Boards Reconciliation talk with him or not

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  • #71769
    • Total Posts: 64

    Happy New Year Kelly.

    Yeah patience is the big thing, its gonna take time. I am not gonna ask her, i will wait till she text me. I want her to realize that i can live without her. I feel like she don’t appreciate my presence so i will let her appreciate my absence. I will send her text in couple of days if i don’t hear anything from her probably Monday or Tuesday. I am hoping that she will send me text before that but if not then i wont beat myself up for it. I really don’t know if i am doing the right thing or not but i think it will either make her realize that i am not gonna be there all the time or it might just be the end of it which just by sound of it scare the crap out of me and i do miss the shit out of her….

    No i don’t think he is mad, he is probably taking time to respond text because he didn’t hear anything from you. I am so happy for you, just take it slowly and meet him often with enough break and see the changes in him. If you think he mature and changes his bad habits then bring up about getting back together if not then you know its time to move on…..

    • Total Posts: 49

    I am so sorry to hear that. Hope that she will text you soon. I know, relationship is hard. It gives u all the confusion and hurts you. But somehow you will know it is worth for being with the right person.

    Thank you. Ok. I see.

    • Total Posts: 64

    Yeah I know she’s worth it that’s why I’m still not giving up but idk what to do. I miss her at the same time I’m upset because she’s okay with not talking or anything. I know I’m expecting too much but it just hurts

    • Total Posts: 49

    From my side, still not receive msg from him. I think he is mad. Lol

    • Total Posts: 64

    Oh really I’m sorry, did you message him again ?? If not then it’s okay to just start the conversation. It feels bad but when we want and wanna be with someone we have to do some action.

    Well I send her the message again, I know I suck I just couldn’t and I send it to her. I haven’t got the response from her either I saw her online in the Facebook and what not but oh well when you love someone there is no need to play bullshit game so I’m not even mad at myself for sending her message

    • Total Posts: 49

    Yah. I did at afternoon. I said ‘are you mad? don’t be mad, i am sorry’. Things sound funny already. Lol

    • Total Posts: 64

    Oh really then let it be, let him come to you. I know it sucks but you did try to start the conversation there’s nothing else you can do.

    I haven’t got a response either,sucks so much and to see her online on Facebook and know that she’s ingnoring me it hurts but I still have a stupid feeling for her so I am just gonna be hopeful

    • Total Posts: 49


    • Total Posts: 64

    Huh ??

    • Total Posts: 49

    Dear Pedro,

    Thank you for your help to listen and give me some advices in this site. I and my guy are getting back together. I think thing is going well so far.

    We didn’t talk here for a while. How was it going from your side?

    • Total Posts: 64

    Hey that is so great i am so happy for you and it was pleasure to help form my side.

    Things been quiet in my end, well i started the NC since Christmas we haven’t talk properly since then and we did share few text here and there but nothing significant and its been more than 2 weeks since we have talk. She did message me on New Years day and once last week which i both ignored idk if i did the right thing because all she wanted was just friendship and i couldn’t do that. I am planning to wait till this Friday and start a conversation i am worried if she might just ignore me like i did her but i am keeping my hopes high. I just need some luck on my side and need her to miss me and re consider the relationship during this NC.

    Anyway i am so happy for you 🙂 good for you

    • Total Posts: 49

    Pedro, there are nothing else you can do, try to be her friend please. I can see you are getting tired too, right? So why don’t take it easy for both of you. Don’t take a high hope for getting back together, when thing comes, they will come.

    This was what i think : my relationship is supposed to be easy and happy because i need a place that i can find peace and comfort, outside world is difficult for me already. Therefore i do less overthinking, and try to create as much as good memories. Tell the truth, we are have good time, but i am still not sure he is truely love me, or how long this relationship is gonna be. But i don’t care so much about this, like today he didn’t text me morning text or any text, i am still ok. I hope you understand what i mean. U need more independent on emotions. Focus on your feelings, you did good things to her, you are happy. I have good time with him, i am happy. That is.

    • Total Posts: 64

    yeah i am loosing it. I am so tired, i just want to have one day where i don’t have to think or feel miserable. I can’t believe even after all this time i miss her so much. I keep myself busy with work and go to workout everyday but every fucking second i think of her. I am so tired, my mind is so tired i can’t focus on anything.

    I am not gonna loose the hope or give up. I might just walk away but not without fighting or trying i am still gonna try. Maybe one day enough will be enough.

    Thank You for your help. I hope everything is going at your end.

    • Total Posts: 49

    You are really patient guy. I hope she will know how lucky she is. Wish you all the luck!

    • Total Posts: 64

    Hey thank you so much that was really nice of you. I hope she does. I have a quick questions maybe you can help me go through it.

    If your ex tries to approach you and all you want is to be friend with him , what will it takes for you to change your mindset towards him from friend to special guy ??( sorry if its too personal, just trying to get girls perspective )

    I am about to text her this Friday nothing about our relationship or past just simple. I had thought of you and it put a smile on my face. I hope you’re doing well. Just something in that manner. I hope it goes well 🙂

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