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    • Total Posts: 144

    @Nell It most likely is. My ex is isn’t doing her normal “I’m so happy and in love like you hear about it fairytales and see in movies. I found my soulmate!” type of stuff. In fact she’s not posting anything and doesn’t look happy at all… it’s all this other girl posting and tagging. I believe she’s just along for the ride, and others are picking up on this as well. None of our friends and no one in her family seem to approve of this new relationship, it’s all this other girl’s friends/family. Hah! Any pics this girl takes and tags my ex in, my ex is hardly smiling at all and just looks miserable, like it’s forced.

    I actually passed her driving home yesterday. I don’t think she recognized me as I was driving my new car, but I was jamming out with my music, all smiles. When I saw it was her, I laughed to myself. She looked so rough and miserable. I told my family about this and my dad just laughed, “Yeah, she seems incredibly passive about this new thing… like this other girl is so aggressive she’s just along for the ride and might not want to say no to her.”

    It’s funny because I’ve had people messaging me about it like “What the hell is going on with you and <ex>? You were perfect together and who is this boy she’s with now? He’s ugly and looks like he’s 16.” I give a polite response, saying she did some not so great things at the end and decided to break up with me because I was “too committed” to the relationship. “SHE IS FULL OF SH*T! WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE OF COURSE YOU’RE COMMITTED! F*CK HER!” And then they remove her as a friend on fb… lol. There’s been about 5 people that have told me they’ve removed her thus far.

    Like I said before, this new girl is making me look like a saint and a supermodel in her family’s eyes I bet. I bet her mom is kicking herself so hard as she didn’t want her daughter to be gay, thus was friendly enough to me but didn’t seem to like me, but at least I had good things going for me all around. This other girl…? Oh her mom will probably try to get her to take the family pictures so she won’t have to be in them! I know she’d hate to have the pics sent to family and get calls about “Who is that creepy looking dude in the picture beside <ex>?” Hah!

    I’ve got to get a jump on my day. Hope everyone else has a fantastic one!

    • Total Posts: 77

    Hey everyone!

    So, when I came back from my ex-gf place, the flight got delayed and I lost my connection flight. The airline company just issued me a 400€ voucher in flights (which is almost 2x what I paid to go meet her). I’m thinking about saying this to my ex after the NC, just to tease her. I don’t really plan on going to see her. Just wanted to make her think about what she lost. Any ideas? Also, should I really send anything to her? It’s gonna be 1 month NC in a week.

    • Total Posts: 21

    No Contact Rule

    Day 1 – text message and 7 missed calls

    Day 2 – nothing

    Day 3 – 1 missed call

    Day 4 – text messages

    Day 5 – text messages

    Day 6 – 1 missed call

    • Total Posts: 56


    You are strong!It took me 3 months to really start nc, Im in my 2 day nc, and it feels like a month! but i have to let him loose so he really loses the emotional crutch he has with me right now. He will learn the hard way his arrogance will be his doom.

    I already started doing the FB thing. I unblocked him from FB, but did not send a friend request nor am interested in stalking his. But Im sure he will be stalking mine.

    Yesterday I went to the biggest and trendiest pub and concert venue in my country where a common musician friend’s band was playing for the Superbowl and they invited me to sing with them. They took me a lot of pictures and uploaded them in FB. Im sure he must be burning because that is every musicians dream in PR,to play there in such an important day. Our friend does not know we are not together. I am also posting Likes to hotels and vacation destinations with hearts and references to Valentines weekend. Hope this moves him to get his head out of his butt.

    • Total Posts: 197

    Hey guys. Haven’t posted in a bit. Here’s a quick update:

    I had mentioned I broke NC about 26 days into it by texting my ex if she survived a blizzard we had got around here. Which she responded and asked if I was good. Then I replied saying yes and how much snow they got there. She never responded until to my surprise two days later.

    It turned into very casual friendly text exchanging.

    We got on the subject of her father and she told me how he’s aloof as usual and doesn’t care about her like everyone else in her life. Then went on to say that I was no different.

    Then she went into how she didn’t think she’d hear from me anymore. I told her that’s what I thought you wanted so I backed off.

    Then she says you’re right I have nothing to say I met someone who makes me very happy and there’s no chance of us getting back together but we can talk as friends. So I reply “lol ok” and she’s all how is that even funny? So I made the mistake of saying that it’s just funny how you’ve already met someone who makes you so happy, but hey all power to it

    So then she flips! Tells me to go f*ck myself and to delete her number and to stop texting her or she’ll block me and how I used her and used every excuse in the book to get what I wanted.

    I replied what? Used you? How? I’m so confused

    And she stopped replying 🙁

    All hope gone?

    • Total Posts: 21


    Lol thanks. And yeah, she wants a friendship with me but I said no. I love her and I just want her so I’m just gonna do NC and hope she wants me back. It’s mostly because she’s in college and 18. Shes not ready for anything serious yet. We been together for 7 months. She knows that I want a commitment and relationship with her. Shes been calling me and texting me. She still loves me. She tells me. I just can’t wait for that text for when she is finally ready for me. Shes the one I want to marry. But I guess she ain’t ready for all that yet. So I’m just gonna do NC and wait for her. Shell be back. She even texted “I really hope to get back together one day” she still wears my promise ring. She told me that she will always wear it. I just know she’ll be back….but idk when….I just hope soon.. I love her and I miss her :, (

    • Total Posts: 21

    OMG!!!! SHE JUST TEXTED ME AND SAID “I’m ready” OMG!!! I hope this means what I think it means 🙂

    • Total Posts: 151

    @ThePhoenix I really love that your situation is in your favor. Your ex made her bed so to speak, and I think it’s great that it makes you look better and better. I can’t help but laugh over the new girl she is with. I kind of felt bad for her for a split second, but I mean, come on. She has to know about the breakup and realize that your ex isn’t all in. I have to wonder what her deal is. Glad to know your family and friends are so supportive too. 🙂

    My dear, I do believe you’ve struck a nerve! If she is really so happy with new guy, your “lol ok” wouldn’t have meant a damn thing. She would have just been like, whatever and stopped talking to you. She’s obviously still feeling emotions about you and/or the breakup. Did the convo turn as quick as it seems from your description of it? Seems like she shifted on you fairly quickly, hot and cold behavior. Also, woah, daddy issues? I don’t think you said anything outlandish or even wrong, seems like she was ready to snap at you. She’s angry, give her space, go back to NC. I don’t think it’s hopeless, but I think she has some stuff going on that is getting in the way.

    Good luck! Keep us posted.

    • Total Posts: 197

    Yes it pretty much took a turn that quick. I wasn’t sure if I upset her by saying “I think it’s funny how someone you just met is already making you so happy but ok all power to it”

    That’s when she flipped out told me to delete her number and to go f*ck myself. I told her it’s ok we can be friends and that I’m happy for her and she said no we can’t, stop texting me or I’m blocking you, you don’t get to be an assh*le to me and that I used her!

    Then she stopped responding when I tried asking how I used her?

    And yes she has issues with her dad ignoring her and lack of attention. Always been the case. He’s just really shy and introverted.

    • Total Posts: 77

    Can anyone help me with me last post? :p

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hi @archola,

    Did you just get back from your ex’s place? So you have seen her right?

    • Total Posts: 56


    Im sorry but I think I missed something. You went to see her? Where to? And what are you planning to send to her?

    • Total Posts: 56

    NC is the way to go. Sadly,I have made many mistakes these past 3 months, we are not still ready to get back he is too angry and proud and he hurts me anytime he can, and is until now that I have the courage to go NC full. Day 3 now. I unblocked him from FB, but will not ask friend again.

    A friend suggested that if he wont come to me by Valentines day, that I send myself an anonymous flower arrangement, and that I put pictures of it in FB acting very surprised and excited. sounds like something he will definitely react to,but I am not sure. Any thoughts?

    • Total Posts: 77

    @Martin and @Carmine828 no, i haven’t seen her in over a month. I was talking about last time i went to see her, last December. That’s when the flight got delayed and they issued me the voucher yesterday.

    I don’t know what I plan to tell her. I don’t even know if I want to send her anything. I don’t feel I have improved anything for the past 30 days almost. And today it’s one of those terrible days,to be honest.

    • Total Posts: 56

    Archola, if you dont feel secure dont do it. I made that mistake, and it took me 40 steps back. He had actually told me We are on our way, then my insecurities struck, and now all I have is a pile of rubble and I have to start again.

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