Boards Reconciliation Please help me guys.

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  • #39886
    • Total Posts: 300

    Hi Patrick,

    You know I thought about what you said, and maybe I’m not quite ready myself. I was so anxious on Friday that I turned my phone off while spending time with the family.

    Turned it back on, and she had text asking if I wanted to hang out. Unfortunately as our texts were so sporadic yesterday she isn’t coming down today because we didn’t arrange anything. She said she had work in her texts but was vague and it totally shook me. Normal anxious thoughts. What deadline does she have mid-easter holiday, she’s playing me etc etc.

    I spoke to her on the phone this morning though and it was nice. Turns out she has forms which she needs to get signed by lecturers for Friday and she doesn’t know if she can come away as of yet. I have proposed a couple of days next week with a fun day out (boat trip down the canal, kept that secret though) while my parents are away. She said she is going to try and let me know as soon as she knows. She sounded excited about the surprise, I think. I hope things with her work fall into place so she can come and have fun.

    For me though again I’ve just been rocked by those anxious thoughts these past few days. She said that she has been feeling odd for the past few days. She was watching some odd talks on Sex Love & Secrets on our joint Netflix account which spun me, but I guess she may have been looking for answers like me.

    So Patrick, how do you feel now? It must feel like a great weight has been lifted. You are on the road to something truly new. It’s madness. Do you think it will be strange learning to forget this stage in your life? When you no longer post on here, or have to consider your moves like a chess player anymore. I know that you won’t, but don’t let the re-coupling of you both let you fall into the same old ruts.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Hi Charlie,

    Did you meet her this week? Or are you going to meet her? You will of course get anxious thoughts. Happens me every day. It’s the uncertainty. As for her watching those talks, I think you are right. She is looking for the right path through all this and is confused. You should set Dates from now on. Maybe say to her ok we’ll meet saturday and sunday and so on. Take the decision making away. See if she likes that any better.

    I am still in the same place. She Needs time etc. Although when we are together we get fairly Close. I slept there again last night and we cuddled and so on all night. Few kisses on the cheek goodbye.
    I caught her hiding her phone and texting a few times yesterday. She used to drive me crazy doing that so i told her it annoyed me. She got angry for a few minutes and then apologised. But in the angry time she said she can text who she wants and can have a thousand boyfriends if she wants. Think she regretted that afterwards. I remained calm throughout.

    She had a Point i suppose. It is None of my Business but I hope she realises that to move Forward she will have to stop that nonsense. She said that she was texting nothing to do with me or to worry me. Which begs the question then; why hide?
    I guess she was either talking about me to someone or talking to another guy.
    She did go and meet some guy and his mates back a week ago. He is new on the Scene. She got chatting to him in a bar. She said that she has no interest in him whatsoever and if i saw him i would see that. She got angry that i found it strange and said i was stopping her making friends. I told her that 90% of the time the guy wants something. Simple as that.

    Anyway, if she does start dating someone else then I have the strength now to walk away. And I would do that. And I think she knows that. After I complained yesterday she was very clingy afterwards and apologised etc.

    You asked about planning every move. I don’t do that anymore. I just let it flow. Although I will plan to get her to know how much the phone thing stills annoys me. Plus she knows that I had thoughts of leaving. Just small thoughts about moving to another Country. But that scared her.

    • Total Posts: 300

    Hi Patrick,

    We did meet. She came to stay. It’s been excellent. She said ‘I love you’ before she left.

    She brought weed with her though, and stupidly I agreed to smoke some. It’s funny because I felt so confident before she came down and she saw that. Then I smoked and it was bad for me, suddenly remembered why I stopped. Gives me such bad anxiety. I feel it for days afterward too.

    As I say things were really nice, I’m slightly saddened that our reconciliation was marred by me smoking though, I thought it was the right thing to do at the time, felt like I’d be ok. I find that when anyone sees me being awkward when I smoke, I find it very hard to return to normality with that person even once the effects wear off. The usual invasive paranoid thoughts came with it too, at first I was just so happy she was with me, sighing with relief. Then after I smoked I got the usual worries about her, it really gets in the way of my love for her, like I’m not quite present in the moment. Before I smoked I didn’t even care if she’d been seeing someone else. Then when I did that’s all I thought about. It’s no good for me. I worry that I had associated her with those feelings and had finally let them go, then smoking just brought them all straight back. Too much like the old times. I think it really was poison for my relationship. Going to Portsmouth today to see her and my friends which will be nice though.

    I wouldn’t be overly concerned with who she is texting. You weren’t before you are where you are now, so try not to get too ahead of yourself. Sounds like everything is headed your way, keep the ego out of it!

    • Total Posts: 711

    Any news guys? 🙂

    • Total Posts: 1

    Hi everyone!

    I’ve been following Patrick’s and Charlie’s conversations as well as a few others and I decided to write something for everyone, hoping it can help you out in some way, shape, or form. There’s one thing I need to say; IF you follow the 30 days of “No Contact” and work on yourself for those 30 days, things will work out for the better. Let me share my story with you.

    My boyfriend and I were together for almost 2 years when one day my boyfriend decides to break things up. I was devastated and torn into pieces. I thought I was never going to have to hear those words come out of his mouth ever, but I did. So what now? I came across this website that shared the 5 step plan and I was determined and convinced I was going to follow it. Therefore, I immediately began the “No Contact” rule and started working on myself. Within 2 days of NC he started contacting me through texts and phone calls. That continued for the full 30 days. He would try to get a hold of me about three times a week which was rare because before we broke up, I wouldn’t hear from him for days and now with NC he was contacting me so right away I started seeing success with this 5 step plan which helped me not to respond to any of his texts and not answer any of his phone calls either.

    In those 30 days of NC, I NEEDED to work on myself since I was determined I was going to win him back. In those 30 days, I was able to have a clear understanding of why he broke up with me (which I don’t blame him for), my attitude problems, as well as some small things that just kept piling up cause we never took the time to fix them right away.Once I realized my mistakes and errors, I was determined on fixing them especially knowing that it wouldn’t cost me a thing and knowing I’d be benefiting from it. Once my puzzle was solved, I was feeling great. I was great emotionally, physically, and mentally.

    The 30 days were up. I was anticipating for this day to come because not only did I miss him dearly but I also was excited for him to see the positive, smiling, fun me. Once again, sticking to the 5 step plan, I decided to write him a letter. In that letter I wrote how I accepted the breakup, to apologize for my inappropriate behavior, and shared with him some new things that happened in those 30 days without giving him too much detail. I concluded the letter by writing “I would love to share with you the great news and plans with much more detail and it would be nice to catch up. If you are willing to, meet me at (Restaurant) at 7PM. Ill be there!” I ended up going to his home at 1am to leave the letter on his car. It was a little risque but let me tell you, it was well worth it!

    By my surprise, I get a text message from him at 10 am. The text message said “Hey, I’m sorry but I wont be able to meet up with you at 7 because I have dinner plans already and I would love for you to join me instead.” Dinner turned out be great. He picked me up and we went to our favorite restaurant and we met up with some of his cousins. Although him and I couldn’t really talk about “us” at dinner cause of the family there, we had such a great time eating and laughing just like the good old times. After dinner, we decided to come to my house so we can talk. The talk went great as well, we talked about the past as well as what we expect and our plans for the future. He actually shared with me that seeing the letter on his car at 3am (he goes to work at 4am everyday) was the best thing that happened to him in those 30 days we didn’t see each other or talk to each other so that was a plus. He actually ended up sleeping over because we were just talking for hours and hours.

    To make long story short, he mad us official again on March 18th 2015 and since then our communication is stronger than before and were holding on. It has not always been easy since then, we’ve had our falls and our little discussions but now, we talk them through and we work them out together as a team. Thankfully, although its barley going to be a month since we’ve been back together, he has noticed the changes I’ve made and thankfully, that has just gotten us closer and our trust is even stronger. Yes, I’m still working on myself as well as working with him in this relationship, that’s something that will have continue forever because I am not perfect and neither is he, but the point is we’re working together.

    Now, we have a lot of functions that we both have planned together like this weekend we’re heading out to Laughlin for my sister in laws birthday, then we have his brothers birthday, then we have 24 hours of Disneyland, then we have his cousins graduation and graduation party in Texas, and much more. Yes, its only been a month but that just proves that if you follow the 5 step plan thoroughly, at the end you’ll see the rewards and they are priceless. Remember, at the end it will all work out for the better.

    – Alisson

    • Total Posts: 300


    So things haven’t been going too well for me honestly. I find myself in an odd situation once again.

    I ended up going down to Portsmouth to hang with her and my friends this weekend.

    Friday night was nice, she put her legs on me. Slept together on the sofa that night. Saturday we went to some pubs, she was more affectionate as the evening went on. Saturday night we made the mistake of doing MDMA. It was an excellent night to be fair. Sunday felt terrible but everyone was chilling. Had a lovely time with her again when everyone went to bed. She was very on and off for the weekend, but particularly so on Sunday morning. I asked her if she was ok and she told me she was feeling anxious and that she felt we’d spent too much time together after spending no time toegther at all. I reminded her that she’d actually invited me down. Said sorry for whatever. Our friend needed to do his work so we packed up and headed out. Went down to the beach and just chilled. She was very quiet, and got upset a few times. Said it had all been overwhelming. Completely closed up on me. I would imagine it was to do with the MDMA as I wasn’t feeling amazing either.

    I had asked her to come to Ben Howard with me this weekend and she agreed. When we got to the station she apologised for being odd. Then she actually said she wanted to try with me again, but said it was really hard because we broke up and that we shouldn’t have to try. I didn’t really know what to say. She then said she doesn’t want to come to Ben Howard. I said no worries, went home.

    I called her yesterday just to apologise for the unusual weekend. I wanted to just explain that I had been a little awkward because of the smoking, and that I also didn’t actually know that she wanted to try again with me. The first part of the conversation was fine, when we were just making small talk. Nice actually. Then when I apologised for the weekend and tried to explain why I might have been acting odd, it took a turn for the worst. It actually made her upset. Started saying things like the weekend was all too much, which was true. Said she didn’t know what this is, didn’t know if it was going to work. She said she had to go, said enjoy your week. I get that she just wants things to be normal, but why on earth would ‘normal’ be just to ignore everything that happened the day before. I was worried about her and wanted to make sure she was OK. It’s very strange because she says we’re moving too fast, but she’s the one who thinks she can still talk to me like crap, and she’s the one who just fell back in to the old ruts. She’s the one who said I love you first.

    The part that hurts me the most though, is that when she was sat next to me on Saturday, I saw a text that she had sent to her friend on the day she came to visit me. While she was texting me saying “I’m looking forward to seeing you :)” she had sent a text to her friend saying “I have to go to Charley’s :-/ meeerrrrhh”. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and guess that she’s hiding what’s going on between us. But what do I know.

    I just actually feel very hurt to be honest. I’ve been really messed around the last week or so. She came down, she slept with me, told me she loves me. Invited me down to stay, slept with me several times. Then threw it all back in my face and acted as if I had made it all happen.

    And here I am.

    I can’t be bothered anymore. I have been nothing but gracious and forgiving and she has treated me like shit. It’s weird because she says things like “If I decide to try this again…” as if she doesn’t know it goes both ways.

    I don’t even know what to do now to be honest.

    • Total Posts: 300

    How do I make her see that I’m not chasing her around? She’s the one who’s been taking the lead.

    • Total Posts: 300

    What about you Patrick?

    • Total Posts: 711

    Maybe now you should wait for her to initiate? Also convey that you are also trying to see if it’s worth it might be a good thing so that she doesn’t take youu for granted anymore, cause I think she is doing that.

    That’s something I might do in my situation. Telling him Im ok with everything now but I still know in the back of my mind we could really be good for each other and that I would like to be sure about things. Or something like that. I’m meeting him tomorrow if yu guys could give advice would be awesome

    • Total Posts: 300

    Hey Patrick,

    You still out there? I’d really like to hear from you, hear how things are going. I presume they’re going pretty well seeing as you’re not on here anymore.

    Either way, just wanted to say thanks for all the advice through all this.

    You’re a good dude!

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Hi Charlie.

    I’m still here. Sorry I haven’t been on this. Sort of homeless at the minute. Can’t find a room at all. Staying at her mother’s for a few days then will try with a friend til I get something.

    Nothing has changed at all. Still meeting about 4 nights a week. Still no missing or anything. She needs time. doing my head in a bit but nothing else I can do. Just give her time. Guess I won’t be living with her again anytime soon so have to accept that and move on. She has rented out her spare room to make extra cash.

    But we get on well. We will have a long future together but baby steps will be the way. It will be very very slow. no point pushing her looking for my quick fix. To her things are still fresh. To me the wait seems like a lifetime. It’s the perception of time you see.

    I guess that you are doing well. Fill me in please. You 2 going out again properly?

    Word of advice from me who has been there; the drugs might seem like a laugh at the time, but looking back I wish I never bothered. You’ve tried them so leave it at that if I was you. The paranoia isn’t worth it.

    You’re a good man Charlie. I might send the administration here my number to send on to you

    • Total Posts: 711

    Hey California and patrick d. It seems the three of us are at the same place right now. I would love to have your guys opinions. We got back last saturday. So, it’s been a week. I’m unsure about everything.

    I can relate with the time thing… For me 4 months was a lot. To him was just the perfect time to get back. I guess I need to keep calm again, and not expect anything from him so soon…

    Half of my last post on my thread is telling the story of how we got back. What matters really is the second half where I talked about things that have been happening… Could you guys read? I would really apreciate it

    • Total Posts: 300

    Hi Patrick.

    Very nice to hear from you. I could use your advice honestly.

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble finding a place, I’m sure you’ll get settled again soon. Nothing new for you I guess eh? How come you moved from where you were?

    Slow and steady sounds like your best course of action.

    In my position I also find myself in some sort of limbo. I invited her to come and hang with me for the day last weekend. We had a very nice day, kissed and had a very earnest conversation before she left.

    I’ve just got back from a three day weekend in Devon with all our friends. We’d been texting all week, and both attended this weekend.

    Lots of drinks and fun with friends. Her and I had a really nice time, but I messed up a little on Saturday morning. I’d been haunted by the weekend in Portsmouth, and felt like I needed to find out what was going on between her and my friend in Portsmouth. I went on her phone (feel ashamed), and what I found threw me a little. A great barrage of messages dating months back. I’ve been trying to make sense of what they meant, as she spoke to him often about me and he gave her advice about coming to see me etc. But at the same time some of the messages seemed very intense, like “You’re not mad at me are you?” “You haven’t been replying to me” “I didn’t cross a boundary?” etc.

    After I had visited in Portsmouth she had sent a message saying “Charlie asked if he could come and visit and I couldn’t find a reason to say no. I just mean that I wasn’t staying at the flat while you were away to slyly bring Charlie to the flat”

    “I just hate that I put you in that situation” etc etc.

    Of course I immediately thought what you would obviously think. Yet she was also sending messages saying “When I hold hands/kiss him it’s like nothing else matters” etc. He replied saying that if she wants to be with me she should just lay all her cards on the table and let the chips fall where they may.

    Lots of etcs I know, just keeping it non-wordy.

    So I asked her. We went for a cigarette, and I said I was feeling anxious about us. I told her that I had noticed that her and he seemed very close when I visited Portsmouth and asked her to tell me if they have something going on. She said “It’s not like that, I promise.” We spoke about how after he and I had fallen out last time she stopped speaking to him, and missed doing so.

    I know that he didn’t like me at all after we fell out, and it took more than a month before we were amicable again. What I wonder is if honestly he still doesn’t like me, and that’s what all those messages were about.

    The fact that she spoke to him about me so much surely seems like it’s not what you would think, but there was so much else there too. I also noticed that all the things she says to me about how insecure she’s feeling about us are opinions that he had shared. E.g. She had said about how she wasn’t ready to move in with me again if we got back together, and he replied saying I guess if you don’t see it progressing then why would you continue. She told him we were trying again and he asked why would you have to try?

    Low and behold it came out in our conversation on Saturday. She’d also said how she felt like she had lost her soulmate, and he said about “Not believing in soulmates, there are 7 billion people in the world…..”, which is what he said to me when I told him that I felt like I’d lost mine. Suddenly she talks to me about “us not being compatible.”

    I guess I believe her if I have to, what I don’t know how to tackle is the fact that that she is listening to other people’s opinion and it’s clearly what’s stopping us from moving forward. My counsellor advised me that talking to other people might actually be a bad idea when I said how confused everyone’s else’s thoughts were making me. When you’re with someone you don’t talk about everything you do with them constantly.

    Outside of all that, and after our talk, we continued to have a nice time, cuddled, kissed, danced, chilled together and said I love you.

    So a mixed bag.

    I’m trying to work out whether I’m being strung along. I really don’t mind them being friends, but it looks like she’s going to him for all the emotional support. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing or not. If I wasn’t being discussed at such length I guess I’d be very concerned.

    What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 300

    I’m also aware that the conversation marred the weekend slightly. I know that there isn’t really room for those talks right now if you’re hoping to sort things out. We still had a very nice time, even with the conversation, but she did act weird around me today and mentioned that was the reason why just before we left.

    But how to go about fixing it if you can’t do anything about it?

    Should’ve just remained ignorant, it’s bliss as they say.

    I find that I keep stopping myself from just enjoying her company.

    • Total Posts: 300

    And please send me your number if you want to Patrick!

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