Boards Reconciliation Sent the letter! Help!

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  • #37881
    • Total Posts: 505

    @oshi He’s making the effort to meet you and is trying to update you with his life!

    KD how are you doing now?

    • Total Posts: 750


    I’m ok. I’m just a bit lost lol. I obviously respect he can’t meet now, I’m just scared that he will only do it once all his feelings have gone and it will be too late. I read the rewind relationship and may message him at a later date. But for now I will respect what he said and leave him be I think πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 505

    I am writing my letter now!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @mj good for you! A letter definitely seems the best way to me

    • Total Posts: 463

    I wrote my letter out last night, I’m sending it out tonight.

    • Total Posts: 505

    All the best, man. I’m still trying to write out my feelings but I cant out it down into words!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Gingerone that’s good buddy. Good luck with that.

    I started writing my letter two weeks after we broke up. It changed 10 times before I eventually sent it out. I couldn’t get the words out properly and everytime I read it back it sounds desperate or needy or something. Eventually I stripped it all down and read it and thought, yeah that sounds good.

    Wish the result had been slightly different though lol.

    I am torturing myself today. I cannot stop thinking about him, and I’m driving myself mad. I’m trying to distract myself with work etc but nothing is working. I just really really want to see him right now, a cuddle is all I want πŸ™ I’m so scared that it’s just done for good now and any little bit of hope I had is fading fast πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 505
    • Total Posts: 750

    Ahhhhh thank you πŸ™‚

    I get comfort from the hug!

    and a little comfort from thinking maybe he is not as ok as he made out. Him saying “When I feel ok to see you, I will” which does make me think he can’t see me right now coz if he did then he would question whether he did the right thing or not, or am I just playing games with myself πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Mj @gingerone @oshi

    So in my exes letter, he said about me passing on a message to my mum, to say he always felt so welcome and is grateful for trusting him with his beautiful girl (I think I mentioned it yesterday) he said to me that he had wanted to message my mum but he didn’t know if she disliked him or anything so asked if I could pass it on to her and tell her that if she wants to message him then she can.

    I spoke to my mum last night and told her what he had said, his message and she asked me if she could reply to him. I said he is ok with it, but I don’t know if she should or not.

    she is very understanding, and would not try to pressure him, but she would probably thank him for the message and tell him he is always welcome in her home and that it was a shame what happened between us given the circumstances of why it went bad. I know she will want to say that I have worked really hard to get myself better.

    I don’t want him to feel pressured, but maybe a bit of influence from her might make him think? I don’t know.

    What do you all think?

    • Total Posts: 505

    I think it will be ok for your mom to reply him, but hope she doesnt try to oversell the fact that you want to get back.

    I’m stuck on my letter! What stuff will girls want to read from these letters?

    • Total Posts: 312

    @KD1988 @Mj Thank you! You’re right! I should be more optimistic πŸ™‚

    I think it won’t change much but maybe it will make him see things from another perspective.
    My mom also had a conversation with my ex early after the break up, he told her things he didn’t tell me, that he loves me and that I’m the only one he truly wants, so maybe it will help soften him up a bit.

    • Total Posts: 750

    @mj she will definitely not say about us getting back together. I told her she needs to not mention tht! And with regards to your letter, I would just be completely honest. She will appreciate the truth.

    yes more positive πŸ™‚
    I don’t think it will change his mind, and that’s fine. I just didn’t want him to think it was pressure and he would run a mile. But I don’t think she will say anything bad to him.

    • Total Posts: 505

    So just tell the truth that I want her back?

    • Total Posts: 750


    Hmmm maybe not that bit. Just tell her how you have been feeling since you broke up, what you’ve done to better yourself and throw in some memories or things you love about her

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