Boards Reconciliation The Mornings Are The Worst

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  • #33533
    • Total Posts: 505

    hey @ChrisLovesChris. yeah keeping a clear mind is so important. its so hard to keep your cool if you your mind is clouded by so many things.

    • Total Posts: 90

    @Mj it’s true. The last time we got into that huge fight, the one that led me here and we weren’t even talking anymore, was because I panicked. But back then, I also had no one – no one to talk to, no one to help me stay in control. Now everything is different. I am not screwing up again

    • Total Posts: 26

    I am on the 6th day of my NC and it’s killing me. Just makes me miss her so much while she is happy with her new boyfriend.

    This is torture!

    • Total Posts: 505

    @nowwinaditya same thing here. how i wish i can just call her right now and apologise for everything and get her to take me back. but noooooo she’s probably with her new guy and this time i’m not gonna do shit. Just know that there is a high chance that their relationship will end. it gets me going.

    • Total Posts: 26

    I don’t even know what are the chances of her new relationship ending. I always feel that I goofed up so bad that the new one will work for her. Don’t know what to say! Her bf threatened me to cops if I contact her and said he loves her very much when he met him barely 3 weeks ago.

    • Total Posts: 505

    Gosh you talked to the bf?

    • Total Posts: 31

    You should read the beginning of this thread. I am willing to help you through the no contact but some people really do not believe and who is there for you. Definition of insanity. Everyone knows it but does not believe. They do not listen. They want advise and cannot trust. Some people go right back to where they started because they did not first dream, then they did not believe and then they do not change. They start to panic.

    This program is a guide. A great guide it is not even asking for money just the relationship rewind is a great program.

    Relationship rewind is a small purchase but its an excellent tool but it has to be studied first on the idea and then believe in yourself. I am here to help you if you really want it. But before I got on this post I started to believe in myself and help everyone, because even if people do not change is that that 1 out of 50 that I have helped them to believe and help them get through them and then they realize some strangers can be the best of friends and those current friends now who tell you to give up and move on you realize they are not your real friends. Read the beginning of the thread and see how ChrislovesChris is getting better and really changing.

    Now she is the one helping. I hope I can make your day better. If now I hope ChrislovesChris can make you get better. Take care everyone.

    • Total Posts: 26

    No. He messaged me on Facebook. I was talking to my ex gf and he said I need to stop talking to her or else he will report me to the law enforcement agencies. The odd thing though is my gf was replying to me all this time although with low frequency.

    • Total Posts: 26

    Yes, you are very right. I’ve actually realized my mistakes and I know this relationship failed mostly due to my lack of interest. Now I want one chance at redemption and she is gone. I don’t even know how effective this NC is going to be. But it’s surely more effective than me pleading to her to take me back hence now there’s no going back on this NC. But it is so damn tough to not think about her or give up the urge to call her.

    • Total Posts: 505

    yeah i think the relationship rewind is pretty insightful. but you still need to start nc first.

    • Total Posts: 26

    I’m going to return all her possessions this coming Tuesday! All her clothes, her makeup kit or her gifts. I was also thinking of just including a card with it saying thank you for the memories. Do you all think it would be breaking the NC rule? Or should I just return her stuff and not include the card?

    • Total Posts: 505

    i think you should return the stuff if she asks for them. as in dont go and ask to bring it over. i guess keep the card and put it away? hahaha

    • Total Posts: 26

    She told me to keep the gifts as she is keeping mine which of course were really I told her I don’t want to be reminded of her in my apt hence I am returning that as well.

    • Total Posts: 90

    If you panic, you sabotage yourself…emotions and hysteria take over and you can’t think clearly, you can’t see clearly, and you just totally lose control in a situation where the one thing you need is control. Of yourself and of the situation. Zombies also think it’s pretty funny… don’t click the link if you don’t like zombies

    Don’t let the zombies make fun of you because you panicked

    • Total Posts: 90

    Sometimes the road seems so long and impossible… have to keep moving forward though. Even if it’s just an inch at a time

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