Boards Reconciliation Sent the letter! Help!

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  • #41786
    • Total Posts: 657

    @Oshi I think you have a chance. However, I think the way you’ll get that chance is by letting go. You have got to become your own person so you are no longer that needy person. You have to be able to function on your own and do the right thing on your own. You got this. But like I have said a lot, PLEASE FOCUS ON YOU. You deserve to feel good about yourself, so start doing things to make you feel that way!

    And I was going to ask what he meant by that? Should I explain to him and then ask what he meant by that?

    • Total Posts: 312

    @ellie You’re right. I’m going to become a happier person on my own.

    Yes maybe explain it to him and see his reaction, then by that decide if you should ask him or not.

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Oshi How do I explain to him in the perfect way? Ugh now I’m nervous

    • Total Posts: 312

    @ellie I think you should explain it to him like you explained it to me 😉

    • Total Posts: 657

    Well I saw him. He seemed already agitated so I figured I shouldn’t say too much. I apologized and explained only a little. All he said was “I already told you I forgave you before”. He gave me a hug and a kiss. It wasn’t good though. I want to send him a nonchalant text message. Idk.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Well I sent him this nice text message after our talk. Haven’t heard from him. Never responded. So I called him twice. The second time I left a voicemail saying goodbye.

    My anxiety is up so high right now. I just want to keep calling and texting him until he answers. But I won’t. I’m so upset.

    • Total Posts: 657

    What do I do? We have been doing so great and we are so close.. My mom thinks I’m overreacting, but I’m not sure..what do I do?

    • Total Posts: 750

    @ellie96 I think it may be a little overreaction but it’s hard for us to say when we are not the ones in the situation. I wouldn’t contact him anymore. It sounds like he has issues too you know?

    • Total Posts: 657

    @KD He does, but we were so happy. Now I feel like I messed up somehow and now we will never talk again. I can’t deal with all of this again. I’m already dealing with other things, and this just made it worse.

    • Total Posts: 750

    @ellie96 you haven’t messed up at all. What makes you think you have messed up? Because you haven’t heard from, that doesn’t mean that you have messed up. I would say that is him messing up…
    You know that you will talk again, it’s just a panic reaction. It’s unlikely you will never ever hear from him again. Sounds like he was having a couple of issues and just wasn’t in a great mood. He doesn’t need to ignore you, but maybe that’s how he deals with stuff. Which isn’t great!

    • Total Posts: 505

    Hey guys i was busy the entire day. How’s everything now?

    It makes me sad to see her emo on her blog 🙁

    • Total Posts: 374

    Sorry to intrude here guys but I have recently subscribed to emails from this guy called Mark Ong on a website called ex boyfriend insight. Anyway coincidentally i just got this email today which could apply to your situation. These were the main contents of it:

    Here is a typical scenario for any woman trying to get her ex boyfriend back.

    ==> Make a lot of mistakes (usually just after break up)
    ==> Do 3 right things
    ==> Make 1 small mistake
    ==> Do 2 right things
    ==> Make 2 small mistakes
    ==> Do 5 right things
    ==> Make 3 small mistakes
    ==> Do 4 right things
    ==> Make 1 big mistake (e.g sleep with ex)
    ==> Do 3 right things etc…..
    When you are trying to get your ex back, you are going to make a number of mistakes along the way, as illustrated above.

    This is very normal.

    As long as you don’t beat yourself up over those mistakes already made and keep on focusing on doing the right things, you are going to do more right things than making mistakes.

    This will give you a positive score.

    Interesting concept but I know its one I can relate to !

    • Total Posts: 657

    @KD Can I be honest with you about something else? I don’t want to talk to my friends or family about it because I don’t want to be a burden and put them through that again. I have Bipolar 2 Disorder. It causes depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I’m showing all 3 of those symptoms. I have medication, so I don’t know what is going on. All I know is that I’m not doing well. I’ve been holding it all in for the past week, and this has just gotten it 10x worse. This drove me back to being suicidal again. I just wanted to talk to someone about it. I’m breaking down and I feel so alone since I won’t talk to anyone. I just wanted to hear from someone. I’m sorry..but can you please just talk me out of it? Please. I can’t stop crying.

    • Total Posts: 657

    @KD This is what I texted him last night:
    “Bare with me on this one, and just hear me out! I hope you read it and understand. Maybe it will even make your night a little better, I hope! *fingers crossed*
    Thank you for everything. You really are doing a great job with trying and I appreciate all of it. I’m just going through some things right now and I haven’t told anyone, you know how it is to feel bottled up. Since I’ve known you, you have grown into such a great hardworking person and I couldn’t be more proud to
    call you my best friend.. I guess part of me is worried that I’ll go back to my old ways and put everyone through that again. I think that I am psyching myself out so bad about turning back, that I am starting to act that way and not thinking about what I am doing. It is going to stop as of right now though. I promise and swear on my life. No more negativity unless there is a situation that calls for it. Letting go. Moving forward. It is all a part of this healing process I am going through. Like everyone warned me, it will take a long time, but I will get stronger and better everyday. I am so proud of where we are both at now, and I would love it if we just keep doing what we are doing. When we are together, we both smile up a storm and have a lot of fun. It hasn’t been like that in a long time, and I feel that we both need/deserve that. We needed to break up. We needed to go through all of those other experiences. We needed to meet and have flings with new people. Ironically, I am happy that all of that did happen. If it wasn’t for that, we wouldn’t be the people we are today. If you haven’t noticed, we are so much stronger than we once were. We both moved on from
    the past, and now we are building a new relationship (meaning a general relationship) together. We give/respect each others space, we enjoy the times we do spend together, and we now understand where each of us are coming from. I don’t want any of that to change. We have both agreed that we do want each other in our futures, and we both agreed that we never stopped loving each other (chances are, we never will). We have such a strong connection and bond, even when we were a part for so long, we never lost that. You know as well as I do, that that means something..Whatever happens between us in the future, happens, but right now I am happy where we are at and I can tell you are too..I am sorry for another long text, but you deserve to know what is going on with me so you know that it has NOTHING to do with you or our past or how we are now. I just want to let it all go, forget the bullshit from the past, remember the good times from the past, and most of all just create more good times and work through the bad when they arise. We both have come such a long way and it would be stupid
    if either one of us (mainly talking about me) goes back down the path we once were on! Hope I hear from yah tonight when you get off work..and I hope we can have another one of our goofy conversations! Those really get me through the day :)”

    What did I do so wrong?….

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Coolcat Do you consider what I texted him a mistake?

    We have been kissing each other, saying I love you, hugging, having fun together, etc.

    Yet I didn’t hear from him after that text. He said he’d text me after work and I sent that before he got off. He was already having a bad day and he texted me earlier that day saying that sooner or later I need to move on. But I think he meant from our issues from the past. Either way he was having a bad day yesterday. Do you think he doesn’t love me anymore and he won’t talk to me ever again?

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