Boards Reconciliation Please help me guys.

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  • #30235
    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Big texts this morning. Haven’t replied. Not sure what to do.

    So she sent a few Messages first about the fact that we never paid the woman who did our tax return last year. I had said that we didn’t several times but she insisted that she paid.

    Anyway, I didn’t reply. She then sent another Barrage of texts;

    She is looking Forward to seeing me next week. Exams start in 2 days and finish in a week.
    She has seen nobody in the last few weeks. Nobody. Just her mam and dad and a girlfriend called one evening.
    She is doing well in uni. Had a presentation and the lecturer loved it. She then said that everything is going great.
    Then a short text Saying; everything is great with the study just. Thats what i meant.

    Now, that was a lot of info. Was she trying to subtly hint at something by telling me that she has met nobody? And everything is great just with the study.
    I am keeping calm, but that was a lot. Even for just a friend.

    What do you think?

    P.s. remember, It was definitely all over with us. I heard nothing for 8 days at the start! Don’t give up Charlie

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Are you going to send her flowers? Big move. But if you feel it’s right then go for it.

    What are you thinking then if not roses?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Don’t read into any of it too much. The fact that she text you a lot is a good sign. Work on that and that alone. Not seeing one sounds like she’s lonely. Take from that what you will I suppose. Clarifying it’s with her study means everything isn’t ok outside of her work. Good sign.

    Keep calm.

    I’m close to giving up Patrick. I spoke to one of my workmates (female) who thinks that she didn’t like the fact I’d given her space so that’s why I got a reaction. I think that’s true, but I have also felt different since the weekend. I feel like the dust has settled, something has changed. She thought it was over, and now with me being distant I feel it confirms it. I want to send her flowers, and my workmate said do it. She thinks that whether or not I think it will piss her off, it won’t.

    Whatever, I don’t even know anymore.

    • Total Posts: 562


    Go for it.

    • Total Posts: 300

    On the text I sent her before the one I got it saying we weren’t getting back together, I had sent her an email with a link to one of our favourite comedian’s new stand up short. I had to buy it, but it only cost a couple of pounds.

    She said ‘You probably shouldn’t have sent me that email’ (made me think the gesture had driven her away at the time) and told me it was a lovely gesture but was inappropriate.

    It’s this information versus sentences like ‘I know things are really utterly shit at the moment’ that throw me. That sounds like things will get better, or maybe that’s just my interpretation. I overthink everything anyway, but right now it’s crazy.

    • Total Posts: 300

    Thanks for your input LAbound. Have you had a chance to read my thread through?

    • Total Posts: 300

    I’m sure Patrick would appreciate any opinions on his situation too

    • Total Posts: 300

    Thinking of these too, not too Valentine-ish. Plus they’re unusual.

    I’ve been thinking maybe just don’t send them on Valentine’s.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Valentines is saturday. Tomorrow is thursday! Send them whenever I suppose. Tomorrow or Friday.

    Gladiolas are nice too. Wrong time of year though I think. Are you going to write anything with the flowers? Like thinking of you. See you next Weekend.

    LABound is good. Listen to him. Go for it.

    Send flowers. They always like them. If she asks down the line what the hell was going on then say you needed to clear your head. Which you did to be fair.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    My Situation is that she is getting closer with each day. Almost there. And I am almost there too. Those were big Messages today to me. “She has been alone (he is gone?)” “really looking Forward to seeing me”.
    She is almost back

    • Total Posts: 300

    Interesting how everyone thinks differently, got some conflicting advice from a friend from work. He thought if he were me he wouldn’t send them, said that as things are very confusing at this time, making a romantic gesture wouldn’t necessarily be a wise idea. Much like the email gesture I suppose. He’s known me for years and has been through some difficult breakups himself, lost a marriage.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Christ. So what are you going to do now?

    • Total Posts: 300

    I have no idea Patrick. None at all. I’m getting so tired now.

    What about you? Have you replied to those messages yet?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Horrible thought that when we do meet, it’ll have been six weeks since I saw her in person. I think it’s over now if I’m honest, that’s why I’m deliberating flowers. I don’t feel that drive to get her, at least not now. I just feel sad.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    6 weeks. Wow. Send the flowers. If you think it’s over then you have nothing to lose

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