Boards No Contact Rule Should I try or is it hopeless ?

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  • #62007
    • Total Posts: 10

    Oh boy, do I need help.
    Quick back story: I was with my ex for just over a year (let’s call him Darrin). He worshipped the ground I walked on. He treated me so well he was perfect to me. And I fudged up.
    About a month into our relationship an ex asked me to see him and I spent the weekend with him (let’s call him Michael) and hid it from Darrin. Bad move. I never told him I did so and I kept it from him our entire relationship, I felt horrible but he would always say if I ever cheated he would leave so I was scared to say something.
    About six months into our relationship he told me he cheated on me with his neighbors ex (let’s call her Lauren) and I was so upset I asked him to never talk to her again and he abided. I thought about telling him then that I had cheated but decided against it as I thought it would make things worse.
    Everything was good from there on out.
    I spent the night at Darrin’s Friday and it was just like any other night, we joked and has a good time it was our typical weekend ritual.
    Saturday morning he dropped the bomb on me that during my exam week (2 weeks ago) he hung out with an ex and they were on substances and they ended up doing stuff ( not sleeping together but related things). I was so pissed off I ended up spilling the beans about Michael and what happened over a year ago. Darrin lost it, he was freaking out and once he calmed down he said we both messed up, want to just not tell anyone and move forward from here ? I agreed.
    Well apparently he decided to tell all his friends and they must have put a ton of input into our relationship because that night he broke up with me saying it was probably best if we just ended it.
    I have been a mess ever since.
    I went last night to go pick up my stuff and he already had it packed and was being very very cold to me, not the sweet loving boy that I knew him to be.
    Of course, I acted needy and tried to beg for him to work it out with me
    But his only focus was how angry he was that I lied and I “held Lauren over his head” which I don’t think is true, I didn’t talk about it much after it happened.
    I was in a crazy state, I asked him if I could stay on his couch until i calmed down because i didnt feel safe to drive ( he lives about 40 mins away) and I was having anxiety attacks and he said no I can sleep in my car. He just wasn’t being himself. Very distant. He said he wants to be my friend and he will always be here for me if I need him and he still loves me and this was painful for him but our relationship isn’t healthy and we can’t keep hurting each other. I agree with this statement, but I feel like we can start a clean slate and try again.
    Even though he cheated, I know he loves me. Saturday after he broke up with me on the phone he said I love you before we hung up like who does that?
    He said during our relationship if things end with me he will never be with anyone again because he wants to marry me and there is no one like me, he doesn’t want anyone else but me. I really want us to work.
    Is there a chance if I follow your steps or is it hopeless ?

    • Total Posts: 12

    Right now you should forget about what he said;” He said during our relationship if things end with me he will never be with anyone again because he wants to marry me and there is no one like me, he doesn’t want anyone else but me” .forget all of that;
    If hee talked to his closest friends and they are putting stuff in his head .(he need a little time ) and you were a mess and looked and acted needy .
    Guess the only thing to do now is to apply the N/c and take good care of yourself cuz if he loved u ;im not talking about the he wont b with someone else.
    If he loved you he will come around and you need to be ready

    • Total Posts: 10

    ugh no contact is so hard !! I’m scared he’s gonna move on super quick… Gotta stay strong tho

    • Total Posts: 12

    n/c u won t regret

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