Boards No Contact Rule NO CONTACT REALLY WORKS !!!!

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  • #61907
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    Now I know most of you are going to think this is going to end in my ex coming back begging for me but the end is quite different please bear with me.

    My Ex and I were together for about a year after he had been chasing me for years and lo behold it still ended. To cut the long story short he said he loved me blah blah but he was still unfaithful. I forgave him and he was interested in working through things, however he said he wasn’t sure if he could be the man for me right now and he wasn’t ready to be faithful and didn’t want to hurt me. Although he was begging me not to end the relationship after I found out he had an emotional relationship with someone else I know when a man says he is not ready for monogamy believe him. Although he still wanted to be in the relationship he almost wanted me to be ok with the fact that he may still cheat here and there and obviously i wasn’t so the relationship ended. It was a hard time for me and that is the first man I have ever had sex with and my first real relationship i cried and cried. I hoped he would tell me he wanted to be the best for me and that he would change and fix things but it didn’t happen like that. After we broke up we still spoke like we were together and he would still say he loves me we both would as well as sleeping with each other on one occasion BIG MISTAKE.

    I knew i had ended the relationship for a reason so after the last time we slept with each other he never bothered to call me after or even contact me for a whole two weeks. !!! On top of that I heard he was now in a relationship with the girl he had been cheating on me with even though he denied this to me ( Which means he also cheated on her with me) !!. He said he wanted to have other relationships and when he is ready to settle down he will come back for me. I will not lie a part of me wanted to wait but the pain i felt was too much. After two failed 21 day no contact tries i finally decided enough was enough.

    After about 60 days of no contact i felt so much better, I started to enjoy my life get back to myself again and most of all i wrote down what it is i wanted in a man and how he would treat me.

    After this 60 days of finding and loving myself again i wont say i didnt miss him but the urge to contact him and be with him was gone.
    I met my current boyfriend. It ussualy takes me up to a year of dating before i even enter a relationship it took me years with my ex. But when I met my current boyfriend i just knew I had found my soulmate.

    Everything i wrote down i wanted in a man after my ex, I found in my current man. The first time we spoke we spoke for 5hours on the phone !!! something i never did with my ex. This man treats me like a queen, respects me loves me listens to me. the understanding we have is crazy ! He is like my best friend and we are so similar. I could really go on and on and on about him . everything i wished for with my Ex and all my life i have with this man. Im almost 90 days no contact and at this point have no interest in ever talking to my ex again.

    But the moral of the story. If a man wants you he will step up. Do yourself a favour cut him off and wait for what you really deserve love yourself first the right man will come along whether or not that’s your ex.

    No contact is not for him its for yourself to heal to love yourself and miracles and magic will happen. No contact is hard and there will be tears but respect yourself to stay strong the longer you do it the better it gets. And Oh block him if you can and avoid his social media it really helps.

    • Total Posts: 12

    Listen after u broke up u did not apply the rule ; u still talke to him and stuff . He cheated ,u still talked to him and u slept togther . He didn t feel any resistance or some personality to tell him that u r not ok with it and acted like u weren t . Instead u told him with words and did not back it up with ur actions; at this point it was too easy .(easy kills attraction in the long run .) The point was to make him want u more ifu didn t answer to the phone i think it would have a different ending.
    Now if u r happy right now its great but if u want him back ull have to change physically to blow is mind just in my humble opinion ; mayb the gym or a new haircut or i dont know but something he can see when he sees u and attract him right away ;since u apply the N/C for that long he ll know u have a life .

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