Boards Reconciliation She said she see's me in her mind & dreams!?!?

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  • #49114
    • Total Posts: 463

    @jburg32 that must have been hard for u! Are u still planing on meeting up with her?

    • Total Posts: 179

    Yeh I was internally melting down think I kept it together though.

    Well she was supposed to come back to by the end of the week for meeting Friday. She hadn’t got back to me, even after seeing me today still nothing.

    So she reaches out, gives me a message with an option. I ask her to meet get the stuff and catch up she suggested that maybe the weekend.

    Now she is not even bothering.

    When do I really take the hint, or is all about control for her. Today set me back made me realise I am no where near over the girl.

    • Total Posts: 312

    @Gingerone I know this feeling, but you shouldn’t contact her for now. I know this because on my weak moments I’m thinking of doing it myself. Today I felt terrible, was really down because today we have a “White Night” so everyone are having fun and partying all night while I’m working late and going straight home from work. I tried asking my close friends but they all have exams next week so they’re busy studying. At first I felt bad and even thought of asking him to go because he mentioned he’s going to this but after a while I felt better and I’m glad I didn’t ask him.

    I agree with Jburg32, right now she keeps you hanging on and you can’t know for sure what are her intentions. It’s really not healthy for us and as long as we don’t know I think we should focus on ourselves and place our thoughts about them on the side of our mind for now. I think you should wait for her to contact you first. You’ve already asked her to hangout so I think now it has to come from her. But if you really want to then maybe wait a few days and try asking her again.

    • Total Posts: 69

    @Gingerone – Your situation is a difficult one and it just requires patience.

    In a way I’d love to be in your position. Your ex is in contact and she clearly has you on the mind. She’s initiating that contact too which again is a positive. However, if she’s unsure; she could be unintentionally stringing you along.

    In some ways it would be better for you to be in my position, not having heard anything from the ex. It means you can start moving on or forward in your life.

    I heard something today which was rather poignant. ‘Letting go hurts less than hanging on’. Perhaps we all have to let go for us to move forward in life and although we are all here with the goal of getting our ex back – sometimes moving forward means leaving people behind who won’t/can’t join you on that journey.

    My advice is simple. Wash your hands of everything unless she gets back in contact. When she does post here and we’ll all give you the help you need. I know for one posting on here has helped me a lot.

    • Total Posts: 179

    So she completely blew me off today. She didn’t even bother letting me know.

    Now the messages back and forth are really cold.

    She is now saying she has no time to meet me at all as really busy with work.

    • Total Posts: 463

    @jburg32 sorry dude! Hope your ok. Are u still txting her?

    Thanks guys, it’s a hard situation.

    how would u play it now?

    • Total Posts: 179

    She claimed she forgot and was to busy with work.

    I asked for a phone call, which wasn’t prepared or structured and needed up being a bit emotional.

    It’s don’t though she can’t get over the negatives after the break up. Doesn’t believe I will change and said nothing can ever happen.

    • Total Posts: 69

    How would I play it now? Simply get on with your life without her in it, see what happens. – if she contacts you again fairly soon then I’d continue contact with her and if you feel like she’d be open to meeting up ask her when she is free.

    • Total Posts: 463

    Well guys something strange just happend. She txt asking if I was ok and what was I up to. I replied with ye I’m good just chilling. Then she txt back asking if I want to go for a drink. I’m working at 6 but hey I’m not going to say no so I’m off out to see what it’s all about. Wish me luck!

    • Total Posts: 69

    So, what happened?!

    • Total Posts: 463

    Hi guys! Well….had a great time. We went out for drinks chatted, laughed. Things went well. We went back to mine and chatted till early hrs. Woke up and stayed in bed all day today having a good time. Just dropped her off now. It seemed like we both didn’t want it to end! Felt amazing being with her again. Kissing her holding her…

    • Total Posts: 312

    @Gingerone I’m so happy for you! So all the signs she gave you were true. She really did miss you and has feelings for you. It almost doesn’t sound real lol! How are you going to take it from here?

    • Total Posts: 69

    I’m so chuffed for you @Gingerone – My only warning would be don’t jump in too quickly. Take things slow and don’t put too much pressure on her or yourself.

    Hopefully this is the start (again) of something really good. Honestly, this news brought a smile to my face today!

    • Total Posts: 463

    @oshi I know I woke up this morning thinking it was all a dream. It felt so good. I’ve missed her so much. I woke up yesterday and she was just watching me sleep with a smile on her face. I feel good but I know it’s still a long road. @ty10 I know last thing I want is to scare her off, i wanted to txt her straight away after dropping her off but thought better of it. Just because we had a good time and things went well, I can’t rush it. But with what was said and the looks given I’m hoping there’s a chance. Thanks for all your advice and help. Long way to go but feeling good, there’s always hope!

    • Total Posts: 463

    She txt today to say she said had a good time. I’m nervous on how things are going to go lol. When’s best to ask her out again ?

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