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  • #18172
    • Total Posts: 562

    One week of NC.

    The last couple of days have been so bad for me. Im fighting to stay positive, but I found myself missing being beside her at night. I feel like crying constantly. NC is my best chance at getting her back. But I feel like it’s working against me. The last two times Ive began NC, it wasn’t this bad. Maybe im losing hope. Idk. Someone. Any positive words or words of wisdom? I feel like giving up on all my plans and just wallowing in self pity and anguish. I miss her. I love her. I want her. I know I don’t need her..but want her

    • Total Posts: 303


    I feel the same as you. Every morning I wake up, its painful to know the one I shared my life with is no longer around. There is no definite answer whether NC will work so all we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    Whatever you do, you must keep yourself occupied and busy. Try and do something new each day. If you got friends around, that is the best possible thing. Whatever you do keep on living it up and walking tall!

    NC will give her the chance to miss you and she will. Hopefully she will see what she has lost and come back to you. I hope what I said helps you.

    Only 3 more weeks of NC to go for you, keep it up bro.

    • Total Posts: 562


    I moved away from her. I felt like I needed to be with family. Im scared the geographical distance will further reinforce this break up. Shes been hitting me up by texting every night to say good night. Last night was the first night I hadnt received anything from her. I kind of get the feeling she was with someone.

    Im trting to go 90 days, but even if it works out and she wants to try again, how do we beat the now long distance?

    Plus, she’s always had trust issues. Im sure I will now…and I dont think it could work while im building my life where im at. Im sad and confused about it all.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Long distance is an issue. I am not a firm believer in Long distance relationship, but this might help you move on. How long would you be away for? If you are away for 30 days that actually good because it would help you feel better. Go on NC immediately and if she texts you trying to get in touch with you do not reciprocate. Let it be that way until the end of the period and by then her negative feelings should have faded away.

    People remember the negative feelings more vividly than anything else. Just have faith and confidence. I am new to the NC system too so I cannot assure you if it would get your ex back. I want to get my ex back!

    • Total Posts: 562


    Thank you.

    I want to move on in the sense that Ill be fine without her. I will always want her and I dont want to let her go.

    • Total Posts: 27

    Does anyone feel like NC is the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your entire life?
    I do.

    I really really want to go back to the days where me and ex just constantly text everyday, every minute, go back to the days when we were so happy and we were just in our very own bubble.

    I mean, I have my demons and I have tried to pull away so many times but it was always my ex that pulled me back. The strength she had to deal with my demons was unbelievable but when she ended things 6 weeks ago…she just told me she hated the life we were living and that she doesn’t want to be tied down by me…

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yes. I know exactly how you feel. It is the hardest thing i ever do. We used to text everyday, sending selfie everyday, when i woke up, he is the first person in my mind. Everything was incredible. Laughing, teasing, chilling and cuddling were our things. We also broke up 6 weeks ago because he said he couldnt stand another one more fight and he think we were not mutual anymore. Right now im doing my NC (7 days today) while he is in another relationship for 5 weeks now. Indeed. It is the hardest.

    • Total Posts: 4

    It’s only been 2 days of NC for me and it’s so hard! Seeing him happy like nothing’s happened. It just makes me feel hopeless. What if I don’t get him back? What if he finds someone else soon? I just can’t deal with any of that. I just love him so much.

    • Total Posts: 395


    I know its hard dear. Still soon and like other said we have to take a risk but at the same time dont give up. Continue to do your NC and dont be needy! I used to be needy in fact i feel like i want to break now my nc and contact him to know whats going on in his life but it will be bored for him.

    My ex bf fall for me because he said i was different. So i want to maintain ti be me but with some improvise. Not only for hum but also for me. Maybe you should do that so that it will keep you busy. Have some fun! Go to spa or gym. Improve yourself from negative to positive but u must realized if you do any mistakes so work on it by yourself.

    Rhats what im doung it. He said im very sensitive (of course im a cancer sign) and very straight forward till he felt hurts. So i try to improve nyself. Im not going to tell hum what im doing now thats why im doing nc.

    • Total Posts: 27

    @aryyan @beatrice

    Stay strong the both of you. I’ve been in NC for 2 weeks now.
    The last time we spoke, she told me she’s moved on already, I don’t know how much of it is true but I’m hoping that she’s just saying it for the sake of saying it. We had something so strong that I doubt it’ll take just a month for her to get over it. I believe that she is hurting too but has to stick with the decision because well, she doesn’t want to seem like she’s weak or that she cannot make up her mind, idk.

    She’ll never come to me on her own I think…but I’m hoping she will.

    • Total Posts: 395


    I do understand. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I try to be strong and keep busy myself (sometimes i dont know what to do either). Improve myself and yourself too. What i understand as a woman, we like something that interesting and not annoyed us. For me, even this guy has feeling for me so much but he keep forcing me and every text just about feelings, it annoys me. Even he didnt text me like months and come back and do the same thing, it still annoys me.

    I dont know bout your ex, but by showing her your new adventures and interesting things after NC, maybe she will start to know you again. Because she find that you are interesting again maybe?

    Rhis is my opinion ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi, I’m currently on day 5 with NC and my ex contacted me but I didn’t reply, she saw I read the message then said ‘I was told not to talk to you and now u ignore me’ and then asked if I’m gonna completely ignore her, what should I do? Continue ignoring her until she don’t talk to me again which I don’t want to happen or do I talk to her but be cold in order for her not to walk away completely?

    • Total Posts: 23

    Hey guys. Been a couple of days since I’ve posted in here, and it’s because a major development has occurred..

    I broke NC on Day 8 (Monday night). The reason? I went into relapse. I found out the night before, purely through snooping (which I really shouldn’t have done, in hindsight) that my ex slept with the “rebound guy” around a week before we officially broke up (during the “break” period) and she didn’t seem to feel too guilty about it.

    It’s also become clear that this guy isn’t just a “rebound” – he’s the main reason why she’s broken up with me. She wants to begin a relationship with him, completely flying in the face of what she said originally when she claimed that she just wanted to be “single” again.

    I literally couldn’t sleep on the Sunday night at all, it was the most awful I’d ever felt.

    I broke NC the following evening by taking a pretty major step – I sent her a long email to say my goodbyes. Until such a time where I can heal properly after this, she won’t be hearing from me again. She responded via text not long after and was obviously quite upset, and had hoped we could still be friends because I “meant a lot” to her, but understood why I did it.

    I didn’t directly confront her about what I found out the night before. I decided to keep it civil and let her know, calmly, that I knew she hadn’t been 100% truthful with me and that I had a pretty solid idea of the events that lead up to the breakup. Whether she put 2 & 2 together here I’m honestly not sure, but I did my best to spell it out for her without actually letting her know that I was snooping.

    So, it’s pretty much game over for us now. I’m not prepared to let her have her cake and eat it, especially when I’ve been feeling as shit as I have been for the last 6 weeks. Literally the only thing I can do at the point is cut her off from my life completely and work on getting my heart mended, only then will I decide if getting back in touch with her in the future is wise or not.

    The irony is, through all this, I still love the girl. I kinda understand why she’s done what she’s done, she just could’ve gone about it in a more respectful manner. I guess she deserves a crack at another relationship with someone else she feels for, I was her first everything pretty much so she’s made a life decision and I can’t hate her for that.

    To all of you guys who are still on track with your NC’s – keep going, and don’t make the same mistake that I did. Getting over someone is always easier when there’s still some hope left in your heart, so try not to overthink things!

    Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 27

    I saw my ex today at work.
    Revelation, she now has a new boyfriend. They just started out.
    How did I know? I asked the guy myself as if I was never with my ex. Stupid.

    Now I’m at a new low. What the hell do I do. I have no hope left, nothing left in me actually. 6 weeks was all she took to get a new boyfriend. While I’m here still waiting for her to come back to me.

    • Total Posts: 303


    I am sorry about happened to you. What she did is a big deal but if you still love her it should be ok to rekindle what you have had; of course it would be difficult for you to trust her and you will need to rebuild everything from scratch at your own will.


    I am on NC day 13. My ex tried to contact me 2 days ago. I am now wondering if I should break NC and see what she has to say to continue keeping on. She is somewhat seeing someone but it is not official; I am not sure if she is still interested on him. I also fear that if she does not receive any attention from me she might start considering the other guy more strongly.

    I am scared to however contact her because for all I know she might just want to check up on me and then she wont miss me anymore.

    Am I missing an opportunity here?

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