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  • #45053
    • Total Posts: 57


    Hey man. I felt the same way too when I heard that my ex is with his new man. I felt really sad about it, and all the things that had happened between us came running back once again. I still feel pain by the way she left me and not given another chance. Anyway I know that between me and her i have love her truly cause I see it now all too clearly. And btw I think we have been here the same time lol how time flies my break uo happened last May last year too.


    One of the tv shows i watched featured that hypnosis therapy. And i was actually interested in trying it. How was it helping you?

    • Total Posts: 77

    Hey guys! Long time not coming here!

    It’s been like 5 months since we broke up and last saw and spoke to each other and i still haven’t moved on. I mean, she is with someone else, i know that but I just still feel that I love her. I miss her. I miss talking to her and stuff.

    The other day i got contact with another girl but…no matter how hard i try i don’t feel attracted to anyone, I don’t find them attractive and it feels so weird. To make things worse i was with some friends 3 days ago and we got robbed and mugged and i have a huge black eye…and it’s in these times that i miss having her with me. I don’t even know how she could move on so easily and i wonder about that so much…

    • Total Posts: 56

    great to hear from you!! We are all mostly in the same boat, 6 months and havent moved on. Still, I am seeing this guy I just recently noticed in my gym, although he had already noticed me a long time ago as it turns to be. After many days talking and joking He surprise kissed me in the gym, and I started to tremble and cry, and I told him I was not ready, and I was not. As the days went the shock wore off, and then I decided that I had to give myself a chance. I asked him to see each other, we kind of dated a few times and now we see each other once a week, talk and text a lot, taking things slow. We are having a sweet and calm relationship but nothing formal or seriois yet, although he already pledged for exclusivity and I agreed,not that I can handle anyone else right now. The thing is that we are slowly feeling more and more comfortable with each other, nothing has been a struggle like with my ex. I dont want to dream but this may be the begining of something.

    My point with all this is that even though I still felt I loved my ex I decided he was not worth my wait and loyalty, and that I deserved to receive all the loving he has denied to me all this time, so I jumped with my shoes on and my eyes shut. Of course I am being careful, and the fact that I still have feelings for my ex helps me keep from falling head over heals. I did it as if I was taking the first step in the ladder of letting go,and I feel it is finally working. you should not force anything too hard, but if someone has opened to you, give them the chance, start as friends, go slowly feeling comfortable, and if you are lucky like me then you will start to see the sunshine again. In my country the say: “Un clavo saca a otro clavo”, lit. A nail drives out another nail,meaning that there are not really 50 ways to leave a lover, there is just one: get a new lover.

    • Total Posts: 56


    My psychologist is also a Reiki master, works with auras, and regressions. He trained with Dr. Brian Weiss. First he put me for 2 weeks in Rewind therapy, which consists in starying with the first dsy I met my ex, remember all the details of every single day, good and bad up to todays date, like All! Then, once I got to today, I would start backwards,from today to the day I met him. The first days were a nightmare, I was a total wreck emotionally, I relived all the pain and the suffering .But as the days went by, I started to feel better and better. The whole point of this is that you finally remeber the good and that the bad does not affect you anymore, so when you think or see yoir ex you can just see them lile someone else. And it worked. Last saturday I had a gig with our band, and I saw him, and I was totally cool, and calmed and had even more fun than him, if he had any. His arrogance did not break me at all, I even did not talk to him but for the work related stuff.

    After that the hipnosis per se consist in a directed state of altered consciousness were he makes you feel calmer, heñps upu start activating your pineal gland , the third eye, and the energy that flows from it once you dominate that is amazing, it has a great healing power,and you can actually see its light and color, and your mind starsy expanding in wonderful ways. This activatws the parapsychologic potential in your brain, and together with meditations and mantra chanting leaves you with an amazing control. I have some Japa beads, and I meditate on the mantra Hare ksna, hare krsna…ksna krsna, hare hare, hare rama, hare rama…rama rama, hare hare, and I dont even need sleeping pills anymore. You can meditate on any sound of your liking, canceling any sounds or images in your mind and replacing them with your mantra. And the best part? I feel and I see happy. I still break down sometimes when I hear our songs, or see old posts in FBK, but my tears are less and less frequent now and they dont leave me destroyed like before.

    • Total Posts: 18


    It’s only been 3 months, long story short I started NC a week after the break up and lasted 3 weeks before he reached out to me. It’s been a very crazy ride… When we were talking he was being sweet and everything but I said something to a friend of ours and he told him… Which caused us to go quiet… When he came back he kissed me a couple of times… Always wanting to and after the first time I said enough was enough because this wasn’t right. He has admitted to still loving me. I even asked him back but he said he was afraid he’d hurt me again and lose me forever. Well he ended up kissing my best friend… He told me I forgave… He kept texting but I was kinda cold because people said I should be.

    There’s a lot… But we talked on Thursday. I admitted to still wanting to make it work. I guess I should have trusted myself and gone to see him when we went into NC the first time… He said it was too late, that he’d been waiting for so long but now too much had happened. He said we can be friends or nothing at all. I don’t think its right to get an ultimatum. I said if he doesn’t love me anymore than that’s fine I’ll leave it at that. He said he still did and i see he does, but he said idk again. Should I go back to NC or what do I do? I’m not sure if this relates to this board… But idk I’m really struggling here.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Its not fair of him to give you such an ultimatum; if I was you I’d take the no nothing option.


    I am sorry, buddy. You seem to be having a tough time but hang in there…we will all get through this eventually!

    Occasionally I feel like crap, I have managed to pull my life together. I feel like I have evolved a lot since the break up and I have to still keep going…we may meet sometime in the next 3 months but not to rekindle.

    I need to armour myself up and prepare for the battle that is to come.

    • Total Posts: 18


    Well yeah I did that. I said I can’t make what’s not there be there. I can’t be your friend so you’ll just have to lose me.

    He texted me saying “really you can’t be a friend”. I just said idk at this point. He asked if I wanted to be left alone, but explained that he had never been my friend before and neither with his past ex, but he didn’t want her around like he wanted me.

    I’m too good of a friend and persons to lose, or Im too good for him, he’s not good enough for me, he’s not a good man…. is what he has said. Then he shouldn’t have done all that to me. I’m good for now, he hasn’t texted me and I took down my snap chat and Facebook app. No need for him or his friends to keep tabs on me.

    I do love him always will in some way, but I don’t need a person that didn’t respect me in the relationship or after to stick around. Three guy friends think he wants me as a friend so that… One by staying near him I keep a small attachment to him and two he can keep tabs on who I go with and where I go. At this point I’ve tried what I could and its just not to work.

    I’m here for anyone else just contact me here.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Well done, it is better to stand up for yourself than you fall for his demands.

    People are always looking for something, but they do not know what they are searching for.

    • Total Posts: 18


    It’s really hard… I know how toxic this relationship was for me. Me always doing things for him but he hardly doing things for me… Yet I still feel love for him, despite his betrayals. I do wake up thinking what if I hadn’t walked away maybe it would’ve worked but I also realize that it probably wouldn’t if it hadn’t already in the past year with him…

    Sucks truly that I broke up with him, but I did try to fix it again and again, so at this point it’s his problem to handle and not mine.

    • Total Posts: 77

    What’s up guys!!! All this time after…how have you been feeling?

    I really can’t say that I moved on 100%. Maybe 60-70% and I swear I’ve been trying but…

    • Total Posts: 18

    Hey guys…

    Hmm well this new guy, a very dear friend of mine, expressed his interest in me and we kinda got close but he doesn’t live here. My ex saw us Cuz we all went to a party… We didn’t do anything but he swore up n down we were doing things. I hadn’t even kissed the guy just hung out around him Cuz he’s my good friend. Anyways ex says we can’t be friends because a person that truly loved him wouldn’t do that to him Infront of him. (He’s kissed my one time good friend and cheated on me once) I just gave him an incredulous look and said that I had never down anything to him ever and he disappeared again not answering. ( he doesnt know how to respond ) he did touch my stomach and sat on me the second night idk why.

    Anyways friend goes back to PA and my ex is not talking to me until we all go to out w friends he’s there… He talks a little says it’s hard to talk to me when I’m mean. I’m not mean though ever. Anyways silence again. Then we have a small kick back he comes down. We end up talking all morning from 6-10 am.

    He says he’s so sorry and he misses me dearly and he shouldn’t have treated me the way he did. He says he prays every day that I find what I need and want. He still dreams about me. He even cried again and again. He asked for a real hug and I gave him one in which he pulled me into him and held me but I moved away unsure… He said I was never a person he could hate he just hated himself. He said I was the perfect person but it took until now to realize it. I think he sorta asked me back but I told him we wouldn’t work right now… Too much had happened but maybe in the future once we figured ourselves out (mostly him) we could see. He hugged me that way again and then held me because of my anxiety… He touched my face because I did cry a little. He said he was gonna continue to love me, even when I said he shouldn’t. He said he wanted to be near me anyway he could. and if I found another bf he woul be mad because he’d get me instead of him but he wouldn’t be rude to me. He’d respect it. He’s still talking to me. He says he’s changed because of me and I told him I hope it would help him in his next relationship… He got sad about that.

    Idk if I’ve done the right thing or not. Should I keep talking to him? I do still love him… But that doesn’t matter anymore because everyone around me says too much has happened and he isn’t a good guy to me or for me. Help please? This is running me crazy because I just don’t know what he wants or why he says some of these things.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Sorry for the late reply, I have pretty much moved on as well…Id say I have moved on about 80-90%. There are a few moments that I do think about her; also something interesting might arise in her life.


    Well you if you love him then take him back it doesnt matter what others say, its your life and you know him better.

    Hey everyone,

    My ex who had GIGs and broke up with me might now be getting GIGs again with her new bf. What is the most recommended thing to do?

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hey everyone,





    And everyone else I have been in contact with since my break up, soz if I have not included your username as I am a bit tipsy atm.

    My ex contacted me today giving me a fright of my life. She told me she has broken up with her bf she went out with after me and is now seeing someone else,

    • Total Posts: 46

    It’s been 3 weeks today with no contact.. I want to share my story and get your opinion.

    So…in a nutshell..Steven pursued me for 2 months before I agreed to meet him. Once we did, we hit it off..amazing chemistry..waited 2 weeks before becoming intimate but noticed he was a busy guy…always called, always texted BUT..when I called him out on his busyness, he admitted there were 4 other women he was involved with for a pretty long term 1-3 years! He ended up leaving them all for me and saw me exclusively for 2 weeks because he knew he would lose me…then one night he sounded suspicious and told me he was going to bed early..I felt like something was up and drove by his house. Sure enough there was a car in his driveway. I called him and texted him with no answer and then told him I’m coming by..and shortly after texted him and said “I guess you are too busy…wow!!! The next day he called and texted me all day and I did not respond. I finally did and he made up a lie.. I told him I’m not one of his retarded girls. Anyhow we broke up and he told me that I did something that no one has managed to do. I gave him what he had to go to 4 girls to get. I still wanted to be with him if he was willing to change but he said he didn’t think he could be the man I wanted him to be.

    Bottom line..he is a very weak man but I know he has it in him. He is scorned from his divorce 5 years ago and is talking about marriage one day then being a player the next. So I gave him what he wanted..I told him that i wasn’t willing to be part of his heirum and if this is what he wants..then ok. I left that night with a heavy heart…I know that during the 3 months we were together that I had fallen…I could be wrong but I think he did too. I did not contact him after that. A week later I decided to block and unfriend him from social media. He was devestated. He tried calling me and texted me really mad and I responded back after a few days very cold and he had few words for me too..that was 3 weeks ago. Last week I decided to take off the block because I felt it was harsh but didnt friend him or contact him.
    Today was fathers day and I held strong and didnt contact. This week is my bday and I hope I will hear from him.
    He also contacted a mutual girlfriend of mine last week to say hi but she said he didn’t mention me.
    My question is do you think a weak man can change for love and do you think he will contact me? He knows my position and I’m holding strong!

    • Total Posts: 77


    So, she had GIGs with you, is having GIGs again and is already going into someone else? To be honest, it seems she doesn’t know what she wants.

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