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  • #54538
    • Total Posts: 151

    Good Luck wondering,take it easy and be nice to her,i know it hurts but if you have loved this women its ok to have her decide on relationship.

    Girls if they get hurt it will take way more time to come back esp if it were very serious towards marriage,kids and family.

    Wish you the best luck for tomorrow and hope you have good time with her and again no pressure of coming back.Just relax and be nice.

    • Total Posts: 35

    Well it’s going to be BRUNCH ON SUNDAY instead.
    Really, just wanted a quick coffee, would be able to tell alot based on that alone.
    Instead, it’s going to be a whole meal.

    I really don’t know what to prepare because it really all depends on her attitude.

    All I can do is look my best, and be cool– I just really want to hear how she is doing with her life.

    I mean I get it, she has not initiated contact with me, but will still respond and ask about my life and happenings.

    I am also under the assumption that she is still really struggling with her personal issues.

    This will only help as it will either confirm or deny and no prolong any hesitations we/she/I may have about this relationship.

    • Total Posts: 76

    I think that’s good Wondering! It means she wants to spend more time with you than you had originally planned!! I hope it all goes well :)!!

    • Total Posts: 35

    She cancelled tonight.
    Via text.
    After a late night drinking with her stuck up friend that hates me.

    She said She didn’t think it was good to see me. She hasn’t changed her mind. But if I still needed closure, she would.

    I text.
    I even called. I wasn’t desperate sounding in the voicemail I left, just not happy, nor a mess. Kinda down in my voice. But I ended it with I hope you are well.
    She didn’t answer.

    Funny how life grants you an opportunity, and then takes it away just 2 days later.

    She’s obviously still a mess. And I don’t need this shit.

    I’m gonna get my skates. And tell her what I need to say then I’m going to be done with it.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Yeah, I think it’s a good idea to get everything off your chest before it’s too late. Then, unfortunately maybe you should try moving on ): I feel like I have to move on as well now. I can’t do it and I haven’t even had the chance to say everything that I wanted to but there’s no way he will listen to me now. At least you’re on speaking terms with your ex and she may listen to what you have to say. She may just be confused, but it’s easier for you to let go before you realize you’ve held on for far too long – like I have. Good luck! I’m sorry she cancelled.

    • Total Posts: 35


    We are no longer on speaking terms. Read on my other post what went down after she cancelled. I gave it to her and walked away with some of my dignity still left.

    Told her to never communicate with me any further. I deactivated social media connections.
    And after I sent that message, the first thing she does is go online to start conversations with other dudes.

    I just don’t know at what point she became so cold.

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