Boards Reconciliation talk with him or not

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  • #72161
    • Total Posts: 49

    Well, if that was me, i just keep stay friend with him. If i already decided he is not the special guy i want, nothing can change it. In another case, if i still have feelings with my ex, i am not gonna be friend.

    For my opinion, it is too dramatic if u send her that. It almost scares me away tho, tbh.

    • Total Posts: 64

    Thank you, do you really think that’s too much. I’m just letting her know that I had a thought of her which brought a smile on my face.

    • Total Posts: 49

    I think that’s too much.

    • Total Posts: 49

    Hi Pedro, long time no see. How r u doing?

    When i am writing this post, i am thinking do i need to write it.

    Well, first of all. I think the website works. It helps me catch my ex‘attention, and i do have time to ‘get back’. Second, woa, there are so much posts in here since i haven’t went to the website. All of these people are going through the same issue. Do you believe that?

    I wanna share with you this. He and I have times to meet back, but the result is never change. If thing didn’t work on the beginning, it will not work now. We aren’t in a final breakup yet, but the conversation between he and i is getting less by time. We didn’t text each other for days and we still fine. Now i felt i am stronger, and i accept what happens in the future. I think that sometimes you love someone, it doesn’t mean you have to be with them.

    • Total Posts: 64

    Hey Kellyn it’s good to hear from you. I know right it’s crazy to see how many people go through the hard times and how people deal with it. I don’t usually come to the website anymore but i do when I feel down sometimes.

    Well idk about you saying if it didn’t work in the beginning it won’t work again. It will but it should be both ways. I’m sorry that conversation isn’t getting better for you but I’m really happy for how far you’ve come.

    From my side, I haven’t talk to her since last month. As you know I did the NC and when I tried to reach her she got mad which was understandable because I ignored her couple of times when she messaged me and after couple of days I send her again and this time she was furious she was so mad that she told me to move on. She was like I wish you well and will always hope you do better in life but please stop. She was clearly upset about my silence so I haven’t messaged her after that because I want her to calm down a little bit. I’m fixing to send her message again in future and hopefully by that time she won’t be that mad. We will see, I still love this person but I’m not a shit show or loosing my sleep over anymore.

    • Total Posts: 49

    Well, i guess we are on the same page. Things are more calm and turn back to their routine which are good.

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