Boards Reconciliation Rebound relationship or am I just fooling myself?

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    I feel like I have completely imagined the past year and a half. It’s been about three months since my ex and I broke up. It was kind of mutual, but he needed it more than I did. We were so good for so long. We really really loved each other, and he told me time and time again all througbout our relationship that I was the first woman he really and truly loved. There was a point where we took a break because I was living far away for a while and he was in tears. Crying in my arms, telling me he would still go to the ends of the earth for me. He was so serious about us, and I was told by multiple people he had never been like this with anyone. We got into a rough patch towards the end of the relstionship, my anxiety had gotten really bad, and he was lost in his own life. So we decided to end it. He was a mess again, so was I. I still am. He told me even in the process of us ending everything (it took about two weeks for us to really end it) that I was the woman he was going to always love, the one he could see himself marrying. About a month after us breaking up, I look at his Twitter and he’s buying this new girl my favorite flowers, (which means they met about two or three weeks before that) and they’ve been “exclusive” ever since. Hes completely cut me out of his life, and I haven’t tried to contact him either. But I’m just sitting here totally baffled. We shared moments that I don’t think will ever leave my mind and I just need to know, is she a rebound? I know rebound relationships can last, but they are moving SO fast. So fast. He’s throwing it all over social media. Constantly bragging and tweeting every day how “amazing his girl is”. I feel like I never existed. I’m so confused. Can someone give me some sort of insight? I don’t even want him back. I’m moving on with my life by building my heart back up to a place of self love and happiness, but this is still weighing on my shoulders like a weight I cannot lift. If anyone has some sort of answer I can understand, it would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you! Take care.

    • Total Posts: 27

    been there.
    Except that my ex said he doesn’t love me anymore.

    3 weeks after breaking up he put a stranger in our house, went on vacations with her, slept with her. she went back to her country and he hasn’t stopped chasing her since. His facebook was and still is an ode to that girl. He used our vacations, our house, our pictures to seduce her. How inconsiderate! I was moving out, I was processing the break up, the lost of my love, my life, my house! And he was bragging about her and his happiness all over his facebook for everyone (family and friends) to see.

    So after I fight with him he hid some of the posts. But he keeps posting constantly about her, how great his life is now, liking quotes of how bad marriage is, or how being in love feels like, how women are naggers, what makes a woman great, etc etc etc.

    So I know what you feel.
    I don’t know why they do that. I don’t. It’s just very inconsiderate. They know we see it. They just don’t care. I don’t think they even think about it. If they do, if they’re doing it on purpose than it’s just sick.

    If you ex loves you than it’s even more weird.

    All I can say is: ignore it. Don’t see his twitter. Take a deep breath whenever you see something like that and move your mind to something else right away.

    *But about the flowers (it’s the same with our pictures), I think they try to repeat the things they liked/missed from our relationship with their new lovers (rebound).

    • Total Posts: 64

    Alright I’m a guy so I can comment on what I’m feeling. First off rebounds are basically replacements for your relationships but very bad ones. They rush to the point where you guys were at fast and end just as fast because they realize the new girl isn’t you and usually the cracks start to show before they fall apart. It’s definitely a rebound because they are moving so fast and he is making a point to put it up on social media where he knows you will see it. He’s basically trying to say “look how good I am doing, don’t see through it and realize I miss you cause I’m stupid!!!”. He is trying to convince himself and you that he is happy but he is almost definitely not happy. He is putting on an act and a stupid one at that, don’t rise to it and ignore him entirely.

    • Total Posts: 70

    wt*** why all guy’s like that my ex doing that too after he saying he love me ,he still thinking of me but i saw him flirting and i find out he is dating with other girls, i dn’t know why he do my mind i knw its just only a rebound cuz he find a girl so fast.i ask him saying if he love his new grl, he said love i a strong word but he have feelings to that girl already.. im in pain when i see him liking other girls picture and giving them a compliment but i just keep quiet.. i have a pride too..i hate him for finding someone so fast and replace to my place easily , i dn’t know if its true if the guy easily move on..i knw in your mind you are so confuse just like me.. asking yourself wht happen? why he do that,i thought he told me im his life ,he dn’t want to lose me..then why he have a new girl,why he find a girl easily..

    all i need to do is to keep quiet , my ex still sending me msg.. but i told him he must focus to his trying to move on start my life without him ..i keep in my mind that i dn’t need to be hurt ,i dn’t need to suffer this kind of emotion cuz the guy i use to love is happy with someone else ,all i need to do is pray and focus to be a better person..i want to enjoy life..i dn’t want to stress..encouragement and my friends help me..

    maybe every guy have the same way of moving on they find a best reason to move on by finding someone else to forget the fast (ex)..

    • Total Posts: 2

    Bee – I’m so sorry you put through so much. No one deserves to go through something that causes that much stress, turmoil, etc. Take your own advice, and I will take yours as well, and every time you think about him, take a deep breath and understand that a man who puts you through so much isn’t worthy of your time. I hope you’re in a better place from all of that!

    atedeschi93 – It’s awesome to hear from a guys perspective and its really comforting to hear a confirmation that my guesses are correct lol I’ve been going crazy, seeing how happy he is all the time, bragging about it, giving her things I always wanted. Its like he’s doing everything right this time thinking he’ll be able to make up for all of the mistakes he made with me. Thank you so much for responding. It really really helped!

    WHENA – Things can get so complicated so quickly :/ Focus only yourself, build your life back up and focus on who you want to be. He’ll regret it some day when he sees you happy without him!

    • Total Posts: 70

    @briana yes i was wishing that soon 🙂

    the girl his dating im wishing she cn give love like i do before like he always said to me he nver feel happy and so much inlove before only me,im his dream girl..and the only things that he cn do is finding someone near to him..

    aw so happy to u mean ur ex and you back together sorry im not aware to your issue?

    • Total Posts: 27

    “a man who puts you through so much isn’t worthy of your time.”

    yes. This is where I stand in this roller coaster now: dignity/anger stage.
    I believe I’m closer to the final stage: the getting over him for good.
    Tired of putting myself through this for someone who doesn’t care if we were friends and partners and lovers for 12 years and just ignores me like I’ve never existed.

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