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  • #114491
    Rugby Man
    • Total Posts: 3

    I am a male 58 & I have been dating a 47 year old , both Capricorn’s . We have dated for 18months & got on exceptionally well in all areas . At Xmas we had a split over messaging a female friend . We got back together after a week as if nothing had happened , bearing in mind she messaged several of her ex boyfriends which I knew about. Then in January one of her friends had her 50th in The Caribbean , where my girlfriend met a guy & fell in love with & was short lived as he messed up big style. When she returned she said she needed a brake not mentioning the boyfriend. I left her alone for 3 weeks & then spoke to her. At which time she told me about this guy. The contact was not every day more like weekly, majority text. She kept telling me what her boyfriend was up to & being very friendly saying it may not work etc. So eventually he messed up & they split. Even when they where together she used to ask my opinion on what to wear sending pictures also telling me about doctors appointments etc. Also after not seeing her for 3 months she ask me to call & see her. This let to 4 hours of pouring her heart out to me about everything . It turns out that she suffers from trust issues & is now having counselling for it. Why has she still hung onto me as a contact? Up till this week I have been the go to person if she upset etc but now she has blocked me! I would stil have her back after some frank talking , but she needs to find herself after counselling first before I could go forward. Why would she contact me if she is in a relationship? I still think about her everyday ,but I am determined she will make the first contact! I know not all people believe in star signs when it comes to relationships, but I do all her ex partners apart from myself have been the least compatible for her sign ! Your comments please?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @RugbyMan It sounds like she’s using you as a back-up/option. A woman truly in love with a man does NOT get involved with another man! ..especially after 18 months of a loving relationship.

    Getting upset with you for messaging a female friend when she was messaging her male friends is hypocritical and unreasonable.

    I’m glad she’s in counseling, but “trust issues” are not an excuse for being unfaithful.

    Sun signs don’t have as much to do with the quality of a relationship as do good interactions that don’t bring on hurt and resentments.

    Continue no contact. There might be a chance for reconciliation if she is able to resolve her issues through counseling.

    Good luck:)

    Rugby Man
    • Total Posts: 3

    Patricia I am pretty sure she met her soul mate not her life partner as soul mates can be sent to put you back on track & I think this is what has messed her brain up & realised she has trust issues.
    Not sure what your sun sign comment is about?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Rugby Man Soul mate/life partner whatever.. He’s a man and she was unfaithful to you; that’s the reality isn’t it? What I meant by the sun sign comment is that humans have control over how they treat each other and the quality of their relationships, no matter the sun sign. People want to be happy, loved, and respected.

    Wishing you the best. Hoping therapy helps your ex and you two can reconcile:)

    Rugby Man
    • Total Posts: 3

    It is being unfaithful , but I believe these things happen for a reason. If she had not met this guy & realised that for the 4th time there where trust issues in her life she would not have done counciling! Also I think that her last 6 relationships I was the only compatible star sign the rest where not earth signs. You might say that this is not a logical way of thinking . But I visit / talk to a lady who sees 100’s of different relations ships & her comments make a lot of sense about star signs in relationships. Even in my dating history I have met Aries & Sagittarius ladies & it’s not good from the start, so now I only look for compatible star signs. The lady I am hoping to get back with is not like any other person I have ever met. Our conversation was no stop, we liked the same food,hobbies etc The sexual electricity was unbelievable & nothing like I had experienced ever before .

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Rugby Man Good luck:)

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