Boards No Contact Rule No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC

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  • #16891
    • Total Posts: 1

    I have had such a hard time with NC. Currently is day 8. But it’s been like 2 months since the break up and I keep trying to not text him or anything and then I cave.

    Every time I cave I end up feeling like an idiot.

    Last time I cave I texted him and he never even replied.

    Right now I don’t feel the urge to text him, but I wish I could see his Facebook or something. I want to know what’s happening in his life. I deleted him of Facebook because I knew I would be obssessing over it. Now I wish I would at least have kept his cousin as a friend. Or something.

    I’m focusing on work and the gym but I can’t help it, my mind wanders and it goes straight to him.

    • Total Posts: 6

    Day 17 NC*

    Does looking at her snapchat/twitter timeline/instagram post disqualify me from NC? Do I need to start over? I don’t think I do — I am doing fine, better than I was a week ago, and WAYYYYY better than I was two weeks ago. I accidentally liked one of her pics. She liked a video of my niece talking (14 months). But we haven’t been in direct contact for 17 days. What do you guys think?

    • Total Posts: 23

    Hey folks, new here so no doubt you’ll hear about my situation in due course :p

    I’m currently on Day 2 of my first (official) NC period and I’m finding it more difficult than I did yesterday. My gf of 4 years broke it off with me at the end of October and it devastated me. She sighted reasons including her “still loving me but not being 100% into the relationship” right now and us being in “different places” currently (she’s young and at uni studying and im arguably reaching “settling” age) being the main contributers to her decision. I felt we had promise going forward and she did admit that she could have potentially seen a future for us but felt this was the “right decision right now” for her going forward.

    I’m using this NC period primarily to try and “get over” her, for my own health, but I have a feeling it may get a bit awkward. I went through the usual “phases” post-breakup (denial, grief, resentment & acceptance) and I hit a plateau around a week and a half ago, so until yesterday we were still in friendly contact fairly regularly. I don’t quite know how she’ll react when she realises that I’m ignoring here, she’s a fairly stubborn & strong person at the core so I just hope that she doesn’t take it the wrong way, I just need to do this for me, though of course I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity of a reconciliation with her because I honestly feel like we could still make a future for ourselves. I guess I’ll see what happenes in the coming days..

    • Total Posts: 562

    Hey. Day 2 of No contact.

    My ex has been hiyting me up every day. Today, she said she misses me and asked how I am doing. I didn’t respond, but the exact moment I told my sister I missed my ex, my ex texted saying she missed me.

    I’m going for 90 days of NC. I’ve stated in other posts that my ex said she wants us to rediscover each other. She’s dating someone else and has the attitude “Whatever happens, happens.” But she says other things that keep my mind reeling. All of it being so fresh makes NC even harder. I hope she stops texting and calling every day. The last night we spoke, it was a good conversation. She said she was excited that I am talking to her still, and that we have a really great bond. We hung up after I love you…and I decided to give it 90 days without letting her know. I miss her so much, and I can’t imagine it getting easier for a while.

    I need this though. I need to be more selfish and take care of me. I need to finally get back to what I used to be. I have hope for us, but I have more hope for me. I miss the old me. NC, I believe is important to get the old me back. The old me that she loved and adored…and the old me that I forgot was there because it was masked by bullshit in the relationship.

    • Total Posts: 562


    I believe that breaks NC rules.

    • Total Posts: 57

    Hey guys.

    So uhm yeah 7th month of break up this month and I havent get over her yet. Pathetic right? Well, just now I have looked over her instagram account and saw some comment from one of her closest friend asking if someone already “proposed” to her but she said no and commented that her mom warned that person that it is too early for marriage. And that shocked the hell out of me seriously. I dont know how to feel about this. I feel like I should be happy about it but no I dont feel like that at all. I feel like I already lost the part where we can still be together. Honestly, I envy you guys who’s ex still make a contact with you because I havent had that. Anything you guys can tell me? I’ll appreciate it much. Thank you.

    • Total Posts: 562


    How long has your NC period been?

    • Total Posts: 57

    @ sadderday

    For me not really breaking the NC because there’s no direct contact where you talked to your ex. But yeah, its not that good looking over ex’s account. (Trust me i know) but if you said youre doing way better then thats good for you. Keep it up.

    • Total Posts: 57

    @ LAbound

    I think you’re doing good for that one. To have some space I think thats what you two needed.

    • Total Posts: 57


    Its been 5 months since I last contacted just to greet her happy birthday. And thats just it.

    • Total Posts: 562

    Don’t lose hope or a positive attitude. What was your target NC period, and do you think it could be the time to go for false friendship?

    • Total Posts: 27

    Day 8 of no contact. I had to start over last Monday when I asked her for answers again. Stupid of me.
    On Tuesday, she text me in a business-ish manner, quoting the amount of money I owe her for recent online purchases and to bring what ever online purchases that are still at my house to our common ground, her training center where I work at too.
    Yesterday we saw each other for the first time in nearly 2 weeks, she initiated convo with me even though it was something neutral, there was a lizard in the locker we both share. I almost vomited cause of the nerves I was feeling.
    It really seems like she’s moving on with her life, I don’t think NC will work very well for me…

    • Total Posts: 57

    @ LAbound

    My NC target was 6 months but unfortunately I felt like I havent totally bounce back from where I’ve fallen. So I don’t know now if I’ll do the NC indefinitely. Honestly I had a hard time deciding on that matter. And I don’t think false friendship will push through, like I said I havent heard from her ever since she totally decided to call it off. And knowing her if ever I initiated the contact I know I won’t hear anything back from her. And another part is, I dont even know how or what to say if ever I will contact her again..

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Athens Sorry to hear that. It sounds like it could possibly be a more advanced stage of where I’m currently at. My emotions have been made slightly raw again by my Ex contacting me during NC. The rebound relationship she told me about is no more, but I still get the feeling that her defences are up and that she will never give me the chance to make proper amends until it may be too late.

    Stay strong and look after yourself.

    • Total Posts: 57

    Its been really tough getting over or trying to get back to her. And yeah like your ex i know tht my ex’s defenses are also up. I dont know if this guy she’s dating is just a rebound or something more serious. I just try not to think about it anymore just to keep me sane. Stay strong too, man.

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