Boards Reconciliation Once on contact is over, best way to reach out

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  • #35920
    • Total Posts: 73

    i m on day 16 my friend.even though i see her at work she hasnt contact with me to.
    same situation man.

    • Total Posts: 463

    @geodj how do u feel about that I’m a bit worried that she hasn’t got in touch. What if she’s forgotten us/me

    • Total Posts: 73

    We have 2 ways RustyRed. Stick to NC or confront our exs and see what really close to the 2nd way.confront her and tell her I’m here to needy, no pushy or something like that.if she loves me she fights too or we move on my friend.maybe our exs wait for us to do this.everycase is different.i don’t know if I’m thinkink clear but that’s how i feel.maybe i will give it a thought one or two days and go for it.

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’m leaning the other way. Finish no contact and reach out. I don’t think there’s any reason she won’t want to meet up. I’ll try and be her friend then show her ive changed. After 5 years together she must still have feelings for me, I just need to open them up again. I’m here to fight for what I want but it will be a hard road. I’m just waiting for no contact to finish. I don’t want to contact her now because I want time to pass so she forgets some of the hard times / arguments. I know she must still have some love

    • Total Posts: 73

    maybe you are right and me wrong.after all we are all here to share thoughts opinions and not sure what im gonna to do.keep us informed my friend and if you read my posts would apreciated…

    • Total Posts: 142

    Im on 19 days broken up. 10 days since she contacted me about reaching out when she is rdy and 2 days from when i liked something on instagram that she liked too and it went south and she unfollowed me. Plus unfriended me too on Facebook. So i have no idea where im at. Hopefully my friend comes through for me and can fish some info from her(my bestfriend, he was close to her too cause of me, he hasnt talked to her since the breakup)

    • Total Posts: 463

    I hope you get good news, I’m finding it hard today. How’s the letter going for u. Still haven’t read it can u post a link up here

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