Boards Reconciliation Should I break no contact!

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  • #35226
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    It could be that she’s thinking about your relationship. Everyone doesn’t feel ok for sometime. If they do after breakup, means they never really cared.

    So I would say there’s a possibility that she was thinking all that.

    My ex just did something really stupid last night. He made some really mean comments on my pictures. Well he never commented so many words on my pictures when we were together… He was saying that I show off and really a starter in fitness kinda stuff. He just basically can’t see that I am progressing well. I’m not sure whether that’s pure jealousy or he just hates me so much…

    I am already speechless now

    • Total Posts: 463

    Ye I am working on myself. I’m doing a food diary and eating healthy. Going to circuit training classes. Even started playing the ukulele. I’m going to as many gigs as possible. Getting out there meeting new ppl. And going out with friends. So I’m keeping busy and improving myself. I hope we can have some kind of relationship in the future being friends or maybe better. She was my world and my best friend. We had good times and bad. We made each other laugh and cry. She was special to me but moving to a new city and not knowing know one had a bigger afect on me than I thought. And I forgot how special she was. Now I’m wounded with how I let things escalate. If only I could see myself and the mistakes I made at the time. But thanks for your input.

    why would he do that! That’s well out of order. U shouldn’t have to take that. I hope he feels bad about it. Hope your ok. Stay strong!

    • Total Posts: 268

    Time is your best friend mate. Let things settle.


    Anger/hate or whatever this was, is still a feeling. The worst thing that could happend is him being indifferent. At least he is reacting. Dont worry about it. Take the high road. He will end up takeing it all back later. He just needs time.
    As a guy I would NEVER do this unless there was some really strong feelings involved.

    • Total Posts: 8

    @ RustyRed, @CreeD

    I simply can’t believe that was him talking there. Today his mean comments continued. He said about fitness he was speaking from experience. “You just can’t take the hard truth. Which is your value is diminishing.” He said he was happy to provide guidance. But you just failed yourself because it was not accepted as a proper lifestyle. You would rather spent time throwing emotional tampons than actually living with healthy habits. Now you are a dry piece of steak that I refuse to chew. and I simple laugh at her attempt in re-assuring her self worth.

    I seriously doubt if he truly understands what emotional tampons mean.

    And I simply cannot believe he said this. That comment can be seen for our all mutual friends. Of course I fight back too.

    But it was odd that when he talked to me privately he didn’t use aggressive words or attitudes.

    I am very confused by his actions. several days ago he told his life decision to me still. several days after, he’s being a complete crazy childish person who is full of jealousy. That’s at least how I feel. Any guys mind to share from a male perspective?

    I didn’t do anything. 3 days ago I even invited him to my ceremony and thanked for all his efforts on guiding me, accompanying me. Because I act what I truly feel. Although it was him who broke up with me in a very hard way, I still had this appreciated attitude when I thought of him before. And I think his recent actions just completely ruined that.

    • Total Posts: 268

    That should be enough motivation for you to keep improving yourself and become a better person. A person he would love to be with, and it will drive him crazy that he is not with you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Don’t mind what people do straigth out of the breakup. We are not ourselfs at this point, and we do stupid things that dont make any sense. When we turn to “normal” we take it all back again…

    And one last thing:
    People thing that the opposite of love is hate. It is not! The opposite of love is indifference. So there is clearly still some feelings there.

    Take the high road my friend and ignore him. Dont go to his level.
    Block him of Facebook for some time if you have to.

    • Total Posts: 463

    Woke up this morning thinking that she txt me during the night. Hate dreams like this ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 73

    i totally feel you RustyRed about the text…i am thinkink brake the NC rule also.
    have a look at my case.maybe you have something to tell me.

    need help and opinions

    and little more

    thinking stop NC….

    • Total Posts: 8


    Well actually he blocked me first today on facebook damn it!! I was too slow…

    We had fight on messenger simply because he recalled the past.

    I remembered that he said he would like to help me if I asked. But guess what.. today he not only refused me but also recalled the past and then blocked me on messenger.

    Guys, this is a tough road, but i think it might be the time for me to not think about him any more. He’s way too immature which I can’t communicate with him on the same level no more.

    If I still did, it’s just torturing myself

    • Total Posts: 463

    To be honest with u, you sound too good for him. Try and continue with your life and if he gets his act together maybe think about it but I think you deserve better!

    • Total Posts: 463

    I know it’s hard

    • Total Posts: 8

    Thanks @RustyRed

    I basically realized his minor changes back in August. He was deeply influenced by MGTOW. I support people to go on their own way. Don’t get me wrong. But his reactions were too aggressive and rude to a level which I cannot bare no more.

    Thank you guys for being supportive these days. I hope you all well and really be happy with what you want to achieve.

    Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚

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