Boards Reconciliation She wanted a break, still snapchats me every day.

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  • #34522
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    I can’t tell if I’m just still on her favorites list for snapchat because most of the snapchats are pretty general. Nothing saying that she misses me or whatnot but nonetheless she still sends them. I haven’t texted or called her in over a week but the snapchats keep coming. I’ve been responding to some but today I decided to stop cold turkey from snap chatting too. It almost seems like she wants her cake and wants to eat it too. What’s your guys’ take on this?

    • Total Posts: 15

    You answered it yourself in your question. I think you made the mistake of even responding to some. I dont know the back story of the two of you, or where you are in relation to how long you two have been done for, But I know from experience, that girls on social media (immature ones) tend to do things like that just to see if you’d respond or give them that attention back. It’ll say more to her if you open and dont answer or just get rid of her completely and not contact her. To her she is looking at you as an easy option, and trust me, you don’t want to be an option to someone you care about.

    • Total Posts: 11

    This happened to me and things ended very badly:

    Use the 5 step plan before you do or say something ridiculous like I did. You’re in a great position. And when a month goes by, she’ll be wondering where your replies are. Be strong, homie. You got this.

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