Boards Reconciliation should i hack my ex facebook id?

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  • #53532
    • Total Posts: 107

    Don’t delete him from fb.. not until you’ve confirmed you don’t want him back anymore. Because how awkward it is to add back him later? :/

    Just unfollow his posts. Deleting him would may him feel like you’re not ‘steady’ in this situation. If you still want to keep his number just change the name to something else.. besides the name you called him during the relationship.

    It’s gonna be tough but you can do this sri! Stay strong. I’ll be here when you need me

    • Total Posts: 117

    Do you think i still have a chance??i m thinking of doing nc for a week or two?? Do you think i should continue to rebuild attraction?

    • Total Posts: 107

    I feel for now just stick to NC for at least a week. Because you realise what you’re doing now as in trying to build attraction is not going any better right? Or at least there’s no major progress. So stick to NC and let him wonder where you’ve gone. And during that time dont worry too much of what he may be feeling because you know what, we can’t even control things like that , we can only ourselves, how we feel inside. The truth is, he is already attracted to you and he still is. It’s just all these negative feelings blocking his ‘view’. Just let him be now or else he’ll have in mind that you can’t live without him and this would only make him not commit in this relationship because he knows you’re always there. Be that confident , cheerful woman again that don’t need a man. Then try to talk to him again but make sure you feel better internally. That’s what happen to me I chose to move on and focus on myself and then my ex contacted me. And when I’m feeling better I contacted my ex again he replied right away and I finally feel some connection. But when I’m feeling needy again he’ll start being resistant again. Someone I feel our emotions are connected in the universe. So if you’re feeling needy and insecure inside, your ex propably really felt that you are too.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Ya i think u r ryt i called him and talked to me so sweetly
    So i am going to do nc for a week and then do my stuff again

    • Total Posts: 117

    This tym i’ll take it sloww !!
    I want him to accept his feelings for me

    • Total Posts: 77

    sri, you’re way too rash… Just calm down, girl. :/ Do NC for an undetermined period. Do it until you get better. Maybe one week isn’t enough. You’re still very depressed, very insecure and very hurt. You need to accept that you don’t have anything with him right now. Just treat him as a common friend. He’s not your boyfriend, he’s not your best friend and not even a close friend. He’s just an acquaintance, okay?

    I told you this before and I’ll tell you again. You can only feel pain for yourself. Your ex isn’t feeling your pain. I’m not feeling your pain. No one except you is feeling your pain. So do yourself a favor and stay away from him. No matter how hard it is, you need to find your inner strength. Use hate if you want, but stay away from him.

    In the mean time, make internal changes. That’s your top priority. Meditate. Pray. You’re still a mess on the inside. Before you make external changes, make the internal ones first. And take it easy! You don’t know what the future holds for you. Maybe you’ll look back at this and think “I’m so different, how could that have happened? I was in so much pain back then, but now I’m so better than before.” Trust me, it happened to me and it can happen to you. So just slow down, take it easy.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yeah platinum :/ i know i am a mess right now !!
    I have accepted the fact that he is not coming to me i also dont want a relationship ryt now..i will do nc
    and after that i will treat him as an aquintance!!
    He likes me i dont know y i get this feeling all the tym..i get an intuition!! May b my intuitions aee wrong whatever it is but the truth is he is not ready to accept that so i will also not die for him
    May be the time he’ll realise will b too late for him !!
    I dont know…..he wants me to get friendzoned and i cant be his friend…
    From now he’s just a normal guy..and i will do the nc..if he loves me enough..and if we are meant to be together.. he’ll realise it soon…other wise i’ll just move on

    • Total Posts: 77

    “Anymore” is such a strong word… You never know! What he if he does come back to you? Maybe next month, next year, who cares. Nothing’s impossible. You just have to learn to live without relying on anyone. What’s done it’s done.

    You might even know someone, fall in love, have a relationship, break up, and have him again. Who knows? What matters must is happiness.

    • Total Posts: 117

    I am so glad to have you guys here seriously
    you guys have helped me so much..when i act crazyy….thankyu so much..i realised that i still need to love myself…i will ….and i dont know about him
    But i will be happy without him if he can
    Then y cant i!!
    We will be so happy one day…i dont know if i will get him back or not but i hope you guys do get your ex back !!
    And the love you have for yourself

    • Total Posts: 77

    This is just temporary. πŸ™‚ With time and patience, you will heal and you’ll be happy. Fight for what you want, don’t expect things to fall on your lap. Work on yourself.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yeah…i seriously think that i became restles too soon..!! I wanted results very fast so i ruined everything…
    I should take it slow !!

    • Total Posts: 117

    Hows your nc going platinum??

    • Total Posts: 77

    It’s going good. πŸ™‚ It’s not actually NC, I’m open for communication with my ex, but I’ll only talk to him if he talks first. I’m still not ready to start conversations, but if he wants to talk to me, I’ll talk to him.
    He replied to my thank you message. He said “You’re welcome πŸ™‚ ” He seemed nice, but anyone can type a smiley emoticon and not be smiling or nice at all. That was just him being polite, or so I think. Anyway, it’s better than nothing! And then I left it that way. I don’t him to get all cocky and with his ego inflated like a balloon, like “hey, my ex is talking to me again, she can’t stop being into me, I’m so awesome, blah blah…” Umm… no, you’re not awesome, you broke my heart because of something stupid, you idiot.

    So yeah, I’m doing fine. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 117

    Omg platinum i luv u <3
    U r so strong
    I wish i was like you

    • Total Posts: 77

    Thanks, hehehe. πŸ˜›

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