Boards No Contact Rule No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC

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  • #14060
    • Total Posts: 57

    LA/ Morvarid

    Hey its good to hear from you guys. For me its been 5 months since my breakup and i can say that im on a better state mentally and emotionally than i did in the past few months after the breakup. Though there are still when i feel down and all that stuff but i think im handling myself well. Just wondering if you guys still subscribed to kevin’s email? šŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 7

    Day 11 NC today I’m really struggling ,may be he moved on already ,am I going to get him back ..not even a missed call to show that he is thinking of me.I don’t want to feel this way anymore it is painful.I miss him

    • Total Posts: 2

    I broke it last night.
    I don’t know why but I had the urge to go on his Facebook- he had just made a new relationship “Facebook official” something we fought over that lead to our break up. It felt like a was punched in the gut because he had told me we could reconcile, he just needed space for a business venture to get it off the ground.
    I called him and he told me they met 8 days ago… We were in no contact for 7… It crushed me. But it seemed like this new girl is a better match? I seems like they’re happy šŸ™ and I want him to be happy after what we went through I do, but I had hoped to reconcile. She has a son the same age as my ex’s son, that’s apparently how they met and why they’re together now.
    She’s meeting his family and he’s giving her everything I had wanted from him… I resumed no contact but this is just too painful

    • Total Posts: 16

    Today is day 20 of NC for me.

    You can read my story here >

    In summary… I broke up with my gf of 2.5 yrs because I was going through some major life issues and I did not want her to be burdened/hurt/down/depressed from my problems. I was still desperately in love with her but I listened to my heart instead of my brain. I truly thought it was the right thing.

    This week has been hard. While on holiday this weekend… a young lady in my group attempted to take things to the next level but I shut it down. I told her I was still in love with my ex and described the situation. She started crying and went on to say “Every guy I’ve been with has cheated on me and lied to me. You break up with your ex because you loved her too much. The one guy I like is still in love with his ex, FML ” Today, the young lady emailed me a long letter about how she felt.

    After all of that, all I can think of is contacting my ex. I wanna call her now and tell her I’m in love with her and how in these last 20 days Ive made alot of changes.

    I miss her so much. I plan on emailing her Dec 2nd. Just counting down.

    • Total Posts: 10

    NC 7

    It has been hard on me so far. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He popped up in my daydream all the time. I WANT to talk and call him so baddddd but I don’t want my call to be ignored. >.< This is so hardddddd. I wish he only needs space not a break up. However, I feel like we’re already broken up. T_T I’m waiting for his text/call everyday. I have heartache when I wake up. I feel like I am struggles with NC a lot.

    I haven’t done much activity but I feel better when I am outside but I am depressed again when I am at home. I did some exercise such as running, rock climbing. I feel like it only help at that time. After finished it, his face came up right away. :O

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Day 20, i received an e-mail from kevin talking about how to use facebook to get my ex back. I deleted her off my facebook and snapchat because i was obssessing over her and it was tearing me appart.

    Now i don’t feel sad, nor needy, i just know i still love her and i still want her in my life and of course i’m ready for whatever happens (meaning i win her back or not).

    So all i’m wondering is can i add her back on snapchat and facebook? Or does it count as contact? Because the way i see things she wont add me, i know her she dosent do first moves or any even haha.

    Oh and i dont know if its important to say but she is in a rebound relationship..

    Thanks for your time guy’s!

    • Total Posts: 27

    So itā€™s only day 6 into NC and I find myself all sad and depressed again.

    Last night, I almost wanted to start texting her again. I realized that it is highly likely that she will not contact me during the NC periodā€¦

    Iā€™ve started doubting if NC will actually work for meā€¦

    I know that she still keeps my photo and love notes in her wallet and the encouragement labels I gave to her, they’re still in her training kit.

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Samuel Sounds a little similar to where I am currently at. I am now on day 16 of a planned 35 day no contact. My Ex is also in a rebound relationship with somebody she described to me as her having no real connection with, or at least she was for approx 4 weeks prior to me starting this no contact period.

    My feelings sound the same. Less obsession, although I still do want to keep her in my life and ideally would like to work at getting her back for good one day. I think that me and my Ex know each other too well to just give up and I am starting to realise how cool that I will need to play it to be given the chance of another opportunity.

    Best of luck!

    • Total Posts: 109


    Sorry for the late reply. I was in your shoes about 5 months ago and you did the right choice deleting her. It keeps your mentality healthy. I didn’t have the courage to Detlete her off snap chat and it messed with me bad. Anyways in my opinion, don’t add her back. She’ll know you’ve been thinking of her if you add her.

    If you worry that she won’t see how good your doing now becuase she’s not following you on these social sites, no worries believe me she’s been stocking you. She’ll see and fund out everything

    • Total Posts: 27

    I failed miserably today. After 7 days of no contact, I caved in.
    I sent her a text in the morning asking her about her week.
    Then another one in the afternoon telling her to take care of herself.

    The reason why I caved? I had doubts that NC was actually working for me.

    What the hell do I do…

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Ccltj009 Don’t worry, I only got to 8 days tge first time I tried NC 2 months in to my break up.

    You just need to stop making mistakes. I know nothing of your relationship but I was given a chance of establishing a good fake friendship until I blew it recently. It is only since I recently blew it by letting my real feelings known about my Ex’s rebound relationship that she told me about that I have started to take the advice I have found online a seriously. I am now on day 18 of a planned 35 day NC which is due to end on 10th December. After having a weak spell and nearly caving in myself a few days ago, I am now feeling strong amd considering extending my NC period until after Christmas.

    My reasons for the possible extension are that I don’t want to face a possible no response or more disagreements and upset with my Ex over what is usually a difficult time of year for me anyhow. Perhaps I will feel in a stronger position to face talking to her again just before the New Year.

    • Total Posts: 1012

    @LA @sparky

    Yesterday my ex contacted me saying

    ā€œhey i know you probably dont want to talk to me but i think that brandon isnt going to well he isnt answering me anymore could you check if he is okay? :/ā€

    Now i check up on the guy and he is okay! But she could pf contacted another friend of mine or even my mom.

    Do i answer? With a simple “dont worry he is okay i check up on him last night, but thanks for warning me”

    • Total Posts: 147

    @Samuel Remind me, who is Brandon?

    It sounds to me like your Ex is using it as a chance to talk to you and grab your attention (gain the upper hand and control in your relationship again) before you are ready to give it to her.

    If you are still planning to end your NC on day 30 then if I were you I would wait until then before contacting your Ex. She needs to know that she can’t just reach out and you will be there for her no matter what her behaviour is. You must only have about a week of your 30 day NC left now. Therefore, if your initial plan was 30 days NC then my advice would be to stick with strict NC until the end.

    • Total Posts: 1012

    @sparky Brandon is a guy i used to hang out with he started getting bad with drugs and stuff so i stoped hanging out with him he reached out to my ex to get info on me because i dont talk to him.

    • Total Posts: 10

    I’m planning to break NC on day 20-25 which is around the beginning of December.
    It is because my case is not yet a break up but a time off according to my bf’s need.

    I will communicate and have honest talk with him, so that we can decide whether it’s prudent to go separate ways until he’s finished this year away, or break it off completely. If he can’t give me a solid answer, then I will move on since I shouldn’t assume we are no longer a couple until it is expressed otherwise.

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