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  • #3099
    • Total Posts: 20

    Thank you for responding so fast. The thing is I know he’s trying to move on and I know that’s the reason he’s on NC too. Last time we talked,about 45 days ago, he said that there’s no way for us to get back cause he felt that everything is ruined cause of this pause and no one in my family will treat him life before. I know he still loves me but he has gotten so childish the last month before we broke up. Actually that was his new behavior that caused all the fights and arguments. He was nothing like the person I knew 10 years, during the last two months. So I know he’s trying to move on but I’m hoping he won’t be able to. Plus he keeps saying to everyone who tries to talk him out of his decision that he made the decision for my sake!!!!!!!
    How long do you think I should stay on NC before I contact him? And what should I say?

    • Total Posts: 191

    For as along as it takes for you to be stable. If after NC you get rejected. You should be okay with that. That is the main purpose of NC. Spend time making yourself happy and whole without your ex. Don’t just wait around because there is always the chance of losing him.

    • Total Posts: 109

    Hello guys,

    I’ve been reading the last comments and I’m happy to see that we can count on each other’s support when we are feeling down. Hang in there guys, be strong and don’t forget whatever the outcomes maybe after NC; time heals everything

    I sent my letter yesterday, she leave in the same town so I’m assuming she probably got it today if not tomorrow. I’m getting a little nervous of my letter I feel good about it but there’s always those after thoughts on how you could have improved it even more.

    I have to constantly remind myself that I am currently happy with where I am and if I had to stay this way id be fine with it. There are a couple job opportunities that are keeping my mind off things. It’s been helping a lot actually I hope I get an interview.

    That’s for the job I want but tomorrow I have one with a job I somewhat why lol. However, there are still times where I wonder if she already got it today and has already read it..I’m thinking of texting her Friday or Saturday..probably Saturday though.

    Just wanted to share with you guys what’s been on my mind.

    • Total Posts: 109

    *somewhat want

    • Total Posts: 191

    LA, if she didnt reply to your letter. I suggest Wait for atleast a week or two before texting her. Texting her too soon might make her think that you are trying to get back with her.

    • Total Posts: 57

    We’re in the same country! Lol

    Anyway I think I’m okay now its just sometimes I get the feeling of missing my ex and it makes me sad but I’m done crying about it. And now it just bothers me because for the past few days she always appear in my dreams or see her there even when its just a nap. Idk why it does happen, then when i wake up I get to miss her again. But overall I can say I’m okay now and the hurt that I’m feeling is not that painful anymore. I’m just not ready to meet or bump into her by accident I don’t think I could even do it yet.

    • Total Posts: 191

    Really bro? We better band up with Raed and find chics together! Haha

    • Total Posts: 64

    Ha ha .. !! U guys really give me strength !!
    Dara, a.z , please kindly let me talk.

    I’m in my 1 month NC. Not even full up 1 month. over 3 weeks. Some parts of me miss him deadly, some parts of me think it would be better if we never get back again. But Love him so much. Of course we had been together for over 3 years. I wanna know how could he move so fast as he is in new relationship two days after breaking up with me. After 2 months of begging him so bad to come back , I caught them in a hotel room with naked.. How bad !! I hate that night .!! CAN YOU FEEL HOW HARD TO STAY BY KNOWING THAT HE IS STAYING IN HOTEL ROOM WITH OTHER GIRL FOR A NIGHT ? but during my NC, he keep calling me like twice a week.

    Everyday I think about him, I imagine him as he is so happy with his new gf.

    However, I miss him every minute of a day. I don’t lie. I struggle my everyday of NC hardly. But reading Kevin’s advice and sharing with u guys really ease me.

    • Total Posts: 57


    I’m not really “bro” but its okay. Haha. Yeah that would be nice if we ever got the chance to meet up. Lol

    I have read your post and its a good thing that you deactivated your fb. If you want to use it again you can filter the newsfeed so that you won’t see any posts from his friend or from him or you can just simply unfriend/block them, its for your own good and dont feel bad about it. Now, as for the current situation maybe its a rebound or he’s just fooling around with this girl. All you have to do is improve yourself since you admitted that you’ve been acting needy and desperate to him. And i feel that you are emotionally unstable rn. And try as much as possible not to think about him. If ever you start thinking about him try to divert it to other things or keep yourself busy and surround yourself with your friends it will help you a lot. I dont if I have helped you in any way but I know we all can make it through this. So just positive and help yourself as well.

    • Total Posts: 191

    Why? Are you a girl?!

    • Total Posts: 57


    Correctomundo! Haha

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Hi Khine,

    It’s good that you have two different feelings about him now. I believe that as you extend this NC maybe 2,3 or even 4 months, the part that does not want him back will eventually become the dominating part!

    For now, I suggest you to continue NC and try some dates. I believe dating will satisfy the part of you that want some revenge, if any and it will help you regain your confidence again!

    Best of luck!

    • Total Posts: 191

    Oh sorry! Haha! As a fellow countrymen. I assure you that you can count on this site. It helped me alot in my post breakup. Idk your whole story but we are here to support you. Goodluck! I hope you get him back! 🙂

    • Total Posts: 57


    You got it wrong again its a “her” and i don’t know if i still want her back. Yeah i know this site is really amazing and all the people who responds and help the others with their situation and I am lucky to have come across this site. You can see my story on my profile. A.z have helped me too so yeah thank you.

    • Total Posts: 161

    Day 5 NC for me.

    Got a little bit emotional this morning. Couldn’t help thinking about him and kept watching the daily video he has sent me. Yeah there was a sign. He smiled less and he looked exhausted. Miss him so much ans I really hope I can get back with him.

    Trying my best to better myself.

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