • Total Posts: 778

    Don’t think about what she may be doing.Its tough but you do have a chance to change everything and get her back.

    I do believe you are strong and confident.Keep up the good job and be cool about everything.Wait for her to contact you.Even if she doesn’t,you can contact her again after 1 or 2 weeks.You can use one of the text versions.

    Be patient and keep us posted.

    Best of Luck

    • Total Posts: 59

    No problem I will keep u posted and do u really think I should contact her even after she Recieves the letter I sent today..and what do u mean text versions????

    • Total Posts: 778

    Yes you can contact her again.But its really up to can wait until she contacts you.
    I meant the text versions mentioned in the 5step plan.

    The key to using text messages is to be very subtle. Never ever directly talk about your feelings or about your relationships. You want them to associate text messages to something positive and fun. Here are the rules for texting your ex.

    Never send them an empty message. An empty message is something that doesn’t say anything and doesn’t give your ex anything to talk about. For example

    “Hey, How are you?”
    “I miss you”
    Never ever talk about your feelings and about getting back together.

    “I love you”
    “I miss you”
    “I want you back in my life”
    “I am miserable without you”
    Never argue or say something negative over text.

    “If you had just shown a little more effort, we could have been great together.”
    “Your child misses you. You are terrible father to leave him like that.”

    Now here are a few things that you should do while using text messages.

    Something happened in your life that reminded you of them.

    “Hey, I just watched the new season of Arrested Development. It reminded me of you. I actually had a smile on my face. :)”
    “Hey, I just read the new Harry Potter book. I am so glad you never told me the ending. Thanks :)”

    Remind them of good moments you had together.

    “Hey, I was just thinking about the time we went skydiving together. Man, that was exciting. I am glad we did that. “
    “Hey, remember the little restaurant where we had our first anniversary date? I just crossed it and it looks like they are closing down. It’s a shame because we had such a great time that day.”

    Let them know you are having fun with your life and meeting new people.

    “Hey, I just saw a romantic movie with a friend. The ending reminded me of you.“
    “Hey, I am going to Hawaii for the weekend with a friend. Do you remember the name of the hotel we stayed in when we went last year?”

    Now there are tons of other things you can do with texts. But the key point remains the same. Be subtle. Be positive. Be fun.

    • Total Posts: 778

    OR you can say
    I know its random but something crazy just reminded me of you :))))))))

    Remember the time we went to (A place you went and you had a really good time there so it can remind her of the good memories you had) ?

    I went there with a friend today/tonight and i saw (something/someone you know is funny/interesting for can be a funny thing,A person,A cat,A dog,Food,Something that makes her laugh,Something you used to laugh about… Check your memories,Her interests and select your words.It has to be something that reminds her of your good old days).It reminded me of you after a while.It actually put a smile on my face.Hope you are doing good.

    You can use them one by one or combine them in one.The more you make her think about the good times you had,the most powerful it will be.
    The text doesn’t have to be too long.

    • Total Posts: 59

    Had the time of my life last night…took my mind off a series of thoughts that were on my mind

    • Total Posts: 59

    We’ll my ex posted a pic of her up social network and she looks behind happy any thoughts

    • Total Posts: 59

    So what if my ex is having the time of her life with her new bf how would I stand against I in competition

    • Total Posts: 59

    Am I wrong for wanting to keep trying even tho my ex and I did break up in march but were still seeing each other and now that she has been seeing people and is currently in a relationship. We haven’t really spoke and I haven’t seen her in a month..and I have a question that’s going around in my head. Do you think that her seeing me at school would make her kinda want to talk to me even tho she is in a all she ever wanted was for us to go to the same school and work at the same job and stuff and she complained that we didn’t see each other enough. Do u think that by her seeing me at school would draw a interest in her after she sees how much I have improved as a person

    • Total Posts: 778

    Yes,There is a good chance.When she sees the new better version of you,she will be wondering whether you still want her back or not so she will try to talk to you.

    Always be happy and confident especially when she is around.Be cool and look like you don’t care.
    If she tries to have a conversation with you,be cool and positive and keep it short.
    The more you try not to be emotional,the more you can attract her.
    Don’t worry if she is having fun or she is in a new relationship.You should be cool you do have a chance to change the situation again.I’m kinda sure that its a rebound relationship and if you follow your plan,you can get her back.

    • Total Posts: 48

    i dated a girl awhile back and the relationship was ended in March of that year and i was still not over her in October. I know what its like

    how long did you say you were together?

    • Total Posts: 59

    Almost two years

    • Total Posts: 48

    mine was not that long, so i probably have no idea how you feel

    just try and maintain man, good luck man!

    • Total Posts: 59

    Thankyou I really appreciate it man

    • Total Posts: 48

    no problem man, if it is any comfort you have a better chance with your ex then i do with mine

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