Boards Reconciliation should i hack my ex facebook id?

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  • #53479
    • Total Posts: 77

    It depends on what the video’s about. If it’s about something he likes, go ahead. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 117

    Thnx alot πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 117

    Actually i did it
    I did what i was not suppose to do
    I was tired of everything
    I talked to him about relationship
    He said he doesnt want any relationship
    He wants me in his life but no relationship
    I told him that i too feel that we should not be in a relationship
    Now i want to start fresh.i want to make him fall in love with me again!!
    How do i do that?

    • Total Posts: 117

    He said he doesnt love me but i felt he does
    But he is not ready to accept it

    • Total Posts: 117

    I will never get him back now…i’ve lost all hopes
    I did everything wrong and blown my chances of getting back :'(
    I wish there was a rewind button
    But there is no such thing..i have to accept now that i met such a great person who loved me so much but everything went wrong in the last….!!!
    Yu cant always get what you want πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 107

    Sri don’t lose hope here.. I felt it’s because you’re still in an emotional mess. Sorry I’m being a little harsh here but I’m being honest here too. You need to picl yourself up every single pieces . Maybe you should go NC a little longer and do all the things you planned to do. Like get in shape and go back to belly dancing again, give yourself a new hairdo / haircolour, find new hobbies and keep yourself busy. You need to look forward to the future. Maybe you guys can’t be together now but that doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. You can’t be in a healthy relationship if you’re feeling miserable yourself. No one would like to be in a relationship that is full of pressure on them. I take this advice for myself too. I’ve turn into a miserable, overly-attached wreak towards the end of our relationship. The cheerful, confident and positive me that he loved had been GONE. That’s why now I’m trying to find myself again. I want to be happy again before I can love someone again. Because I know I can’t love someone to be happy. It may feel right now but its not gonna be in the long run. So sri, don’t lose all hope, but you have to stay strong. You can do this I believe in you! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 117

    No contact again
    Then again he will be like this
    He is used to no contact now
    It doesnt really matter to him
    Anyways we r of different religion and it will be hard for us to get marroed even if we get back somehow
    I think its better i break all contacts with him

    • Total Posts: 117

    Moonbunny i think that i should tell him that i cant be friends with him and that its better that we end evrything

    • Total Posts: 107

    Aww sri I’m sorry.. you must be in so much pain now.. but please calm yourself abit dear. You don’t want to do things that’ll make you regret later? :/

    • Total Posts: 117

    I dont know he was talking to me properly and now he has bulid up all his defences
    I dont know how to react
    I will do nc definately but ….just scared if it didnt work…i dont want further pain
    If he doesnt want me in his life then i should move on
    All my friends are telling me to move on
    So i am confused
    Just suggest me what to do!!

    • Total Posts: 117

    I wished him for his better future and wished him that he will some day get a beautiful girl in his life !!!!!
    If he really loved me enough
    We will be together someday
    And if not…then we were never meant to be !!!!

    • Total Posts: 107

    Just think as doing NC for yourself. Not for the sake of him. Go NC to calm everything down You’ll know if you should choose to walk away is the best for fight for him one last time. Don’t act according to your emotions! For now I feel you are still feeling so lost right? You can’t suddenly have a good connection with him like before you have to take one step at a time . In fact baby steps.. :/ If you tried too hard all at once it’ll just pushed him away ..
    Nomatter what decision you make in the need you should take time apart from him so your mind is clear what what you want for your life.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Ohkkk i m going to do nc again !! i dont know for how long !!

    • Total Posts: 117

    I have just blown my chances of getting him back
    I will never get him back
    I pushed him away from me

    • Total Posts: 117

    Should i remove him from my fb and delete him from my contacts??

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