Boards Reconciliation Struggling – day 7 NC

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  • #27700
    • Total Posts: 241

    Btw, timeline with him was that they met somewhere, and were texting. She never pursued it, because she was with me. Her parents knew of him and after I added that photo of me and my friend on Facebook, they went mental at her for choosing me and urged her to see him.

    • Total Posts: 411

    It’s all too forced for her and the sad picture could be her way of releasing her emotions.

    They obviously don’t care for their daughters happiness if they are making her chose.

    I’m ok today thinking is any of this worth it to be honest!

    • Total Posts: 241

    It is worth it Caz. I felt like giving up earlier. There will be ups and downs. We have to accept this. The process is not easy. But we are committed to it and know it works. We just have to trust the process. You are so strong and you can do this!

    Will you be busy today?

    • Total Posts: 411

    I just think if he wants me back he can contact me! I definitely won’t text but let him chase me. You don’t give up either, it will all be worth it in the long run.

    I’m going out walking now and then meeting some friends for lunch, are you busy?

    • Total Posts: 241

    I hope so. Everything seems against me. Me behavior, the circumstances behind the split. Her parents and her friends. Even she ostrcacised me.

    I will keep going. It’s all I can do. I think you have every chance. Look at some of the posts here. It is not unusual to hear someone say that their ex texted them after a month, 2 or even 3 months of no contact πŸ™‚

    I have work and am quite busy. Very tired though, as I couldn’t sleep last night. No job next week for you πŸ™‚ 3 weeks for us next week too πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 411

    You will feel like it is all against you but she is her own person and will see this soon, she can’t keep been pushed and forced.

    We will see but I’m not holding my breath.

    It is difficult to sleep some nights but Ive learned to write everythig down and get it all of my mind.

    I can’t believe it’s nearly 3 weeks πŸ™‚ we can do it

    • Total Posts: 241

    It really helps to just talk about it with someone who understands πŸ™‚

    These are testing times for both of us and we have done so well so far!

    I am afraid that the picture of her is sad because of her ex she was with for 5 years getting into a relationship, who knows πŸ™

    I have to keep strong. We both do. This is just the beginning, it can take months to reconcile

    • Total Posts: 411

    Sometimes we will never know what they are thinking or the reasons behind their behaviour!

    I am here anytime you want to rant or talk! πŸ™‚

    Exactly it can take a long time but as another guy on here said “start looking after number 1 because no one else will”

    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks Caz. Likewise! We will get through this and get them back πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 411

    We will get through this πŸ™‚

    Maybe we will maybe we won’t but we work hard on ourselves and start getting back to the people we once were without them.

    That means that we don’t just get back with our ex’s but start a whole new relationship

    • Total Posts: 241

    We will see how it goes. Hopefully you get some good news soon! You seen a lot happier. It is so good to see. I think the worst thing is the uncertainty.

    • Total Posts: 411

    I won’t here from my ex I’m starting to see that!

    I am feeling happier because I know that I’m not a lost cause anymore.

    That’s is the worst part or not knowing.

    How are you doing?

    • Total Posts: 241

    I believe you will, and if not he will respond to the magic letter. I dunno, still not good. So worried, I just feel that the whole situation is wrong. I just miss her so much. It feels strange to think we are enemies and she is with someone else. It was so quick. One moment we are planning for the future, and then all of a sudden my world turned upside down. I dunno. I just keep thinking they will make a relationship official πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 411

    He won’t because hes stubbron and doesn’t love me.

    It’s understandable you feel this way, your not enemies just both went through so much & then the break up, she’s been forced into it and it won’t last

    • Total Posts: 241

    I just had this insecurity that she would find someone better and I am constantly comparing myself. I also feel that she doesn’t love me πŸ™

    She probably just thought I was so annoying.

    He does love you, Caz. It is still very early. You created an air of mystery, to which he may respond to, and if not, come back into his life as a new person. You can come back as a friend and build from there!

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