Boards No Contact Rule No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC

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  • #3878
    • Total Posts: 161

    I know that exactly! Same here! Sometimes I’m so positive because everything would seem so hopeful and I’m really happy during that time. But sometimes I would feel so low that I feel I’m doing nothing to win him back and we’re never going to be back with each other..

    Knowing that I have company is really sweet tho!

    • Total Posts: 161

    Can’t believe it’s only 10th day of my NC, but here I am.

    I’m feeling good most of time, but I can get emotional from time to time. I would think things like – Does he still have feelings for me? Am I able to him in my whole life? Is it true that he’s gone for good? Why things change so rapidly? etc.

    Again, I am thankful that I have you guys here. I feel stronger.

    My studying has been okay and I keep telling myself that if I want to go back with him, I’ll have to do my best to pass the exam because that shows how independent and strong I am, which would be very attractive. So, okay, go back to study πŸ™‚

    And everyone here – have a great day!

    • Total Posts: 161

    Because Facebook is not in China, I’m still a new facebooker. I’m so happy that I just found out if I don’t follow someone, their info will not be shown in the webpages πŸ™‚ That’s so cool! Unfollowed him and his family, feel relieved!!!
    I couldn’t help checking his page once tho… I promise I’ll not do that again before my NC ends!

    Have a great night (or day) everyone!

    • Total Posts: 142

    L.A – I agree with what the others have suggested. Wait a couple of days to let your emotions settle down before texting. It seems to me that the logical part of your mind is telling you going back to your ex is a mistake, but your emotions (because of your great past) is telling you to get back together to relieve what you had.

    Only you can decide what is best for you.

    • Total Posts: 109

    Steve and everyone else,

    Thank you.

    You are right. Exactly right. My gut tells me that going back will be a mistake. Just becuase it knows thing won’t be the same anymore. Not like how they use to be…and that saddens me

    I have a confession to make. I have a hard time letting go of things that make me happy. Lately I have felt like I’m not exactly sure who am I or where I’m going (career wise). This has caused me to miss her so much. But I can’t use this excuse to go back to her. She has changed and I have too. I have a hard time letting go. Letting go of the past. Of what we once had. I know that I can find someone else who I can be happy with. But now I just have to believe it.

    There is a reason why I didn’t feel love or attraction for that matter…when we spoke. And I will take this time to figure out why..

    • Total Posts: 161

    LA I’m happy that you got to think thoroughly. And all the luck with your career and love life!

    • Total Posts: 57

    Thank you for that, yeah it is kinda hard fighting my demons. I feel like i let them get in the way and sink into misery rather than being happy. Though there are times like you can be very happy and positive, it is really an emotional rollercoaster.

    Agree with everyone else has said to figure things out first. And I understand your situation wherein you don’t know where you’re going (career wise) been having the same problem. But I guess what we have to focus on is ourselves, maybe one reason we can’t figure things out really well because we are also chasing after someone, but I hope that you’ll be better and good luck on your career. May we have a good one.

    • Total Posts: 12

    hi, I’m new. hearts been broken recently.. i have a story but i posted it in the reconciliation forum, i don’t want to duplicate it. just a question, if i am on a no contact period but our annual anniversary and her birthday falls in the no contact what should i do

    • Total Posts: 191

    Greet her on her birthday but very plain and simple.

    What do you mean By annual anniversar? If its exclusive to the 2 of you. I think you shouldnt especially if you were dumped. Goodluck man! I hope you get her back!

    • Total Posts: 64

    Dear guys,

    So active you guys .. I even cried on the bus this morning . I miss him so bad. πŸ™
    But luckily I don’t wanna contact him yet. πŸ™‚

    Last night , I went to gym class for enquiry about gym course and took a look to trainer. I hope to get fat . I want to show him the NEW ME after NC.

    I hope all of you guys to be OK. Thank you all. All posts can help me alot.

    • Total Posts: 191

    Im glad that you are taking steps in improving yourself. Keep it up. I hope you get hm back. Goodluck khine. When it gwts tough you can always talk to us. I wish you the best.

    • Total Posts: 57

    Daniel’s right just greet her on her birthday.

    I feel you last night I also cried again because of missing my ex so bad. It’s good to hear that you are taking steps to improve yourself not just to get him back but for you as well. Could you share some tips on getting fat lol i also lose a lot of weight after my break up and now idk if i am even getting it back. Haha.

    • Total Posts: 64

    Dear Daniel,

    Thank you so much. I always need you guys. I hope so. But I’m so afraid him to be move on. πŸ™‚ . I know I can’t control anything now. The only one I can do now is to improve myself.

    I’m so tired to struggle in NC. I admit it.

    • Total Posts: 64

    Dear Athens ,

    Haha.. I don’t know very well to get fat. I also search in google. Always eat ! especially at night . πŸ˜€ . Doing gym is also nice. I even plan to drink Appeton Weight Gain . πŸ˜›

    • Total Posts: 12

    hi guys, thanks for the replies, i mean it’s our official anniversary. on the 1st of september but thanks. will just send a small happy birthday message

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