Boards Reconciliation Struggling during NC

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  • #28799
    • Total Posts: 48

    @Libertine1, are you gonna give up? Dont do it, live your life, be the best version of you, eventually you will get in contact with her or other girl which you are gonna like (i know it sounds impossible, for me aswell, but so many people say so, it must be right). After some time reach out, apologize to her parents and send her a letter or a text, something that she has to read. If she loves you she will read the letter, just out of simple curiosity. Even if she doesnt respond to your contact, she will think about the stuff you wrote, there is no doubt about it.

    Im gonna be honest, she was right with being insecure, you cheated after all. You must think about it, you made her feel insecure, figure out why and fix it. Be honest with yourself, there are no buts, there is no justification (gf being insecure or her parents being horrid), your behaviour is on you. Its hard to do, I had to admit myself very bad and embarrassing things. You can do it.

    Horrid parents are whole different story, but Im gonna tell you one thing, dont fight them, you wont win.

    • Total Posts: 241

    After we broke up, she deletes both the guy and her parents from Facebook and had a huge argument, but soon enough she added them both to Facebook again.

    I have to be honest, I feel like giving up. I never loves anyone else like this before and it breaks my heart. I am just waiting for them to make their relationship official on Facebook and it hurts so much, her parents and friends are now following him on Facebook.

    She couldn’t save my number when we first started seeing eachother, because she was so scared I would leave her, it was pretty sad to see, she was pretty attached. She would always look through pictures on my phone and cry, due to the fact I had female friends. She asked me to stop clubbing and created a fake Skype account to check up on me. She told me that she was 100% sure about me, but was uncertain I was the same and admitted it was an issue she had to work on. She could not see what I saw in her. I tried so hard to persuade her she was special.

    Eventually, I changed a profile picture on Facebook to of me and a female friend, to which her parents used as an excuse to show I had no respect.

    I feel like so much had happened since then then. I am probably seen ad the creepy, crazy and stalkerish ex. This hurts so much.

    I will see how I feel. I apologised so much to her after my mistakes, and never received any response.

    Yesterday was particularly bad, I felt like leaving work and could not sleep last night.

    But, as I said, please use my story to learn. I would be so happy if you got her back! Pay no attention to the other guy. Work on you, be mysterious and make her wonder. You need to come back more clean cut. Ask her to meet and maybe wear some different clothes and give an outside appearance of having changed, before proving you are better than before and can make her happy again. Become the prize!

    • Total Posts: 48

    She has issues, she is insecure, but you are there to help her deal with it, you were angry and desperate, youve done things you shouldnt have, we all have. Show them all you are a great guy who just lost “his way”. Im pretty sure she checks out what are you doing, she was able to create fake skype account, come on. The other guy might be just a rebound as she doesnt want to be alone (insecurity issues) or she doesnt want her parents to be all over her when she is single.

    Changing photos on FB was childish, you must admit it. ๐Ÿ™‚ When she sees a different man in you, she will reach out to you. Dont apologize to her anymore, she doesnt want apologies, she wants a true change. If you love that girl, get yourself together, quiting job wont help at all, it would look like you cant live without her, girls dont like that. You must play the game that you are fine with the break up and the other guy, thats the only way. It must be her idea.

    I made a lot of changes in my appearance, I lost some weight, I wasnt heavily overweight, but I was completely out of shape. I changed my haircut, bought new perfumes, new clothes. I wont mention my mental changes as Im done with my addiction, at least I think so, I feel better without it. Will it matter? We will see I guess, Im confident, but not really optimistic. I know what she likes and what doesnt, but Im afraid its just too late, Ive done too many bad things to her.

    Im planning to ask her for a coffee when Im in her town next week, Im not really stressed about the meeting, Im afraid she will say no when I ask. Till then I continue no contact, I havent tried to contact her for 3 weeks or so.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Invite her for the coffee. If she says no, then do no contact again for a little longer. She will miss you and no contact will do a lot of good. She just wants to know you have change, which you have!

    I am optimistic about your chances! Just be the person she fell in love with again!

    I am not sure, this guy is her type and she is getting closer to him. I think I messed up my chance. It is all down to how I feel. I was so shocked, I thought she loved me so much.

    Also, after we broke up, I acted desperate to get her back and even messaged her parents, when told me not to. I told her to block me on Facebook if she didn’t want anything to do with me. She did, then two days later she messaged from a fake account, calling me desperate, asking why I messages her parents and saying that breaking up was the best decision she made judging from my behaviour. Although a week before, I did say that cheating on her was the best decision I made..

    She kept the account for some reason and had waited an hour for my response. The next week, I had the account deleted. A day later, she unblocked me from Facebook. It then took me more than a week of pleading to make her block me again. Who knows. In my opinion, I have zero chance. She is probably pleases to be rid or me and in love with this new guy.

    They will probably be in an official relationship soon. ๐Ÿ™ I have lost her forever ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 48

    She gave u chances to keep in touch, but it ended up u being needy. You asked her to block you on fb? She did it, you asked her. She still loves you, but doesnt believe you can change. Prove her wrong, be cool even when she is angry, think of the situations you went on a rampage and made all the mistakes. Your reactions were bad and you need to control yourself in such situations, its VERY important.

    Think about other thing, she is probably not spying on her new boyfriend, why? She was REALLY crazy about you, REALLY loved you, it doesnt go away just like this even if you hurt her. You just need to change.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks man, that means alot. I asked her to block me, as she was completely ignoring me and made it clear that too much damage had already been done.

    I am not sure. Her parents and best friends added him on Facebook, so she must be quite smitten and they must believe she likes him.

    We will see. But keep up the good work yourself. When do you plan on asking her to meet up?

    • Total Posts: 48

    Adding him on FB doesnt really change anything for you, focus on yourself, on your mistakes, I know you will keep worrying about it, I cant stop such thoughts either, but KEEP working on yourself. Her friends are just supporting her after relationship with you, dont worry about it.

    I keep no contact till the end of the week I doubt she is going to message me anyway, friday or weekend, then I will call or text her, dont know yet.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Yes, I think I am slowly regaining my dignity now. I cannot believe how mental I acted, on 3 occasions I text her twenty times in one day…

    I think you should text her and ask if you can speak to her on the phone. Better to talk in person. You have every chance. Don’t chase. Allow her to become curious and then chase you.

    • Total Posts: 48

    I dont really know what i am going to do, it all seems so pointless, my gut tells me its over, it really does. I thought she is gonna try to contact me, but… well, nothing. Sucks.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Take a look at the thread I and Caz participated in. She felt exactly the same as you! And to her shock, her ex contacted her. It happens all the time on this forum, when their exes suddenly contact them.

    Have faith! I think if anything, I am a special exception, as too much has happened. I think you can do it!

    • Total Posts: 48

    I can do it, but she needs to want it too. :/

    I cant stop these negative thoughts, this is so exhausting. These movies I keep playing in my head, so negative.

    I also dont want her new relationship to go too far :/ it might be a problem for me as im very conservative person

    • Total Posts: 241

    The more jealous you are, the worse it is. I think you should go reverse psychology and say that you understand if she wants to pursue this relationship.

    It eill be fine, you have history, this other guy doesn’t!

    • Total Posts: 48

    Sometimes having no history is better, getting to know new person, exploring stuff. I dont see it as advantage.

    Im jealous because some other guy is saying such stuff to girl I love. Im really thinking she doesnt love me and shes moved on. She loves the new guy or at least is falling in love with him… yet im still trying.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Read the rebound section of the site. It certainly sounds like she is overcompensating by flirting with him!

    It’s natural to feel jealous and compare yourself etc. But remember the unique qualities which you bring to the table and is why should loved you in the first place ๐Ÿ™‚

    Be positive!

    • Total Posts: 48

    How Long Have They Been In the New Relationship?
    A month I think.

    How Long Did They Wait Before Starting the New Relationship?
    Around 2-2,5 weeks.

    Who They Are In a Rebound Relationship
    I dont know that guy so well. Cant really tell if he is my opposite. Dont think so tho.

    Your Exโ€™s Behavior towards You
    She told right away after I asked, she didnt really want to talk about it. When I asked (was in my begging phase) if she is in love, she answered “we havent even met yet, but its going to happen”.

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