Boards No Contact Rule No Contact/Recent Breakup

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  • #61952
    • Total Posts: 5

    Hey All,

    My ex and I broke up yesterday after having a long discussion about everything so I know why we broke up and it’s a mixed bag of things between him and I. I want to stick to the no contact rule, but here’s the last thing I said to him.

    “I don’t know if you’re mad at me for some reason but the way you sent that text earlier was really mean and I don’t know why you had to say it like that after the good conversation we had last night. This is the last thing I’ll be texting so I guess I’ll hear from you when I hear from you.”

    For reference, his last text to me said: “Look. It’s over. We are done”

    The previous night he and I had a good conversation about why things were ending and that we still wanted to be friends when the time came, then I got this. So in addition to being sad, I am also pissed that he talked to me like that after we had a good conversation. I plan to stick to no contact because I don’t think he deserves to hear from me at this time and I know I need time to heal.

    I guess what I do need are some tips on how you all have handled no contact so far? How do you continue to remind yourself not to contact your ex? How do you keep yourself occupied? What has and hasn’t worked for you so far?

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi! I’m currently 15 days into NC and it’s definitely hard!!!! Just keep busy and try not to think of him. although that’s nearly impossible as I still think of my ex every day lol

    I’ve gone on Pinterest and have found that helps me a lot! I’m going to print out quotes and put them in my room so I’m surrounded by good thoughts 🙂 also I’m printing out stuff with the message “if it’s meant to be, it will be” & “some people are meant to fall apart only to realize they’re meant to be together in the end” type thing. This gives me hope that my ex and I can make it work and I need hope because hope is the only thing keeping me from going insane at this point.

    Please can you check out my post “Do I still have a shot at getting him back??” I would like you to read through my situation, and give me your advice in return 🙂

    You got this girl!

    • Total Posts: 5

    This is probably on the list of the hardest things we will ever do. Loving/caring about someone and trying to hold yourself back is so tough. I haven’t talked to him though, but I have looked at his Facebook and he seems happy, so of course I’m thinking he’s happy without me, but I think he’s just putting on a happy face for the time being. We shall see, I just want him to miss me. I’ll check out your post. We’ve got this girl!

    • Total Posts: 7

    I’m sure he misses you! You should do the same thing!!! Appear happy, even if you’re not! That’s what I’ve been doing. He checks my snapchat stories, so I know he’s checking up on me which is nice :)!

    I miss him so much and wish he would just text me but he hasn’t even tried contacting me which makes this NC so much harder. Cuz it feels like I’m the only one suffering meanwhile I’ve no idea if he even lies awake at night over this lol

    • Total Posts: 5

    I feel like I’m the only one suffering too, but I’m sure he will miss me. I’ve posted some happy stuff so I’m just going to try and keep that up. It’s so hard.

    • Total Posts: 7

    I know!! Did you have a chance to look at my post? I could really use some feedback on my situation

    • Total Posts: 5

    Yes I just replied!

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