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  • #30372
    • Total Posts: 47

    The only thing I am thinking is what if he has no idea he needs to pay this bill and his power gets shut off? Then he would blame me for not telling him. He is my best friend even with all this other terrible stuff that happened and the way he has treated me. I just don’t want him to be angry with me for not telling him…

    • Total Posts: 151

    @knitterz He is an adult, and he should know he has to pay his bills, that’s a given. It wouldn’t be your fault if his power gets shut off and he has no right to be angry with you for not paying his own bills. If it is bothering you that much and you want to tell him, then do so, but don’t expect anything out of it.

    • Total Posts: 77

    @Nell yeah, I’ll probably will change something. I don’t really feel like writing to her right now. I just feel hurt like hell with her and I’m afraid of her reaction too if I say something.

    • Total Posts: 47

    @Nell you are right, I just feel bad about it because it came to this address where he doesn’t have access to it, but that shouldn’t matter. He can figure it out in his own time.

    • Total Posts: 151

    @archola That’s totally understandable. Take your time with it.

    Could you mail it to him? That way you wouldn’t break contact or have to deal with the new gf, but maybe feel better about the situation?

    • Total Posts: 47

    @Nell I’m not supposed to know his new address. I only do because its online on an old bill we had together, so if I mailed him anything it would probably be worse than just texting him. I’m just going to leave it I guess unless I get another bill, meaning he didn’t change his address. If I don’t get one then it will be his problem, since he would have changed his address and received the bill there.

    • Total Posts: 32


    Thank you. You are a cyber Angel to me haha! 🙂 I hope you’re doing well, you deserve to be. Your well articulated comments and kind words really are a help to a lot of people on here I can tell and I bet you are an amazing friend. From chatting and seeing your comments on here, your ex certainly doesnt deserve someone like you.

    You are probably right as well. A lot of people I speak to seem to think she is rushing into things and doesnt really know what she wants.
    I went on a long run last night to clear my head and a mixture of that and your comments have helped the way I am feeling now. I feel ready to really move on and try to block her and the memories from my mind and get back to being happy and living a happy life again as life is too short for this and its the future that counts now and I am positive it will all work out for the best.
    Thanks again and all the best.

    • Total Posts: 303


    ^I read that post everyday. Gives me a sense of hope. Some hope is good to have whilst I work on moving on.
    A confession: I was never a perfect boyfriend to my ex I did have my flaws. I did however wanted to be perfect to her. A few problems I had was caused by insecurities; as I matured in the relationship these problems decreased but she still remembered them.

    • Total Posts: 32


    Thanks mate. I appreciate the link and it definately helped. I will hold on to the hope but also get on with my life and realise its only me who can make me happy, not a relationship and not my ex.

    At least I will learn from this experience if nothing else. I will learn to never take things for granted and never get too comfortable in the future because that is what ultimately led someone who unconditionally loved me for a time, become unattracted to me and I realise it was my fault that led to pushing her away, but hey, I feel there is nothing I can do about it now and I will leave it. I have sent one last goodbye txt thanking her for the memories and experiences and saying life is too short to hold grudges so wishing her all the best and I will now go on NC indefinately.

    Thanks again

    • Total Posts: 151

    @knitterz Well, in that case, sounds like it’s best not to do anything. Don’t stress about it, it’ll work out. My ex and I went through similar things, he was very immature and I constantly had to remind him to do things and take care of his responsibilities. I know that can cause some stress or feelings that you have to be the one to handle things. Part of it is letting go and part of it is trusting that they can take care of themselves.

    A cyber angel? Haha, thanks I’ll take it! I’m glad to be of any help and I really do wish you the best. Even though our situations are different, we’re all going through it right now. Thank you so much for your kind words and good luck with everything. 🙂

    Thank you for posting that. It was an interesting read and helpful to see the other side, to get a different perspective of a breakup. I admire that the OP posted their honest thoughts on the matter too. I saved the link, so I can go back to it. I love that they call grass is greener syndrome “gigs.”

    • Total Posts: 197

    Interesting read. I’m starting to wonder if I was my ex’s rebound? Haha. Remember she ended a two year relationship I believe 3 months before we met. She claims it ended because he wanted kids and she didn’t/realized she didn’t want his kids.

    Am I the rebound?? Lol. Though I remember when she told me why she left she asked if I wanted kids and then proceeded to say I could see having your kids. So who knows. Hard to tell what true love is anymore the more you read about rebounds etc

    Btw people say don’t make contact with an ex until you’re mentally ready, I think my problem is I’m too confident and feel I could turn things around quick but then I get met with my exes defenses to it my carefree/casual approach. So it’s a no win situation.

    • Total Posts: 47

    I’m so conflicted today. Part of me misses the crap out of him and desperately wants him to text or call or email or something. The other part of me hates him so freaking much it makes me want to make him hurt to. Yet another part of me feels a bit dead inside.

    I’m sitting here in a fast food parking lot crying and it’s ridiculous. I know I treated him really really bad for a long time and he doesn’t trust me still. I know he is totally fine to date other people and it kind of makes me feel good he is the kind of man who really listens to what his girlfriend wants ie ignoring me.

    On the other hand he had tears in his eyes just a month or so ago saying he couldn’t imagine not being friends and would be heartbroken to completely lose me. Now he is silent doesn’t even try anything to get in contact with me or give me any sign that he misses me. Tomorrow is our anniversary and I am hurting really bad.

    I don’t even know what to do. I got another bill today so I sent him a really quick and cold message on Facebook about it then blocked him. I now have his texts call emails and Facebook blocked and it hurts that he probably doesn’t notice or care. I can go into a folder to see if I have any blocked texts and nothing is there. It hurts and I just don’t know how to feel.

    Should I keep up NC forever, try to contact him again in a month, do something sweet for him tomorrow even after everything since it’s our anniversary and one of the reasons we broke up was that he didn’t think I treated him right. Actually that was the reason.

    Did I mess everything up so bad that it’s in fixable forever and I just have to accept he doesn’t feel anything for me? Or do I take what few and small hopes I have been given the past month that he still sort of cares and hold on? Do I remember his last rebound he ignored me a lot, not as much but a lot and remember he said he thought about me and us every single day and think it’s all going to be ok?

    Ugh sorry for the long post, I’m just really hurting. It’s been five months of breakup and 3 days NC and I feel all these intense emotions inside me that are being fueled by his silence. And probably because our anniversary is tomorrow.

    Part of me wants to leave a rose with a sweet note on his doorstep tomorrow like he did for me last year. Part of me wants to send a really short text tomorrow with our inside joke thing to be a bliss reminder. Part of me thinks it’s way too late for bliss reminders as he doesn’t care anymore. Ugh ok I won’t post anymore in this long rant sorry everyone. I hope everyone is doing good today!

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hey everyone,

    Just want an opinion with something.

    My ex and her new bf do not see each other as much as they use to. Does this mean that their relationship is working out now?

    • Total Posts: 33

    Does anyone have any success stories from doing NC?? I understand that you need to give each other space and increase the chances of your ex missing you but it seems like everybody on here has the same problem but I never hear of a positive outcome. The only time I hear of a “happy” ending on here is if someone hasn’t contacted their ex for months and they just get over them…

    • Total Posts: 151

    @confusedbutok Do you feel like there were other aspects to your relationship that fit with a rebound? My initial reaction isn’t to think that you were. Did things progress really quickly with her?

    How are you feeling today? I’m sorry yesterday was so rough, I hope you’re feeling better. Ugh, that’s rough that the anniversary is falling so early during NC. I’d recommend not doing anything and keeping to your NC. As far as all of your questions, you’ll figure those out during NC. Once some of the emotions subside and you have time to think, things will become more clear and you’ll know what you want to do. Hang in there, it really does get better.

    I don’t know if we can really figure anything out based on that alone. Maybe if you start to notice a pattern of them spending less and less time together, then it might indicate something’s up.

    Check out the Reconciliation board, I’ve seen a few success stories pop up over the past few weeks.

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