Boards No Contact Rule No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC

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  • #17944
    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    Your comment almost made think of ordering some french-fries. LOL

    I’m sorry, but I did not mean to break this NC. The most important thing is to prove your ex that he has lost a strong element from his life–not a needy clingy. I think this NC should be as long as possible–no bumping, no texting, no liking pics, nothing!! 1 month is too short! Sorry–this is why I saying try to move on with your lives.

    • Total Posts: 17


    Yes, you have to send an interesting message. I definitely will not start with a boring Hi or How are you one word or liner sentence. That will end the conversation really quick!

    Did he tell you he doesnt love you anymore? Cause mine did..

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yes. He said he doesnt love me anymore and dont force him. He feel numb about me. But he wanted to remain friends. He used to say that nobody can replace me and it takes time to like me back. But guess what? In few weeks he with another girl which is his bestfriend and they like being a couple within a month.

    Right now im doing my NC for 5 days. He doesnt text me at all in fact he shows that he is even happy with his new relationship. This girl is really opposite of me.

    • Total Posts: 27

    My ex is coming over to get her things later…
    Does this really mean that it’s over…
    All of a sudden I just want to die all over again.

    • Total Posts: 17


    No its not over yet. act cool about it. continue NC as per normal. Do not show clingyness/ do not say i love you or i miss you.

    • Total Posts: 17


    Please report what happened after she pays you a visit, Do not break NC..she probably misses u which is why shes coming over and taking her things . all of that could just be an excuse.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I don’t know your situation is but I recommend you to act super strong. Avoid meeting her. Give her stuff to her through a mutual friend and believe me she will wonder why you are not trying to see her. There are chances that she is curious to see you after the breakup. OK! Intensify it! Build up questions in her head by not acting the way she expects you to act–just a suggestion!!

    • Total Posts: 27

    @Robot 3
    I can’t give it through a mutual friend because it’s actually not her stuff that she is coming over to get but online purchases that were delivered to my house. It’s all rather heavy that’s why I told her to come get it on her own and then probably take a cab home with everything.

    I doubt she’s coming over cause she misses me. In fact…I feel like she doesn’t care about me anymore.

    • Total Posts: 27


    So my ex came with her sis to collect her stuff…they played with my dog (which I got with my ex) for about 15 mins and left already. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought, but it hurt when I saw my dog play with her. It was like nothing ever changed but it might be the last time my dog sees her “mother”.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    You reminded me of something! My exes ferrets also miss their “dad” and I miss those ferrets! She used to call me their dad!

    • Total Posts: 57

    @ Robot 3

    Hey, we’re on the same my break up was 7 months long ago. How are you by the way? I, can say I havent totally moved on from her. And yeah the magic letter didnt worked out for me too. After I gave that letter I know that shes gonna react on it so i looked over her profile and she said some things like “good thing it didnt sting for me” and i guess thats it. I dont know I’m like here getting by but not a single day that she’s not in my mind though and sucks knowing that maybe she doesn’t even think about me.

    • Total Posts: 303


    That is absolutely cool. I hope she does; I come in here first thing everyday as confiding with you guy gives me the courage to keep up with the NC.

    When she broke up with me I went denial, bargaining and it was only when I entered anger I was able to start the NC. Being in anger was a lot easier but of-course it is not a long lasting solution. I think I have entered depression as I have started missing her a lot more now and each day I feel like I want to reach out for her…I am restraining myself and I am not going to show her how I feel. Deleting her number from my phone won’t help and I remember it by memory. Thankfully I am going on holiday from 23rd and have pre-planned some plans to keep me occupied till beginning Jan.

    Another painful situation is that I am new to the city I am in; I moved here solely depending on her as she wanted to pursue her further studies here (This was all decided when we were still together). The move is good but the timing isn’t.

    Anyway let’s all prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

    • Total Posts: 17


    I think the NC rule can only work on certain partners. Once, the partners find someone new and fall into the honeymoon phase with other people, its hard to get out of it. They are unlikely to go back into their old relationships. And its most probable that the NC rule could make certain partners jump into new relationships because we are not giving them any attention. We are kinda pushing them away to let them fall into new relationships with others.

    • Total Posts: 303


    There is really nothing certain we can do. After me and my ex broke up; I went around a few times and I only made the situation worse. She started to get more hangout with the guy she broke up with me for. Those two are not going out yet but if allow NC for more than 2 months then they would start.

    We would be pushing them if we give them attention and also not giving them attention. Too much of anything is bad and too little is bad too. We need to give them some and then take it away, in small doses. After NC and reconciling we need to show them what they are losing and make them remember the good times of the relationship. At the moment for me it is hard as I used to study with her until last year and this time I am working whilst she is in University. Hopefully I can come up with a good plan.

    NC – Day 11

    • Total Posts: 17


    I guess what you say is true. Aren’t both you and your ex staying close together? Are both of you still living in London? or are you working elsewhere away from where she is..
    My ex boyfriend also broke up with me for that other girl, I feel that the girl is just being playful and all she did was to give my ex abit of attention. But my ex is hooked onto her, completely obsessed with her even though the girl is not really into him.

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